Tuesday, December 03, 2024

The list grows!

The list keep growing for "the" show. So far I have been ghosted by the National Museum of Women in the Arts - have sent emails to multiple people, but no response (so far... cough... cough).  I could use a major donor to contact them...

Here's an updated list of the DMV area female artists who have agreed to participate so far! Loads more to come as I await confirmations!

Sondra N. Arkin

Michele Banks 

Julia Bloom

Lisa Brotman

Melissa Burley

Anne Cherubim

Shanthi Chandrasekar 

Irene Clouthier

Ellen Cornett

Rosemary Feit Covey 

Joan Danziger

Cheryl Edwards

Dana Ellyn

Helen Frederick

Carol Brown Goldberg

Muriel Hasbun

Michal Hunter

Maria Karametou

Lori Katz

Zofie King

Susan LaMont

Kyujin Lee

Laurel Lukaszewski

Akemi Maegawa

Joey Mánlapaz

Isabel Manalo

Anne Marchand

Donna McCullough 

E.J. Montgomery

Sharon Moody 

Ally Morgan

Georgia Nassikas 

Leslie Nolan

Teresa Oaxaca

Betsy Packard

Judith Peck

Sandra Pérez-Ramos 

Amber Robles-Gordon

Gail Shaw-Clemons 

Alexandra Silverthorne

Renee Stout 

Zsudayka Nzinga Terrell

Suzanne Yurdin

Helen Zughaib

Monday, December 02, 2024

SUBMIT YOUR ART TO: Timeless Prince George's: The 2025 Annapolis Delegation Art Exhibition

Art submissions are now being accepted for:

Timeless Prince George's:

The 2025 Annapolis Delegation

Art Exhibition

Submission guidelines at:


*DEADLINE: 11:59PM on December 22, 2024*


Sunday, December 01, 2024

Women artists of the DMV - the list so far

Working my tuchis off for initial steps for the show.

Here's an early list of the DMV area female artists who have agreed to participate so far! Loads more to come as I await confirmations!

Sondra N. Arkin

Michele Banks

Lisa Brotman

Melissa Burley

Anne Cherubim

Irene Clouthier

Ellen Cornett

Rosemary Feit Covey

Cheryl Edwards

Dana Ellyn

Helen Frederick

Carol Brown Goldberg

Michal Hunter

Maria Karametou

Lori Katz

Zofie King

Susan LaMont

Laurel Lukaszewski

Akemi Maegawa

Joey Mánlapaz

Isabel Manalo

Anne Marchand

Donna McCullough

Sharon Moody 

Ally Morgan

Georgia Nassikas 

Leslie Nolan

Teresa Oaxaca

Betsy Packard

Judith Peck

Sandra Pérez-Ramos

Suzanne Yurdin

Helen Zughaib

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Some of the emails so far...

As of this morning I've received over 1,000 emails from female artists from the DMV who'd like to be considered for the 2025 "Women Artists of the DMV" survey show, which (so far) will open around September 2025 at the American University Katzen Art Museum in DC, the Athenaeum in Alexandria, Artists & Maker Studios in Rockville, and the Strathmore Mansion Galleries also in Rockville, MD.

So far I've extended an invitation to be part of the show to about 40 artists. 

Being the exceptionally gifted person that I am, cough... cough... I expected some responses like the below and in a variation or another; I've received five so far along these lines... cough... cough...

From: ____________________________________
Date: Fri, Nov 29, 2024, 6:11 PM
Subject: RE: Invitation to participate in the 2025 Women Artists of the DMV show
Dear Lenny,
Thank you for inviting me to be part of this historic show and thank you for all your hard work in assembling it.  If not too much to ask, I want to be clear that I expect my work to be in the Katzen Museum for the show, as I believe that my artwork over the years merits being in the Katzen instead of any of the other venues.
Please confirm and let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you, 

My response to the artist:

Thank you for your note.

As of this point I have not assigned exhibition venues to artists and cannot guarantee the Katzen or any other venue to anyone... sorry.

If it's the Katzen or nothing, please let me know soonest.

I am still in the process of trying to add one more DC space to the show, as the overwhelming number of interested women far exceeded what I originally thought, which is a good thing. As such I have approached the National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA) to see if they can schedule a portion of the show there - fingers crossed!

If I work it out with the NMWA, then that should make it easier to consider the Katzen for more artists, such as you. In that case, I will note that you'd prefer the Katzen.

More later...


Less than a minute later:

From: ____________________________________
Date: Sat, Nov 30, 2024, 9:11 AM
Subject: RE: Invitation to participate in the 2025 Women Artists of the DMV show

If the NMWA opens up, I'd rather exhibit there than the Katzen!


