Friday, September 10, 2004

Call for Artists

Deadline: Monday, September 27, 2004.

War or Peace at Warehouse Gallery. October 15-November 14, 2004. Opening reception Friday, October 15. One of five Washington exhibitions relating to the theme. All work in War or Peace will be juried from digital images. Juror for two dimensional work is Molly Ruppert, Director of Warehouse Gallery; Juror for sculpture: Judy A. Greenberg, Director of The Kreeger Museum.

Two-dimensional work: Send Jpegs to:

Sculpture: Send Jpegs (two views of each work) to:

Please include in the text of the email the following info:
artist's name
phone number
email address
title of work
weight (sculpture)

There will be no entry or hanging fees but a commission of 20% of all sales will be taken by the gallery.

Maximum dimensions: 9 feet height, 8 or 10 feet width.

Notification by October 4. Further information: email or

In a show surely to stir controversy, GMU professor Chawky Frenn opens tonite at our Bethesda gallery with a show titled "US and Them." Read an excellent profile of Frenn by Dave Jamieson in the current issue of the Washington City Paper here.

The opening reception is from 6-9 PM as part of the Bethesda Art Walk. See you there!

Those of you who know me, also know how much I dislike stereo-typing anything. And this being the first ever visit for me to Omaha (or Nebraska for that matter), guess what is the first thing that greet new arrivals to Omaha's Eppley Field Airport?

Omaha Steaks Booth

Thinking About Art has some pretty potent words both in praise of the Trawick Prize: The Bethesda Contemporary Art Awards, and also in criticism of the poor curatorial job done by the three jurors.

As soon as I get back from Cornhuskerland I will go see the show and offer my own comments on the subject, but judging from the photos posted by J.T. about the selected works, I am already finding myself somewhat agreeing with Kirkland.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I'm in Omaha... yep.

On the flight here I read Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss and loved it!

Mora later... on both Omaha and the book.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

2005 International Digital Art Awards

Deadline: 30 November 2004.

All artists working in digital media are eligible to enter this competition. The IDAA seeks to present the very best artists working in 2D digital stills and New Media art.

The IDAA was one of the first international awards to present an online and touring hard copy exhibition with publication.

2005 program will also include a fully integrated web conference featuring several leading international artists and academics. The 2005 prize list is extensive and can be viewed online. It is worth mentioning that Epson and DES will be supporting two artists with special printing prizes in the 2D category.

The IDAA is a major award and offers free entry to all artists.

Deadline for entries is 30 November 2004 - Those artists who enter before October 30 will be eligible to win the new G 600 Konica Minolta 6 meg Digital Camera.

Enter at this website.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Jack Vettriano continues to be ignored and snubbed by the British cultural gods, and yet the self-taught ex-miner continues to leave mouths open with his Sotheby's auction sales.

The blunt, chain-smoking ex-miner had this to say about it all.