Saturday, October 09, 2021

One bored and one in love


A Woman in Love with Superheroes - 2021 by Campello
A Woman in Love with Superheroes
16x20 inches - Original painting with embedded electronic component
2021 by F. Lennox Campello

A Woman in Love with Superheroes - 2021 by Campello

A Woman in Love with Superheroes - 2021 by Campello

But this lady is bored by them...

A Woman Bored by Superheroes - 2021 by Campello
A Woman Bored by Superheroes
16x20 inches - Original painting with embedded electronic component

2021 by F. Lennox Campello

A Woman Bored by Superheroes - 2021 by Campello

A Woman Bored by Superheroes - 2021 by Campello

A Woman Bored by Superheroes - 2021 by Campello

Saturday, October 02, 2021

Second Annual Chevy Chase Art Fair

 Just back from strolling on this gorgeous day through the Second Annual Chevy Chase Art Fair, a smallish, but very nice outdoor art fair currently though Sunday at the small walking square in front of Bloomingdales at the corner of Wisconsin and Bradley in Chevy Chase. 

Details here.

I walked the fair, as there's a lot of nature photography, paintings, some very cool glass and some fabric artists.

Best in show?

An elegant photograph by Santa Cruz photographer Andrew Butler titled "Watchful Eye", which is not only superbly textured by being presented in a very interesting and fitting form, floated in an antique and equally textured window frame, but also a photo with a wide range of inherent textures itself - go see what I mean tomorrow!

Watchful Eye by Andrew Butler
Watchful Eye by Andrew Butler

You can contact the photographer here - and go see the show! Outdoors and free and on tomorrow until 5PM.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

New Bisque pieces for New York

New works on reclaimed, broken Bisque done for the Affordable Art Fair 2021 (Fall) in New York City...


Monday, September 20, 2021


 I keep drawing this guy...

Who is this demonic Asmodeus? (part of my "Fallen Angels" series)

Asmodeus - Al Gore's Internet keeps telling me - is one of the “seven princes of hell." This fucker is a demon whose awful and awesome and nasty wickedness is matched only by his intelligence, power and ability to react. He specializes in spreading lust - or wantonness... and he reaches into all kinds of peopleses... not just ordinary folks, but even divine beings!

Lust is a powerful thing!

Saturday, September 18, 2021

A Woman being absorbed

A Woman Being Absorbed by Abstraction by F. Lennox Campello 2021
 Woman Being Absorbed by Abstraction by F. Lennox Campello
Mixed Media with Embedded Electronics circa 2021
16x20 inches


Sunday, September 12, 2021

Another Navy cartoon

As some of you know, I used to do a lot of cartoons while I was in the Navy... some were published in base newspapers,  Navy magazines,  Stars & Stripes, etc. I gave most of them away over the years... here's another one of the fabled Seaman Schmuckatelli.

Seaman Schmuckatelli Discovers Ouzo - A 1980s Navy cartoon by Lenny Campello
Seaman Schmuckatelli Discovers Ouzo
A 1983 Navy cartoon by Lenny Campello

Thursday, September 09, 2021

Navy cartoon

 As some of you know, I used to do a lot of cartoons while I was in the Navy... some were published in base newspapers,  Navy magazines,  Stars & Stripes, etc. I gave most of them away over the years... 

Sailors at the liberty line - a Navy cartoon from the 1980s by Lenny Campello
Sailors at the liberty line
Navy cartoon from 1984 by Lenny Campello