Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Another beautiful voice: Melissa Harris-Perry

By now you know the story of my obsessions with interesting voices heard over the airwaves, and for many years I have written about the strange seductive power of a distinct radio voice, where one has no idea of the physical attributes of the speaker.  

In this post I've wondered about "the most beautiful voice on the planet", one that I would bet belongs to somewhat tall (a voice like that needs an appropriate vehicle) and I just know that she has a long, elegant neck. Not as long as Parmigianino's Madonna dal Collo Lungo (Madonna with Long Neck), but she'd make a perfect model for a contemporary interpretation of that Mannerist masterpiece. It takes a breath-taking neck like that to deliver the melody that is her voice.

I've also mentioned another interesting voice in the air is that of WMAL's Maria Leaf and discussed the strangely-patterned diction of Michael Barbaro, who is an American journalist and the host of The New York Times news podcast, The Daily.

I have also lamented and discussed the uniquely young American female phenomenon of "vocal fry." Young women, that is, until Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's spectacularly annoying voice made its debut during the attempted lynching of now Justice Kavanaugh.

WAMU's Lauren Ober and Lauren Landau's radio voices  have also been commented upon, and most recently I discussed the voices and laughter of these two Commies sprouting Russian propaganda over Radio Sputnik.

For the last year or so, I have been entertained by the creamy and elegant voice of Melissa Harris-Perry in NPR's The Takeaway show.

Harris-Perry's voice flows and flows as if it was an actual part of the radio frequency itself - not just being carried by it.  It caresses the airwaves as it modulates them, rather than permit the physics of RF to modulate it. Do not make the mistake to assume that it is just that... it is also a firm, strong voice, worthy of a Middle School principal.

Harris-Perry also has the almost magical gift of being able to transform any subject that she focuses upon on upon race - A.N.Y. S.U.B.J.E.C.T!!!!

This is an impressive gift which makes her program addictive not only to learn about justifiable racial issues which deserve attention and air time, but also to learn from a master magician as she focuses any subject on the planet towards the inequities of race.  I bet that if someone asked MHP to discuss solar flares we'd all end up learning something related to racial inequities caused by our dying star.

If I had one topic for Ms. Harris-Perry to explore, would be for her "out" the blatant racism of Ernesto Guevara de La Serna Lynch, better known to the world as "Che", and whose iconic image adorns trillions of T-Shirts worn by clueless people (including people of color), ignorant that they are wearing the visage of a poisonous racist.

T-Shirt God - The real racist Che Guevera
This is Che
2012 F. Lennox Campello

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Wanna draw from the live model?

HYATTSVILLE FIGURE DRAWING GROUP - Wednesday, April 20, 6-9pm.

Model: Gazelle

*please wear a mask in Pyramid Atlantic

*model will be wearing a mask

Are you looking for an opportunity to sharpen your figure drawing skills?

Join Hyattsville Figure Drawing Group for drop-in weekly life drawing sessions:

Our professional nude models take classically inspired poses, but sometimes will pose in artistic, inspirational costumes for challenging drapery and texture study.

Each session begins with five 5-minute warm-up poses and a single long pose is featured for the remainder of the session.

Bring your own supplies and join us in the upstairs Helen Frederick Gallery at Pyramid Atlantic. We supply drawing boards and chairs--- if you want to bring your own portable easel, please do. 

All skill levels welcome!


Pyramid Atlantic Art Center*

4318 Gallatin Street, Hyattsville, MD 20781

Free parking in rear of building

Enter through front doors on Gallatin Street

When: Wednesdays, 6-9pm


$20/session or

$75/5-session punch card or

$15/session for Pyramid Atlantic members (proof required)

More Info:

Monday, April 18, 2022

Advice for beginning collectors

It has also been my experience, that the more affluent a “beginning collector” is, the higher the probability that he/she will get swindled into spending a lot of money for wall décor and fancy frames. Since most of us are not affluent, the high end of the commodified art market is not where I’m focusing this column.

Read the whole article here.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Wanna learn about being an artist?

Art Clinic Online - Saturday, May 28 from 10:30 -11:30am

Join me at the Art Clinic Online for a discussion and Q&A about nearly everything you wanted to know about being an artist, garnts, resume-building, approaching galleries, etc.

About Art Clinic Online (ACO)

The Art Clinic Online community aims to create a friendly artsy environment and bring together artists who may have taken classes with us before or who are contemplating it and want to learn from one another in an online community-based setting. As such, they are not didactic sessions but a forum for the equal exchange of art ideas and art information as well as an opportunity to share art challenges and breakthroughs. The Stone Tower resident artists created the ACO after hearing the need for such a forum expressed by many of their students. If you are interested in joining, click the button below and email Mariana to join! Yes, it's still FREE.

Location: Glen Echo.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Trawick Prize Deadline is April 25

The annual Trawick Prize: Bethesda Contemporary Art Awards is seeking artists creating work in all media! The top eight finalists will be featured in an exhibition in September 2022, and $14,000 in prize monies will be awarded to the winning artists.

The Trawick Prize deadline is Monday, April 25, 2022.

Details here.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Picasso Discovered in Maine Closet After 50 Years!

 A New England homeowner "received a shock recently when they rediscovered a rare Pablo Picasso work in their relative’s Maine home. The framed, 16- by 16-inch piece of paper, inscribed at the bottom right with the artist’s signature, had sat in a closet for 50 years..."

Read the story here.

Applications Now Open For Affordable Art Fair NYC Fall 2022

The Affordable Art Fair creates fun and inspiring events where people fall in love with art and thousands of artworks find happy homes. 

Founded in 1999 by Will Ramsay in London, it has grown to be one of the world’s leading and most popular contemporary art fairs, with editions in cities including Amsterdam, Brussels, Hamburg, Hong Kong, London, Melbourne, New York, Singapore, Stockholm and Sydney.

Since 2002, Affordable Art Fair has been a must-attend event on the New York art and social calendar and this Spring they welcomed over 11,000 visitors to kick off their 20th anniversary in NYC.  In one form or another, I have been participating since 2005 and have always done well.

When galleries ask for my recommendation on how to get started in the art fair circuit my answer has been the same for decades: Do the AAFNYC.

The deadline to apply for the NYC Fall 2022 edition is Wednesday, June 15, 2022. Applications will be facilitated through the Affordable Art Fair’s Exhibitor Portal and you may click here to login or register for an account.