Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Born to do this job

I am fascinated by this amazing lady, who is the ASL person always in the TV inset whenever Governor DeSantis briefs on TV about the hurricane recovery efforts in Eff -L-A.

This human being was born for this job! I am in love with the size of her hands and the energy and gusto that she brings to this important job!

Talking about born to do a job, I am told by a friend who works in the Supreme Court that Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, on her first case a couple of days ago managed to piss off both the Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts and Justice Kagan, as Brown Jackson repeatedly interrupted Kagan and others, apparently a faux pas in Supreme Courtin' - at one point Roberts passed her a note, which I hope the Smithsonian gets to keep one day.  What did the note say? Probably: "Please stop interrupting."

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Rapture in a Dark Church

Tacoma Little Theatre's 'Off The Shelf' Presents a Reading of AMONG MANY WORLDS and my daughter Elise Campello is in it!


Book by Deanna Martinez - Music by Daniel J. F. Wolfert - Lyrics by Daniel J. R. Wolfert and Deanna Martine

Featuring: Arron Rorick Clark, Andreya Pro, Elise Campello, Richard Cubi Diaz, Chandler Thomas, Ariona Thompson & Keoni Dilay

Directed by Deanna Martinez

When Tabitha invites Amy to her youth group's overnight lock-in, skeptical Amy takes a chance on it. Instead of the clean, Christian fun she expected, Amy is met with an overzealous youth group leader and an adrenaline fueled game where she has the honor of playing the antichrist herself. Over one night and a groovy score with retro, Christian rock inspirations, Amy and the youth group will question what exactly being a good Christian kid means.

Monday, October 03, 2022

Wanna go to an opening this Thursday?

The Nomadic House Project • Cloud(s) 

An in situ installation by the Icebox Collective on view at the front garden of the Mexican Cultural Institute in Washington DC through the end of November.  Please see attached for details.

Cloud(s) is the new version of The Nomadic House Project dedicated to immigrants at the US/Mexico border; it’s made out of water jugs, like the ones left by and for the immigrants on their journey. The artists responsible for this installation are Irene Clouthier, Courtney Applequist and Edgar Endress who want to invite people to be present and connected to the human aspect of this crisis and see or reflect for the human stories behind each water jug left behind, so that we can all be more empathetic and connected to each other.

Cloud(s) is the new version of The Nomadic House Project dedicated to immigrants at the US/Mexico border

Reception Thursday October 6, 6:30pm (artists present, and remarks by Ambassador Ana Luisa Fajer).

Details here.

Mexican Cultural Institute 

2829 16th Street N.W. 

Washington, DC 20009

Emergency Grant applications for Maryland artists

From the Maryland State Arts Council:

Emergency Grant applications for Independent Artists are currently being accepted for $2,000 grants! If you have experienced a loss of income due to an emergency scenario that impacts your work as an independent artist, we encourage you to apply. Reach out to Program Directors Laura Weiss at and Emily Sollenberger at for more information.

Applications accepted on a rolling basis and awarded monthly. Apply now!


One this day in 1849, Edgar Allan Poe was found delirious in a gutter in Baltimore ---  it was the last time he was seen in public before his death four days later.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Multiple Exposures Gallery Photography Exhibition

In the last 30 years or so I have been honored with the task of jurying a show for Multiple Exposures Gallery three or four times, starting when it was called Factory Photoworks back in the 1990s.

See the show that I've just juried for MEG here.

These shows have always had one thing in common: they are exceptionally difficult to jury because of the exceptional quality of nearly every entry.  When essentially every entry presented to me or any other juror showcases the enviable talent roster that MEG possesses, it makes the selection process a combination that not only celebrates photographic skill, but also a wide array of other artistic vectors that influence the difference between a good photo and a great photo.

Issues such as composition, employment of light, range of tones, subject matter, and most human of all, the juror's own agenda and subjectivity, all come to play to deliver a final set of works for a show.

Over the same range of years I have juried and curated hundreds of art shows, and thus this next statement comes with the backing of all that experience and exposure to art (pun intended): This MEG exhibition is one of the best photography shows that I have ever juried!

And photographic history has come in full circle for me when it comes to jurying a show. I recall in the 90s when digital photography was still excluded from some exhibitions and only traditional darkroom or pinhole photography was allowed. How provincial must that look now when we're about to see an all digital show where powerful photographs and talented photographers flex their artistic muscles to show that it is the art of photography which delivers results, not just the means to create the photograph.

Many years ago I wrote in an essay for some magazine or newspaper about the DC area region, and in that essay I noted that MEG was one of the key artistic jewels which make up the tapestry of the Greater Washington region's visual arts footprint; this show will once again prove that, and I congratulate every single one of you selected for this show!