Monday, February 13, 2023

Mac Stacks

A nice preview of the work by Jennifer Kahn Barlow that Alida Anderson Art Projects will be bringing next month to the Affordable Art Fair in New York City!

Dusted in the Middle by Jennifer Kahn Barlow
Dusted in the Middle by Jennifer Kahn Barlow

Intense Mac Attack by Jennifer Kahn Barlow
Intense Mac Stack by Jennifer Kahn Barlow

Mild Mac Attack by Jennifer Kahn Barlow
Mild Mac Stack by Jennifer Kahn Barlow

Patriotic Macs by Jennifer Kahn Barlow
Patriotic Mac Stack by Jennifer Kahn Barlow

Sunday, February 12, 2023

America's Crossroads: Six Contemporary Photographers in Dialog

This has the makings of one of the top photography shows of the year!

The OAS AMA | Art Museum of the Americas announces America’s Crossroads, an exhibition opening at the OAS F Street Gallery (1889 F Street, NW, Terrace Level) featuring six artists in a visual dialog. Carlos Bautista Avila (Mexico), Rene Campos Navarro (Mexico), Luis Delgado (United States-Mexico), Gisele Martins (Brazil), Cirenaica Moreira (Cuba), and Diana Ramirez Lopez (Mexico) provoke through their work mixed responses as they reflect, manipulate, rethink, and question on a local level who we are in the Americas. The people in the Americas share a common history that is manifested in local terms, becoming a conglomerate of different cultures of an ever-dynamic changing history of native Americans, settlers, and migrants.

Cirenaica Moreira (Cuba) La Industrial, lavandería Habana de la serie Metálica, 1998-1999 Digital photograph, archival pigment print on premium luster photo paper
La Industrial, lavandería Habana de la serie Metálica, 1998-1999
Cirenaica Moreira

Exhibition Opening: Thursday, February 23 4:30-6:30pm

HOURS: By appointment only, Monday-Friday 10AM-5PM


OAS General Secretariat Building, Terrace Level

1889 F Street NW

Washington, DC 20006


Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Last Unicorn

Between 1977-1981 I sold all my art school assignments from the University of Washington School of Art in Seattle at the Pike Place Market.  In 1979 a classmate's mother was printing a private illustrated edition of Peter Beagle's "The Last Unicorn" and hired me and several other artists to do some illustrations for the lavishly illustrated book.

I did several pieces for the book, and then had prints made from the originals and sold them at the Market.  Nearly 500 pieces of the below work sold between 1979-1981.  Sometime in 1991, when I was living in Sonoma, California, where I was the Executive Officer of the Navy base at Skaggs Island, I sold the original mixed media painting.

Today I got an email from someone in the Pacific Northwest who found it in a store up there and is now the surprised owner of a 44 year-old legend!

THE LAST UNICORN by F. Lennox Campello circa 1979
THE LAST UNICORN by F. Lennox Campello circa 1979

Friday, February 10, 2023

Isla Golpeada


Pobre Cuba - Isla Golpeada Acrylic on hand-made paper with embedded leaf and wood branches circa 1980 by Florencio Lennox Campello
Pobre Cuba - Isla Golpeada
Acrylic on hand-made paper with embedded leaf and wood branches
circa 1980 by Florencio Lennox Campello

Thursday, February 09, 2023

A modern classic

This official US Navy photo of sailors pulling up the wreckage of the PRC spy balloon reminds me sooooo much of the classical painting "The raft of the Medusa" by Géricault.

The Raft of the Medusa - by the US Navy
 U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Tyler Thompson

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

The Curious Case of the Celia Cruz American Quarter and being labeled Afro-Latina

About 24 hours ago the US Mint announced that Celia Cruz, the Cuban-born "Queen of Salsa" had been chosen to be one of the five women whose face will be in the 2024 edition of their American Women Quarters Program.

The news outlets and Al Gore's internets went crazy dubbing this as "Queen of salsa Celia Cruz will be the first Afro Latina to appear on a U.S. quarter" proclaimed NPR and all others.

And Cuban Twitter and Cuban Facebook went nuts that she's been referred to as an "Afro Latina" and not just as a "Cuban" or "Cuban-American."

It is very clear that the Cuban social media opinions were angry about the fact that in nearly every instance Celia was being identified and labeled as a "Afro-Latina" first and in the article's headlines, and Cuban in the text... and the Internets blew up!

Teresita Fernando wrote: Stop adding adjectives to her birthplace She was CUBAN She is CUBA Period

Hilda Suarez opined: She was not an Afro-Latina, get your information straight and make the quarter with another person and leave Celia's memories with her people, THE CUBANS, and maybe someday, not too far from know, we could have her picture on a Cuban coin. Thank you.

Alina Vals says: Not Afro Latina.  She is Cuban American. We do not accept those "woke" terms.  At the end of the day we all belong to the HUMAN race.

Mayra de Armas notes: Afro Latina? NO, Celia Cruz is Cuban American, her race is black but she is not Afro, She is 100% Cuban, period.

Suzanne Bruno adds: Outstanding!!! But NOT afro Latina....100% Cuban.

Raul Gomez is angry: She's Cuban, stop putting your woke bullshit labels on her!

Jorge Ravelo says: Afro-Latina?  As one who followed her for three decades and met the Queen and Pedro Knight on several occasions she would be insulted. She was as Cuban as the Royal Palms, a Cuban with African and Spanish heritage.

Mara Salis: She is NOT afro Latina she is CUBANA!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

36th year of the Northern National Art Competition





June 15 - July 28, 2023

Nicolet College Art Gallery

Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Call opens Monday, January 9

Three $1,000 Awards of Excellence

Awards totaling more than $8,500

It's the 36th year of the Northern National Art Competition, which is a collaboration between Nicolet College and the Northern Arts Council. This national competition will open June 15 and is open to all all US resident artists 18 years or older.

Registration deadline for entry is Friday, March 24.

The Northern National Art Competition began in 1987 with a mere 37 entries. Last year, we had 646 entries from artists all across the United States! Our entries are as diverse as the artists themselves and showcase a wide array of contemporary art in a variety of two-dimensional mediums.

We're thrilled to announce that the Juror/Judge for this year will be Florencio Lennox "Lenny" Campello. Lenny is a well-known artist, art critic, author and blogger from the Washington, DC area with a most interesting and unique resume.

Don't miss this chance to exhibit your art in one of the coolest little galleries in the Northwoods!

More than $8,500 in prize money will be awarded.

  • Monday, January 9: Registration opens
  • Friday, March 24: Registration deadline
  • Friday, April 21: Acceptance notification
  • Friday, May 12: Hand delivery by appointment
  • Monday, May 15: All shipped work due
  • Thursday, June 15: Opening Reception
  • Thursday, July 28: Show closes
  • Friday, July 29: Pick up hand delivered work by appointment
  • Monday, August 1: Shipped work will be returned this week

Register by following this link to CaFE (Call for Artist Entry):