Public Art Call for Artists...
Deadline August 6, 2004
The City of San Jose, California has a call for artists for work on several capital improvement projects. They include a new police and fire facilities which include a public art component.
The anticipated public art budgets for two of the training facilities is $200,000 each for two training facilities and $1 million for a police substation. These budgets include design, fabrication, installation, and all costs associated with the public art.
Criteria: Aesthetic merit of past projects; appropriateness of artwork medium and artistic concepts as they relate to the project’s goals and setting; experience, success and interest in creating public artworks in collaboration with architects, design teams, and community members.
Contact: Brooke Jones, Office of Cultural Affairs - Public Art Program, 365 S. Market St., San José, CA 95113.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Grants for DC Area artists...
Deadline September 15, 2004.
The Franz and Virginia Bader Fund Grant invites visual artists (excluding filmmakers, video artists, and performance artists) to apply for grants to enable recipients to develop their talent and concentrate on their art. Artists must be 40 years or older, and must live within 150 miles of Washington, D.C.
Two grants will be awarded in 2004. Grants awarded in 2003 were for $25,000 and $20,000. Applications must be postmarked no later than September 15, 2004. To obtain a current application form, please visit the Fund's website or write to the Fund at 5505 Connecticut Avenue, NW #268, Washington, D.C. 20015. Send email inquiries to
Grants and Awards for Maryland artists...
Deadline July 29, 2004.
Individual Artist Awards: Choreography, Music Composition, Playwriting, Poetry, Visual Arts: Crafts, Photography, Installation, Sculpture.
The Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Awards are grants awarded to Maryland artists through an anonymous, competitive process to encourage and sustain their pursuit of artistic excellence. A limited number of awards of $1,000, $3,000, and $6,000 are offered each year.
All work will be judged anonymously by out-of-state jurors whose decisions are based solely on artistic merit, as demonstrated in work completed after July 29, 2001.
Individuals who are Maryland residents, 18 years of age or older, may apply. Students currently enrolled in a degree program, and collaborating artists are not eligible to apply.
Application guidelines and forms are online here or call 410-767-6555 for more information.
(Next year’s categories: Fiction, Media, Solo Dance Performance, Solo Instrumental Performance, Solo Vocal Performance, Visual Arts: Painting, Works on Paper, New and Emerging Genre).
Opportunity for Artists...
Kensington Park Senior Living, is looking for artists to exhibit their artwork for a month. The artist will have a social hour to talk and demonstrate their art/talent and an article about the artist will be published in their monthly newsletter. If you are interested, please contact Kathy Ward, Therapeutic Recreation Director at 301-946-7700 or by e-mail at
Kensington Park Senior Living
3620 Littledale Rd.
Kensington, MD 20895
Monday, July 12, 2004
In case you missed it, last Thursday Leslie Walker had an article in the Washington Post discussing
It is worth reading.
Founded a decade ago by two college students, now employs 200 people working in a warehouse in Raleigh, NC, and its owners have apparently decided to branch into the original art, as so far had concentrated on posters and reproductions.
Artists can display 16 original works on for free. People who want to buy the artwork then must negotiate directly with the artist through an e-mail link that provides.
Artists can also choose to pay $50 a year to display up to 96 images.
With five million visitors a month, and such low cost or free options, and with zero commission, I think that it is certainly worth a try!
Congratulations to Terry Teachout, who has been nominated to serve on the National Council on the Arts, the civilian panel that advises the NEA and its chairman, Dana Gioia.