Friday, February 19, 2021

Thick skin

 I'm always preaching that artists need to have thick skins... 

Dear Florencio,

 Thank you for applying for an Independent Artist Award (IAA) from the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC). Unfortunately, panelists did not recommend your submitted work for an IAA this year. Please know that this decision in no way diminishes the fact that MSAC values the work of every artist in our state and honors your contributions to improving the quality of life for all Marylanders. A list of the 2021 MSAC IAA Panelists as well as a complete list of artists selected for 2021 awards will be posted on the MSAC website,, by May 15, 2021.

Information about MSAC’s regular grants and programs - including Creativity Grants that support independent artist’s projects and Professional Development Grants that support learning opportunities for artists - can be found at Additionally, MSAC offers an array of online offerings, including professional development topics, which can be found on

We also look forward to launching our new website in the coming weeks, and invite you to create or update your Artist Registry profile so MSAC can showcase and promote your work for sale. Please keep an eye out for instructions to update your profile soon. To stay connected with the latest Maryland arts events, opportunities, and news, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @mdartscouncil.

Thank you again for participating in this year’s program, and we encourage you to apply again in the future. Should you have any questions, please connect with Program Directors, Emily Sollenberger or Laura Weiss for further information.

Thank you,

Maryland State Arts Council

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Patria y Vida

Titled "Patria y Vida", this video is incredible! Why? Because it comes out of Cuba and it is Black Cubans taking the lead in the start of a new Revolution to get rid of the Marxist yoke!

Monday, February 15, 2021

They're coming!!!

Anderson with cicadas

The 17-year-cycle of cicada invaders is coming! That's Anderso when he was around 4 playing with a couple of the giant bugs!

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Nolan Ryan

Nolan Ryan - 1979 pen and ink drawi g by F. Lennox Campello done while at art school
Nolan Ryan
1979 pen and ink drawi g by F. Lennox Campello done whila at art school


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Roger Clemens

Roger Clemens - 1984 litho by F. Lennox Campello
Roger Clemens
1984 litho by F. Lennox Campello


Friday, February 12, 2021

Dan Marino

Dan Marino - 1983 litho by F. Lennox Campello
Dan Marino
1983 litho by F. Lennox Campello


Thursday, February 11, 2021

Tom Suever


Tom Suever, 1980 litho by F. Lennox Campello done while at art school
Tom Suever
1980 lithographh by F. Lennox Campello done while at art school