Sent from my iPhone 

And then there's the below offer of sex!  Not the first time that something like this has happened to me here and there - but usually when I was in the outdoor art show circuit and used to do 20+ shows a year all over the country... 

Maybe 40+ years ago I would have been young enough, and stupid enough, and single enough to take this offer... cough... cough...

From: ____________________________________

Date: Tue, Nov 26, 2024, 10:57 PM

Subject: Your FB post about Women Artists of the DMV - I want to be in it!

I just read about the show that you're curating and organizing for female artists from the DMV.  I want to be in this show.

My website is _______________ and I am 29 years old and if you pick me, there's pussy and/or a blow job as a reward. There are photos of me here at ______________________.

I am serious and I am cute.

My cell is ____________

I am a good artist, and I need this exposure.


My response:

Dear ______________,

Thank you for your note and offer.

With all due respect, I must decline your offer.  All my selections will be based solely on my very subjective approach to curating group art shows, and based solely on the quality of the artwork and the presence and impact (or need for) of the artist.



PS - Part of me admires your all or nothing attitude, but be careful out there.

And the passive aggressive approach...

From: ___________________________

Date: Wed, Nov 27, 2024, 8:49 PM

Subject: Women Artists show for DC/DMV

Mr. Campbello,

I appreciate your idea for a show focused on DC women artists, it is about time, why hasnt this been done before?

Black women and other BIPOC women should be the majority of this show, considering the area that the show will cover.

My website is _________________ and below are my list of BIPOC women artists that you need to include in your show.  

Please call me when you have a chance 

_________________ (202) ***-****

And my even more passive aggressive response...

Dear ______________

I hope that it's OK if I refer to you by your first name? Please let me know.

And before I forget: my last name is Campello, not Campbello! No worries, not the first time (or five thousandth) time that has happened.

Thank you for your suggestion! I appreciate it when people take the time and effort to help other people refine and retune their ideas!

In response to your suggestion (it was a suggestion... right?), while I appreciate it, ahhh.. no!

I have no idea what the majority - speaking in racial terms, or ethnic terms, or national terms (about 200+ or so) - will be the "majority" in the final selection, as I intend to pick the artists based on their artwork (mostly) rather than any other non-artistic criteria.

I suspect that the show will end up reflecting the immensely rich and diverse visual arts tapestry that is the DMV's art scene!



Friday, November 29, 2024

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this asswipe trying to rip off artists:

From: Jordan Bushell - jordanbushell6@gmail.com -

​Your collections are unique and amazing; I'd like to know if you ship to Switzerland. Do you accept credit cards as a mode of payment? And do you accept pickups from your location by my shipping agent? Please advise.

Thank you.

Jordan Bushell

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Women Artists of the DMV - Update!

As I noted a couple of days ago, the "Women Artists of the DMV" show is on! 

So far, as of the publication of this post, I've received over 800 emails/DMs/texts with female artists wanting to be in the show.

Update 1: If you'd like me to consider your work, please email me your website to lennycampello@hotmail.com - no calls, texts, DMs, Facebooking, etc.

Update 2: Due to the overwhelming number of interested artists, I've added a 4th venue to the show: the gorgeous first floor gallery at The Mansion at Strathmore.

All four shows will open in September 2025 and run for about 8-9 weeks at the American University's Katzen Museum in DC, the Athenaeum in Alexandria, and Artists & Makers Studios in Rockville and now also Strathmore.

The openings will be staggered: One museum, two non-profit art spaces, and one terrific woman-owned independent commercial fine arts gallery! All great parts of the DMV's (an acronym that apparently I invented by accident according to the Washington City Paper) visual arts tapestry.

I'm also still working on a potential book deal with the same publisher for whom I did 100 Artists of Washington, DC over a decade ago... fingers crossed.

One more time: if you'd like me to consider your work, or if you'd like to recommend someone's work, please email me the artist's name and her website.

I'm also crowdsourcing some of the opportunities by asking several of the DMV's visual arts illuminati and the cognoscenti (curators, museum directors, art space directors, art collectors, gallerists, etc.) to nominate up to 10 "must have" women.

Pass it on!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

1979 Frida Kahlo at auction

This huge 32x40 inches painting of Frida Kahlo that I did as a class assignment at the University of Washington School of Art in 1979 is being offered by the son of the recently deceased owner for 1/10th of appraised value! 

1979 Frida Kahlo original painting by Florencio Lennox Campello at auction

At https://www.ebay.com/itm/305931344185