Sunday, February 13, 2022



OPHELIA - 2022 Charcoal & Conte on Unfired Bisque - by F. Lennox Campello
2022 Charcoal & Conte on Unfired Bisque - by F. Lennox Campello

OPHELIA - 2022 Charcoal & Conte on Unfired Bisque - by F. Lennox Campello

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Forest Creature

Forest Creature - 2022 Charcoal & Conte on Unfired Bisque - by F. Lennox Campello
Forest Creature
2022 Charcoal & Conte on Unfired Bisque - by F. Lennox Campello

Forest Creature - 2022 Charcoal & Conte on Unfired Bisque - by F. Lennox Campello


Friday, February 11, 2022


Holy Smoke! I've been rejected from many art things in my life - but NEVER from an outdoor art show! 


And I was even once the juror for this show! And over the years I've won a few prizes at this festival! And that is why artists need to have a THICK skin! And we move on and apply next year...

On the good news side, I've just found out that the Phoenix Art Museum has just acquired one of my pieces for their permanent collection! BOOM!

Dear F. Lennox,

Thank you for applying to the 31st annual Tephra Institute of Contemporary Art Festival, formerly the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Festival.

The highly competitive pool of applications was individually evaluated by three independent jurors and selections were made based on their reviews. Unfortunately, your application of works was not selected for display at the Festival this year. We encourage you to apply again next year when we have a new panel of qualified professional jurors whose perceptions may vary. As a 2022 Festival applicant, you will automatically receive notification regarding the 2023 Festival application in the fall.

We sincerely appreciate your support and interest in the Festival, and we wish you much success in all your artistic endeavors.


Jaynelle Hazard                                                  Hannah Barco

Executive Director and Curator                           Associate Curator and Festival Director

Why do artists need a resume?

 Let me tell you why!

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Register for DC Arts Commission Grants Workshops and Live Chats

 From the DC Commision:

Learn more about our current funding opportunities through our upcoming workshops and live chats. We strongly encourage all applicants, especial first-timers, to join any that are relevant to opportunities you're considering applying for.
FY23 General Operating Support (GOS) Workshop
4pm ET, Wednesday, February 16
FY22/23 Grants Live Chat
2:30pm ET, Friday, February 11
FY22 Color the Curb-School Safety Program
12:30pm ET, Tuesday, February 15
FY22/23 Grants Live Chat
2:30 pm ET, Friday, February 18
You can find out about additional workshops and live chats on our website.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

How NOT to sign artwork


Call to Artists: Submit Artwork for WPA Collectors’ Night 2022

WPA invites artwork submissions for Collectors' Night 2022, their annual benefit auction, which will be held online on Artsy for two weeks in June and will kick off with an event and preview exhibition in DC. The auction’s theme this year—Your Presence is the Best Art—is inspired by the artist James Lee Byars (1932–1997) and celebrates our return to gathering together.

Artworks can be submitted online via this link here. The deadline is Sunday, February 27 at 11:59 pm EST.

Before applying, please review the eligibility & selection requirements carefully. WPA will split sale proceeds with artists 50-50. 

There is no submission fee.