Thursday, July 15, 2004

Jeffry Cudlin has a really eloquent and intelligent review of the Jim Dine show at the NGA in the current edition of the Washington City Paper.  Go get a copy of the WCP and read it or read it online here.

Here is a really intelligent and elegantly written observation (in my opinion):

"But one begins to sense a failure of nerve, a need to apologize for indulgences. In Owl, Rome (1997), swirls and puddles of shellac mixed with sand saturate the paper and stain it a range of dull ochres. A crumpled rag of the same color is glued to the upper third of the longish sheet of paper. Both this brazen non sequitur and the chaotic vigorousness of Dine’s treatment of the owl’s body feel like a guilty justification for the comparatively precious head sitting predictably atop it."

I dropped by the Torpedo Factory today to see the show at Target Gallery curated by Sarah Tanguy. More on that later, but for now let me tell you that this is the best show that I've seen at Target in the last ten years. It is quite extraordinary the number of really unique works that Tanguy managed to assemble from a juried show perspective.

More on that later, as I will review it for OTC.

Also while at the Factory, I saw some artwork (shown to me by her proud mom) by a 15-year-old girl, completely self-taught, and whose work left me absolutely stunned.

Her name is Jenny Davis, and like I said, she is 15, and she decided to start trying watercolors, and has produced a handful of watercolors (which as any artist knows, is the most technically demanding of any of the painting arts) that simply take your breath away with their technical eloquence for such a young, untrained child. Add to that an immediate sense of composition, and a built in ability to "see" and we have a budding star in the making.

I immediately invited her mom to have Jenny participate in our coming Summer Group Show in Bethesda!

That's how impressed I was by this prowess.

On the way out, I ran into artist Susan Makara and asked her if she's seen Tanya Davis daughter's work. Susan just whistled in admiration and said a wise "I know!"

Jerry Saltz has a must read piece about art critics, dealers and artists at  And thanks to Arts Journal - Here's another great piece about and by art critics: Assume The Position by Nate Lippens.

Jessica Dawson has several mini reviews in today's Post.

Art Jobs...

Job offers at CUDC

The Cultural Development Corporation (CuDC), a non-profit dedicated to engaging artists and cultural organizations in community development and revitalization efforts.

The following jobs are available: Program Manager, Gallery Associate Gallery Associate: This hourly, entry-level position will coordinate the Gallery at Flashpoint. The ideal candidate will also coordinate the 7th Street Arts District's 3rd Thursday event. 3rd Thursday offers an extended evening of contemporary art exhibitions an artist-guided gallery crawl.

Program Manager: This full-time, management position will have primary responsibility for coordinating services to artists and arts organizations including the incubator program at Flashpoint.

How to apply: To apply, submit a resume with cover letter to:
Cultural Development Corporation Program Manager Search
Gallery Associate Search
916 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20001


Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Jeff Blum has a few interesting and enlightening comments about our current photograhy show in Bethesda and discusses James W. Bailey's destruction of his negatives to create the finished photo.

Jesse Cohen has a new DC-centric arts BLOG at Art DC. Welcome to the BLOGsphere! The more we chat, discuss, agree, fight over DC area art issues, the better!

Welcome Jesse!