Tuesday, October 17, 2023

DC Art Now 2023 Gallery Exhibition Reception - This Thursday!

DC Art Now 2023 Gallery Exhibition Reception --  200 I Street Gallery for a reception to celebrate the finalists for the FY24 Art Bank Program! On view in the gallery is the latest exhibition, DC Art Now 2023, an annual exhibition of selected work by Art Bank finalists. See DC come to life through photography, sculpture, painting, printmaking, textiles, and more! 

6 to 8 pm, Thursday, October 19, 2023

200 I (Eye) St SE, Washington, DC, 20003

Monday, October 16, 2023

It's the 20th Anniversary of DC ART NEWS!

It was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Peppers taught the band to play... that this art blog got started in an effort to help the DC area visual art scene get a little online presence!

Read my first blog post ever here.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

"Living in Bethesda" by Anna Soevik at Gallery B

Don't miss your chance to visit Gallery B and view "Living in Bethesda" by Anna Rose Soevik. 

Anna, a UK-born artist who has called Bethesda home for 25 years, draws attention to notable figures and moments in Bethesda's history, and features pixel portraits of famous figures from around the world. 

Gallery hours are Friday-Saturday, 12 PM - 5 PM, and Sunday 11 AM - 2 PM. Gallery B is located at 7700 Wisconsin Avenue E.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Downtown DC Public Art and Placemaking Strategic Plan.

The DowntownDC invites you to participate in an exciting new five-year initiative to install high-impact public art and streetscape improvements to rejuvenate our communities, attract more visitors, and create strong neighborhood identities.

They want to hear from you!
  • What areas do you think should be prioritized?
  • What kind of high-impact projects should we invest in?
  • Where do you currently visit in Downtown DC?
  • Who should be our partners, and how do we guarantee success?
These are just some of the questions we need your help with to develop our new DowntownDC Public Art and Placemaking Strategic Plan.  The Public Art and Placemaking Strategic Plan for DowntownDC is a visionary five-year plan aimed at rapidly and seamlessly integrating new public art, placemaking, and placekeeping initiatives into the area’s urban fabric in ways that enrich the character and identity of the DowntownDC neighborhoods that compose it. Please help inform it by joining them for the first stakeholder workshop on October 26, 2023, 2 pm - 3 pm. Please click here to RSVP to the meeting. They look forward to seeing you at the workshop and hearing your ideas! Please RSVP your attendance by using the link. Public Art and Placemaking Strategic Plan Flyer

Friday, October 13, 2023

Wanna go to an opening in Brandywine tomorrow?

Roxana Rojas-Luzón,Southern Area Aquatics Recreation Complex,Carlos Garcia,Ruben Salomon


Happy Birthday!


USS Curtis Wilbur
USS Curtis Wilbur

Happy Birthday to the US Navy and to all my U.S. Navy brothers and sisters at sea - we've got your back!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Dr. Francesca Smith ’23 Wins 2023 CPED Dissertation in Practice of the Year Award

"I hope that my research can play a small part in aligning these bodies of research, in highlighting the assets that Spanish-dominant emergent bilinguals bring to learning ..."

Dr. Alida Anderson, SOE Professor and Dr. Francesca Smith

To complete her doctorate in education in educational policy and leadership, American University School of Education (SOE) student Dr. Francesca Smith ’23 centered her dissertation around research that she cared deeply about: bilingual students from Latinx immigrant families and their experiences in dual-language English reading instruction. The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) awarded her the prestigious Dissertation in Practice of the Year Award which she accepted in a ceremony in Florida this month...

“Dr. Smith’s dissertation of practice is specifically framed around questions of equity, ethics, and social justice in her interrogation of the promise of a dual-language community school within an urban, gentrified community context” said Dr. Alida Anderson, SOE Professor and the chair of Smith’s dissertation committee (pictured on the right with Smith). “Her dissertation embodies the values of CPED as it provides a roadmap for scholar practitioners committed to addressing systems-level equity challenges facing schools and teachers serving emergent bilingual students and their families.”

Read the entire article by Jason Pier here.