Sunday, August 20, 2023

“Selected Works” by John Charles Koebert

Over at Foundry Gallery in the District, and with an opening reception on Saturday, September 9, 4-6 pm, we have “Selected Works” by John Charles Koebert. 

According to the gallery’s news release, “the work of John Charles Koebert represents a decades-long commitment to craftsmanship. Evolving each geometric work from a painstaking study, the larger piece represents a leap in scope and artistic precision. However, the inspiration for each piece is part of Koebert’s personal history. Every shape, color, and line call back to a story carried across years of artistic discovery.”

The works show impeccable technical skill, and in spite of their apparent abstraction, Koebert says, “The exhibit is personal statement about my life and my commitment to art. All of the pieces have a story to tell.”

The exhibition runs through October 1, 2023.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

N.C. Wyeth painting found in Thrift shop

Browsing a New Hampshire thrift shop for old frames to restore, a local woman, who has chosen to remain anonymous to the press, bought a white frame with an old painting inside for $4. She had no idea that the painting was actually a rare work by renowned American artist N.C. Wyeth.

Read the article by Elizabeth Blair on NPR here.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Art Advisors


Art Advisors Meme

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Woman Buys Genuine Picasso in Thrift Store for $6

Woman Buys Genuine Picasso in Thrift Store for $6, Sells It for Thousands shouts the headline in this Newsweek article by Alice Gibbs...

The thrifter watched as the auctions climbed, and her ceramic discovery started selling for $12,000, $13,000, and even $16,000.

Read the article here.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Jennifer Kahn Barlow at the Affordable Art Fair New York

The below new work by the gifted Jennifer Kahn Barlow will be available at the Affordable Art Fair New York, which opens on September 20th at the Met Pavillion on 18th Street in Chelsea; we're in booth C1.

The gallery will also showcase work by Steve Wanna,  Christina Helowicz, Amanda Coelho, Ally Morgan, Susan La Mont, Dora Patin and Lian Siever!

Macaron Nuit, oil on canvas, 10x8, by Jennifer Kahn Barlow
Macaron Nuit
Oil on canvas, 10x8, by Jennifer Kahn Barlow

Friday, August 11, 2023

Top 60 Masters Award

Then this...

From: Viviana Puello

To: Lennox F.campello

Dear Lennox,
Congratulations on being chosen by the board of ArtTour International Magazine to receive the Top 60 Masters Award! This honor is only bestowed upon 60 artists each year. Your selection for this prestigious award is truly remarkable.The art industry widely recognizes this award as a peak of achievement, and it has been nicknamed "The Oscars of the Visual Art" by the New York Weekly. To avoid losing this exceptional opportunity, please respond within the specified timeframe to confirm your invitation.Receiving ATIM'S TOP 60 MASTERS AWARD offers unparalleled exposure on different multimedia platforms. Our excellent program aims to promote your art, which includes publishing a book, featuring on TV, digital advertising on a Times Square Billboard, and more. To access all the detailed information, kindly click the link below. invitation expires five days from today. To receive your award, you must register directly online. Click the link above to learn more.Respond to confirm your acceptance of my invitation.Stay inspired,
Viviana Puello
ArtTour International Magazine

Viviana Puello

45 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 2000, New York, NY 10111