Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Just in! (thanks to ArtsJournal)

The woman depicted as the Mona Lisa was a Spaniard!

There's a very good and interesting new voice in the art BLOGsphere in the Washington area: J.T. Kirkland.

His new BLOG is Thinking About Art and it adds to the critical discourse of the arts in our region.

Welcome to J.T.!

Monday, June 21, 2004

For Leo Villareal’s second solo show at Conner Contemporary, gallery owner Leigh Conner has completely sealed off her rectangular gallery space in neutral paper, essentially gift-wrapping all the sources of outside light in order to deliver the best possible viewing atmosphere for Villareal’s sculpture exhibition.

Leo Villareal in front of Horizons And although a bit disorienting at first – in the sense that one first thinks (at least I did) that the gallery was closed or between shows – it sets a perfect viewing stage for an artist who is having a well-deserved meteoric rise and attention in the rarified atmosphere of high art.

Conner’s preparation of her space continues as one opens the door and enters the gallery, to be immediately confronted by Horizon, a 24 inch installation of tubes of light.

Floating away from the gallery’s main wall, they are starkly and severely displayed, allowing for perfect viewing and the thinking required to arrive at a full understanding of the artist’s multi faceted skill set in creating this and all the other sculptures in the show.

In creating Horizon, by the necessities of the art genre that he is slowly but surely re-inventing, Villareal must master not only the creative assemblage of the piece itself, but obviously must also possess significant technical skill to deliver the color messages that is one of the end goals of this piece. This is important, very important in fact, as contemporary art continues to “re-discover” a once ignored talent: technical skill. Horizons

And the description of the technical skill required to deliver this elegant, minimalist work is dizzying! Let me try.

Each of the nine plexiglass tubes of light is filled with red, green and blue light emitting diodes (or LEDs – the same LEDS that make up your PC’s plasma screen or your Gameboy screen, etc.). Horizons' diodes are each individually modulated, each capable of producing over 16 million colors.

How the colors shift and change are dictated by software created by Villareal, using a set of autonomous software agents that are constantly traveling through the software rules within a matrix, encountering each other, creating new rules, and reacting to different situations. If this all sounds like you need a Master’s degree in Computer Science or a Doctorate in Geekdom, then it does. Autonomous software agents are now an invisible and common part of our daily life; either in data mining for Google, or adapting and learning and pushing us towards full automation of common, but difficult events.

Or in Villareal’s case: Creating a nearly inexhaustible and ever refreshing display of the art of color and form.

And because we are visual creatures, our common minds are enthralled, entertained, hypnotized and fascinated by the play of the light – ever changing, and creating new impressions: video games, organic, space, stark, warm, rich.

But the “art” is not just in the light movement, or the set of 16 million possible colors, or the eloquent delivery vehicle worthy of a Marfa installation. It is all that and more.

The key to truly understanding and enjoying (and recognizing) Villareal’s contribution to contemporary art, is to realize that this digital sculptor’s chisel and hammer are the autonomous software agents that he created and which now deliver for their creator, the work that he claims in his name.

And Villareal’s nearly infinite digital atelier never tires, and is always delighted to take a new path, try a new combination of colors, deliver a new visual sensation. Tireless, efficient and blissfully ignorant of the effect (positive or negative) that their color and form displays elicit from the viewer.

Digitalism gets a powerful push in this show and Leo Villareal and his digital atelier are doing the shoving, in countless directions at once.

Leo Villareal is at Conner Contemporary until June 26. The gallery is at 1730 Connecticut Avenue, NW (Second floor). Phone is 202/588-8750.

For photographers...

Deadline June 27, 2004

Want to have your photographs viewed by over 500,000 people? New Photography is looking for high quality, exciting work to exhibit in the photography galleries of the Millard Sheets Gallery at the L.A. County Fair. Each year more than 500,000 people view this exhibition with some of the finest examples of contemporary photography. A panel of 4 jurors will award a total of $5000 in prizes. Download a prospectus and registration form online at this website or send a SASE to:
New Photography Competition
Box 2250
Pomona CA 91769

Opportunity for artists...

Deadline July 1, 2004

National Juried Art Exhibition - Will's Creek Survey - Saville Gallery.

Exhibit Sept 2 - Oct 8, 2004. Awards: Best of Show:$1000, $4000+ in additional awards. Juror is Elizabeth Thomas, Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art, Carnegie Museum of Art.

Two slides:$25. For entry form and prospectus contact:
Allegany Arts Council
52 Baltimore St
Cumberland MD 21502

or call 301-777-2787 or visit their website

For glass sculptors...

Deadline: August 5, 2004

2nd Annual Eugene Glass School Drinking Glass Juried Art Glass Competition, $1,000 Award for Best-of-Show, $3,250 in additional awards with five categories.

Slides, CD (jpg), or artwork must be postmarked by August 5, 2004. Maximum 5 entries - $10 per entry, 3/ $25, 4/$35, 5/$40. For details and entry forms: download here or e-mail drinkingglass@eugeneglassschool.org, call 541-342-2959, or send a SASE to:
Eugene Glass School
575 Wilson St
Eugene OR 97402

Sunday, June 20, 2004

A delayed but deserved well done! to Simmie Knox, a Washington area artist who was chosen to deliver the official Clinton portrait.

Interesting to note that none of the area newspapers art critics has written anything about Knox, although regular staff writers have written several pieces and even the mighty New York Times.

Yet our area's otherwise vociferous art critics remain silent... perhaps because Knox is an area artist? I wonder if the portrait artist was from New York, or LA?

Congrats Simmie - well deserved!

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Following a record number of entries, four artists have been short-listed for the BP Portrait Award 2004, one of Britain's most prestigious and lucrative art prizes.

As discussed here, our own National Portrait Gallery, once it re-opens, will begin its own American Portrait Prize award on a yearly basis.

A couple of years ago, Zygimantas Augustinas, a terrific European painter that we've represented since 1997, won the Second Prize at the BP Portrait Award, and his career skyrocketed in Europe. Hopefully an American Portrait Prize award will have similar impact on the American artist who wins it.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Today is the third Friday of the month, and thus the four Canal Square Galleries in Georgetown (MOCA, Fraser, Alla Rogers and Parish) will have their opening nights, catered by the Sea Catch Restaurant. Starts at 6 PM. Free and open to all.

See ya there!