Hopefully, an ARTOMATIC 2025, but knowing how immensely difficult it is to arrange, work and set up this amazing spectacle and most impressive gift to the planet's art scene, I suspect that it may be a year or two.
ARTOMATIC ends this weekend (April 28) and I want to be the first to send a most effusive WELL DONE to George Koch, the Godfather of ARTOMATIC and to the hundreds of volunteers that made this gorgeous event happen.
The end of such an important art gift to the DMV always brings a bit of sadness, but it also leaves our artistic batteries super charged!
What next?
Maybe an art fair... a really no shit art fair like New York, London, half a dozen Asian cities, and next month Austin have? The city commissars at the DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities are thinking about it...
Read my thoughts here.