Tuesday, May 24, 2005


"The rise of curators and "super-curators" hasn't come out of the blue. Twentieth-century modernist conceptions of art-making presupposed the need for a class of specialist professionals to mediate between "advanced", "challenging" artists and lay gallery-goers. In the past decade or so, however, the balance of power has tipped so emphatically towards curatorship that many canny artists have opted to reinvent themselves as part- or even full-time curators."
Read the whole article by Rachel Withers here.

Corcoran's Director Quits

David C. Levy resigned yesterday as president and director of the Corcoran Gallery of Art. The Corcoran's board of trustees have also suspended the museum's longstanding efforts to build a new wing designed by architect Frank Gehry.

Read the WaPo story here.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Seven Update

This week I'll will try to re-visit all 20,000 plus slides in the WPA/C registry for "Seven.".

I'm continuing to attempt to bring together some of DC's most visible and recognized names, together with artists who (I feel) deserve a bit more recognition and/or exposure.

Deadline is June 10. Submissions details here.

Borf outed?

According to comments in DCist, famed DC street artist BORF is about to be highlighted (no pun intended) in a WaPo article.

Jenny Vee tracks and photographs Borf (and his magic marker).

Sunday, May 22, 2005

An Englisman Opines

On Gopnik, the Corcoran and Photography...

Read it here

Saturday, May 21, 2005

At Reston today and tomorrow!

I'll be at the Northern Virginia Fine Arts Festival today and tomorrow.

The festival averages around 80,000 visitors in two days and features nearly 200 artists from the US, Canada and Mexico.

Directions here. I'll be in booth 603 - See ya there!

Friday, May 20, 2005

Weil on the Corcoran

Corcoran Fiscal Mess: Blame Management not the Building

By Rex Weil

David Levy describes the Corcoran Gallery of Art as more like a church than a business (Washington Post 5/20/05). Insensitive types who insist on examining the books just don’t understand.

Is it Levy’s contention that churches don’t need strategic plans, sound budgets, fair employment practices and transparent accounting procedures?

In fact, the Corcoran’s director wants it both ways. After all, he hauls in a CEO salary in the neighborhood of $300,000, while most of his employees makes less that $50K and the vast majority far less, with few or no benefits. Obfuscatory accounting practices -- that would make Enron execs blush -- have bled the Corcoran College to make the Museum look healthy. Sounds more like a business to me -- just not a very good one.

Levy’s strategic plan: Treat your major constituencies (members, students, employees and faculty) with contempt and buy your way out of problems with a celebrity building. Well, it might have worked, but it hasn’t. As the Corcoran’s new Board Chairman learned recently "support for the Corcoran is 'superficial.'"

Meaning (I suppose), that, although everyone would like to see the Corcoran succeed, most people (a) just don't feel like they have a stake in it; and/or (b) are disappointed with current management. Let’s face it: practically everybody in Washington knows someone who has left the Corcoran in frustration or disgust. (I left in December, 2004 after teaching there since 1996). That’s bound to have a major snowball effect in terms of community support.

What Levy has apparently failed to grasp from the beginning: You have to build support from the bottom up with good programs and good relationships. Build the base – with satisfied, dedicated employees, enthusiastic students and their proud families, members invested in ambitious programming, and a committed long-term faculty advancing the institution. Those folks are, in turn, your best fundraisers.

Instead, (according to the Washington Post), the Corcoran has spent over 22 million on the Gehry addition. One way or another, a good deal of that 22 million has come out of the hide of students and their families, employees, faculty and admission paying visitors in poor facilities, shameful employment practices and dreary programming. All in all, the institution’s core constituencies are bitter and alienated.

It didn’t have to be that way. The building was not a bad idea. But running the institution into the ground with the idea that the Gehry magic would eventually save the day – that was a very bad idea, indeed.

The Gehry building can only come to pass as a reward to the institution from committed, grateful constituencies for work well done over a long period of time. No, it is not going to pay for itself by generating new money from new visitors. Like the Hard Rock CafĂ© – every city will have one. Of course, the tour buses will slow down and point it out. What’s inside the building is the important part. That’s the part the Corcoran has neglected.

New management might still be able to make a case for the building. David Levy can’t.