Sunday, September 01, 2024

From the Washington Post

The WaPo's Art editor, Jonathan Fischer, responds to my previous discussions on the end of the "Galleries" column:

“Thanks for reaching out. I’ve seen the coverage and understand why people are anxious and confused. 
We decided to end this specific column, but we will continue to cover the local art scene, including galleries, with criticism and more – including from Mark. 
As a general matter, it’s worth pointing out that we have an editor dedicated almost wholly to visual art – Steven Johnson, at – and he’s very eager to be kept in the loop on shows, events, news and more. I’m also here for questions, feedback, pitches and more.”

My current OTC article

 Read it here.

Many times over the last few decades I’ve used this column to send a shout out to hard working artists who do not wait to be “discovered”, but who are always on the move, taking advantage of opportunities both around the DMV and elsewhere – they follow the maxim that the best place for art that one creates in on someone else’s walls.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Umi... where ya been all my life?

This column is all about art - until I find a great restaurant to recommend to you constant readers (getting close to seven million!).... drumroll!!!

Umi Sushi & Seafood Buffet

This place is out of control!!! In a good way! No... in an amazing way!

I am about to eat this little Alien

WOW!!! I've been to dozens and dozens of buffet style restaurants all over the world, and this new one in Rockville Pike, in the Greater Washington, DC region (or as locals call it: the DMV - a term that I invented) is taking buffet style to a new level.

We went for lunch - the son unit and I, around 2:30pm or so - I note this because I am told that there are usually long wait lines closer to real lunch/dinner hours.

It's an everything buffet, not just seafood: sushi, lots of seafood, lots of meats, lots of a variety of Asian cuisine (Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, etc.), fresh fruits, soups, ice cream, desserts (Asian and western) and a hot pot section that is even better and fancier than most specialty hot pot restaurants.

The service is impeccable, with an army of waiters! 

Our waitress was Fiona (pretty sure not her real name) and she was really good! Friendly and hard working! And ahhhh... suspect that Fiona is not her real name... cough... cough...

The sushi is constantly being made and is fresh and of a huge variety, including some that I'd never seen before, such as sushi with avocado stripes? It was DA BOMB!

As a "cobarde" for hot foods, these giant shrimp looked delicious but probably at the nuclear level of spicy!

There were at least three or four shellfish dishes for lunch! Mussels, clams, etc. There were also crab legs and full, whole crabs, snails, etc.

When I lived in Spain, one of my fave dishes were these guys below - an I am happy to report that the way that Umi cooks them is delicious!

There were also the usual, kinda, sorta dishes that tells you that this joint is the "real thing" as evidenced by the below splendor known as chicken feet... cough... cough...

And also an Asian take on escargots...

Desserts were also ample and diverse!

Go eat at UMI! 1471 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852

(240) 430-8000 -- Closes at 10:30 PM - Tell them DC ART NEWS sent ya!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

The son unit is 15!


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Never good news...

Florencio Lennox Campello being stopped by Virginia cops

 Cop was a nice guy and gave me a break... thank you!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Beach week beard


Monday, August 26, 2024