Saturday, January 21, 2023

Jennifer Kahn Barlow

As I noted earlier, this March, we will return to our 17th year in a row (less the year of the attack of the Covidian monster) to the Affordable Art Fair in New York City, we're bringing in a whole new group of artists from the DMV, most of whom I first met via their artwork when I juried the 2022 Paint the Town event in the pretty area of downtown Kensington, Maryland.

Let me repeat myself: jurying any art show always exposes the juror to new talent, and when I juried this show, as I often do, I selected some of my fave artists to bring to NYC for an art fair.  In my mind I wanted to "curate" a booth for the fair that showcased realist work at its best. Booth curation is a somewhat subjective process (pun intended).

And one of my prizewinners is coming to NYC: Jennifer Kahn Barlow! She is "an oil painter inspired by food.  She is stirred by vibrant, texturally dynamic, and unique cuisine, which leads much of her subject matter to be of confectionary, the gooier and more colorful the better."

She is that... but what Kahn Barlow truly is goes beyond that - she's a master artist who elevates and transforms the visual aspect of food to the visual beauty of food as only a well-executed work of art can do. 

Macaroons - Blossom Stack by Jennifer Kahn Barlow
Blossom Stack by Jennifer Kahn Barlow

In Blossom Stack there are three stacks of color disguised as macaroons... the brushwork comes through first and foremost - it's a painting first and a painting about dessert second.  At the risk of repeating myself: Only a really good artist can elevate the mundane to the sublime through the gift of art!

Kahn Barlow's works will be in booth D-10 at the Affordable Art Fair New York City, March 22-26 in Chelsea.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Jennifer Lynn Beaudet

I was at Strathmore yesterday to review the Compass Atelier show on the second floor - amazing show. The review will be in the next issue (February) of the Crier Media Newspapers.

I first came across Jennifer Lynn Beaudet’s work at the Paint the Town event last year which was my honor to jury -- as I recall she was an honorable mention winner at that show.

Her work at Strathmore is amongst the best in a show where there is not a single bad painting.

This artist has that hard-to-describe ability to capture the human essence of her subjects in paint. 

Connections - 24x24 oil on canvas by Jennifer Lynn Beaudet
Connections - 24x24 oil on canvas by Jennifer Lynn Beaudet

That sentence is so easy to write and so immensely difficult to deliver on canvas. Her human subjects in two dimensions of paint are able to transmit visual clues and nuances that help to decipher and understand something individual about them.  

Self-portrait -  oil on canvas by Jennifer Lynn Beaudet

This is an exceptional gift that few artists have in such abundance as this artist does, and she flexes this gift via her artistic muscles in nearly every work in this show!

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Big Warrior Goddess at Strathmore

I was at Strathmore today to review the Compass Atelier show on the second floor.  On the main floor, the O Street Studios artists had their own show, and this terrific print by Kimberly King caught my eye.

Kimberly King - Big Warrior Goddess
Kimberly King - Big Warrior Goddess

Seen at Strathmore Mansion

I was at Strathmore today to review the Compass Atelier show on the second floor.  On the main floor, the O Street Studios artists had their own show, and this this wall of striking abstract work by Cianne Fragione caught my eye.

Cianne Fragione at Strathmore
Cianne Fragione at Strathmore 

Go to this opening tonight

The Compass Atelier has what I consider the best artist schooling in the DMV -- better in fact that all the major Universities in our area.  That's a big statement to make, but it comes from me, and thus I am ready to back it up as needed.

Want proof? Then go tonight to the opening of the first of two thesis exhibitions at the beautiful Strathmore Mansion galleries on Rockville Pike.  

I plan to visit the show and write about it.  The Mansion's galleries are at 10701 Rockville Pike in North Bethesda/Rockville, MD 20852 within walking distance of the Metro stop by the same name and with plenty of free parking.

















Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Amanda Coelho

This March, as we return to our 17th year in a row (less the year of the attack of the Covidian monster) to the Affordable Art Fair in New York City, we're bringing in a whole new group of artists from the DMV, most of whom I first met via their artwork when I juried the 2022 Paint the Town event in the pretty area of downtown Kensington, Maryland.

Jurying any art show always exposes the juror to new talent, and when I juried this show, as I often do, I selected some of my fave artists to bring to NYC for an art fair.  In my mind I wanted to "curate" a booth for the fair that showcased realist work at its best.

One of them is the superbly talented Amanda Coelho.

Coelho has only been painting since 2018, and thus in artistic developmental years, she's still a baby, but a baby with formidable crawling skills, and one who can already wield brush superpowers which emerge here and there in several of her works.

a Bear Necessity by Amanda Coelho
A Bear Necessity by Amanda Coelho

In "A Bear Necessity", she lets the color (green in this case) tell the entire narrative of the work. In doing so, with just the barest hint of white highlights, she not only illuminates the subject gummy bear, but creates the depth and illusion of depth in the painting.  She has accomplished what only a good painting can do: deliver a most common and trivial subject to the sublime status afforded by a good painting.

See it again on another trivial subject, a chocolate kiss, now forever immortalized as a spectacular triumph of painting skills over subject matter.

KISS by Amanda Coelho
A Kiss is just a Kiss by Amanda Coelho
Coelho's works will be in booth D-10 at the Affordable Art Fair New York City, March 22-26 in Chelsea.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023