Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Cicada Nation

Cicada meme


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Cicada Nation


Cicada meme

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Cicada Invasion has begun!

 The 2021 Brood X invasion has begun!

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

2021 Brood X Cicacas emerging in Potomac, Maryland

Thursday, May 13, 2021

More prep sketches


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Preparatory sketch


Preparatory sketch for SLEEP IS THE COUSIN OF DEATH

Preparatory sketch for SLEEP IS THE COUSIN OF DEATH

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Sleep is the cousin of Death - prep sketch

Prep sketch for Sleep is the cousin of death
Prep sketch for Sleep is the cousin of death


Thursday, May 06, 2021

East City Art launches their Artist Directory!

After six months of development, the East City Art team has just finished the ECA Artist Directory which provides an alternative to WPA's soon to be discontinued art file. 

As one of the requestors, the directory was created at the request of many artists who wished to see it continue.

Here is the link - CLICK HERE.

ECA soft launched it last week and it officially went public Friday, April 30. Here are some of the Directory's features:

- Self-serve with a user-friendly interface. Artists can link to their payment processor and ECA never takes a commission

- Artists can post their artist statement, CV, website, social media, coming exhibitions

- This is tied to ECA and function as a classifieds section of ECA, benefiting from ECA's traffic

- The new ECA site is scheduled to launch May 24 and will have a cleaner plug-in to the directory

- Speaking of traffic, the directory will be fine-tuned for SEO. Online and social media ads will feature Directory. They are also planning systematic promotions and communications to ensure continued Directory interest.

- The cost is $120 per year.   

ECA is a jewel of the DMV art scene - let's now support it!