On view
15 July–10 Sep 202
Tues–Fri: 10:00 AM–6:00 PM
Sat: Noon–4:00 PM
Sun: 10:30 AM–2:30 PM
Reception & Artist Talk: 18 Aug 2023, 6:00–8:00 PM
Mandy Chesney is gaudy. Mandy Chesney is gaudy is Mandy Chesney’s first solo exhibition. Born spitting into the wind on the bow of a Mississippi riverboat casino, Chesney has known when to hold ‘em since day one. At age 4, she learned glitter magic from the Lion’s Creek Baptist Church organist, Mr. Robert—known far and wide for his lace drawers. At age 15, Chesney graduated from the Chattanooga Coiffer Academy and spent seven years and a month of Sundays as a beautician to the stars. Her talents have gloried the crowns of Marty Stuart, Pat Metheny, Janice Wendell Crouch, and William Lee Golden of the Oak Ridge Boys, among many others.But she also knows how to make a home. A master of the Domestic Arts, Chesney cannot be worn slap out. She will split a frog hair four ways, jerk a knot in your tail, and smell great while doing it.From 2015 to 2017, Chesney graced the halls of the Mount Royal School of Art at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) and she’s lived in Baltimore City ever since.Mandy Chesney is not a natural blonde. She’s a 42DD.Glitter is a particularly divisive material. Glitter is judged as frivolous in a way that is seen as too feminine, irredeemably low class, and possibly queer… It is loud. Glitter demands to be seen, it steals light. Glitter responds when you move your body, it has a conversation with your eyes. Glitter likes to party, it flirts with the viewer. It winks to something more behind the shine.—Mandy Chesney, 2021, from an interview with Morgan Everhart for awomensthing.orgIG: @mandychesney
Sheer genius!!!!