Monday, August 08, 2022

Toxic seeds

I hope that the future can handle the seeds planted by the Justice Department in Mar-a-Lago today.

Sunday, August 07, 2022

Paid opportunity for artists: revising the Independent Artist Award program

Paid opportunity for artists: revising the Independent Artist Award program.

Deadline: Friday, November 11, 2022

This fall, MSAC is facilitating a public-led revision of the Independent Artist Award (IAA) program, which has recognized achievement by Maryland artists making work independent of institutions or organizations. This revision effort is based on data collected since 2020 from applicants, panelists, and award winners, who have made suggestions on how to improve the IAA program’s service to the public. The next step of this process is to identify a panel of editors who will work with MSAC staff to further refine the suggestions into clear policy recommendations, which will be carefully considered as MSAC further develops the IAA program.

Consider completing an application to serve as an editor in this process. All selected editors will be expected to:

  • Become familiar with previously collected data and current MSAC efforts to support artists through the IAA program.
  • Work with MSAC staff to consider how to improve the service of the IAA program to Maryland artists in light of other MSAC opportunities, including the Grants for Artists program, set to pilot in winter 2023.
  • Participate in at least two virtual meetings discussing the above issues and developing procedure and policy recommendations for further consideration by MSAC staff, council, and Department of Commerce leadership.

What they are looking for:

Maryland artists with backgrounds in a variety of disciplines (e.g., literary, performing, visual, media, and traditional arts, etc.), or who are interested in learning how changes are considered and implemented within MSAC.

IAA winners, applicants, and panelists from the past three years are strongly encouraged to apply.

How to apply:

Click here to log in or create a free account in SmartSimple. You must be registered as an “Independent Artist” to apply to be an editor. 

Under Funding Opportunities, select "Public Call."

Select "Program Editor" from the first drop down option. 

Select “Independent Artist Awards” as the Grant Program from the second drop down option.

Click "Save Draft" at the bottom to populate the application.

Complete the application and click “Submit.”

Editors will receive a minimum of $400 upon completion of assigned tasks, with the possibility of additional compensation if more than two virtual meetings are needed.

Saturday, August 06, 2022

This morning: Art Clinic Online

On Saturday, August 6, 10:30 - 11:30am, the ACO hosts DC Digital Printer, Ric Garcia

Art Clinic Online

ZOOM Link:

I'm  happy to announce that today's Art Clinic Online meeting is with artist Ric Garcia. 

Ric is a painter and digital printmaker with work that builds on the tradition of pop art and is infused with references to various cultures in America. These references are "a meditation about identity rather than a cultural primer." Ric’s perennial favorite is Latino culture and its consumer branded products.  

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Art Clinic Online: Ric Garcia

On Saturday, August 6, 10:30 - 11:30am, the ACO hosts DC Digital Printer, Ric Garcia

Art Clinic Online

ZOOM Link:

I'm  happy to announce that the next Art Clinic Online meeting is August 6 with artist Ric Garcia

Ric is a painter and digital printmaker with work that builds on the tradition of pop art and is infused with references to various cultures in America. These references are "a meditation about identity rather than a cultural primer." Ric’s perennial favorite is Latino culture and its consumer branded products.  

On Saturday, August 6th, 2022, we will welcome Ric Garcia, a well known artist whose work you may have seen in the past, either at the Stone Tower Gallery, and Popcorn gallery, among other locations. Some of his work can also be seen on his website at He will tell us about his process of making art and about his career and what inspires him. And there will be time for Q & A so it should be fun! Join us!

A little more about Ric here.

Ric Garcia works and exhibits in the DC metro area. He is a painter and digital printmaker. His work builds on the traditions of pop art and is infused with references to various cultures in America. These references are a meditation about identity rather than a cultural primer. Garcia’s perennial favorite is Latino culture and its consumer branded products.

Garcia thinks of his depictions of these everyday products as still lives, commenting that “ultimately the work is less about representing the product and more about eliciting emotional reactions, introspective questions and celebrating Latino culture.” The cans and packages in his work are based on real products, but the slogans and illustrations on the labels are re-imagined in ways that express and comment on his bi-cultural experiences as a Cuban-American.

His art and work process has been featured in online articles at Artists & Makers Studios and East City Arts. Garcia’s art is in many private and public collections. Most recently his work has been added to the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities Art Bank collection and the Arts and Cultural Heritage Division of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Prince George’s County, Maryland collection

We look forward to hosting everyone on August 6th and beyond! We have a nice line up of upcoming interviews and topic discussions in the next ACO meetings this month and next. After Ric, Jordan and I will conduct a discussion on papers and substrates for drawing with all kinds of tools. More information on this to come. 

And if you can, don’t forget that the ACO needs your help with donations (small or big ones are all welcome, any amount you can spare) so we can pay a small honorarium to professionals whom we invite for interviews and/or demonstrations. Many thanks in advance for your kindness and generosity!

On Saturday, August 6th, at 10:30am


Monday, August 01, 2022

Cuban Food?

Cuban food meme


Friday, July 29, 2022

Alberto Gaitán

I am sad to pass that my good friend Alberto Gaitán has moved on... here he is with Victoria F. Gaitán at the book party for my 2011 book hosted by Leigh Conner at her iconic gallery. 

Photo by the talented Rebecca D'Angelo.

 Alberto leaves a gigantic artistic footprint behind... more later.

When Che Guevara almost got me whooped!

Read this cool 2011 piece by Maura Judkis on how an irate Cuban once threatened to kick my butt in Miami during Art Basel week - by the way, that piece is now in the permanent collection of the University of Oregon!

Read it here.