Saturday, May 28, 2005

Seven: Videographer Wanted

An idea that I hope to implement for Seven is to have the entire process documented.

As such we're looking for a volunteer videographer who's be willing to videotape the entire exhibition process, from the delivery of artwork commencing June 27th, to Kelly Towles painting a wall, to Alessandra Torres transforming a room, to the formal opening on June 30th.

Interested? Email me.

Georgetown International

The deadline for the 9th Annual Georgetown International Fine Arts Competition is rapidly approaching: June 3, 2005.

The 2005 juror is Jack Rasmussen, Director and Curator of the American University's Katzen Arts Center Galleries.

Entry forms and prospectus here.

Bring Darko Maver into the Equation

Nick Salvatore writes that:

All this discussion of lies and faked photos as art immediately reminded me of the career of Darko Maver.

As discussed here, Maver was supposed to have based his work on using various sculpting materials to painstakingly re-create crime scenes and murders he'd seen in photos. The pieces were so obsessively crafted and "life"-like that they were nearly indiscernable from the actual scenes he recreated. The audience only ever saw his work in the form of photographs, so presentations of his work wound up looking like collections of forensic and medical photos.

As it turns out, that's exactly what they were. A couple of neoists had found a bunch of grim photos, re-imagined them as images of re-creations, created a compelling life story for their artist, and presented it all to the unknowing public. Not that this is going on here, necessarily.

But it's interesting to me that, years after the Maver thing, there's an artist out there who's actually put in the man-hours to make a more audience-friendly version of the same point. And I can't help but wonder whether Demand's work achieves or conveys anything that "Maver's" work did not. I suppose I should see the show.

Vera Blagev

One of the great assets of living around the DC area, is that in addition to having one of the most active fine arts scenes around the nation, and loads of exhibition venues, we are also lucky to have a lot of alternative spaces that show art, as any perusal of the Washington City Paper "On Exhibit" section will prove.

Area artist Vera Blagev is currently showing in two of these venues. Some of her drawings are currently on display at the CD Warehouse store in Georgetown (3001 M Street NW in Washington DC) starting on May 16th running for 8 weeks and at Cafe Luna (1633 P Street NW in Washington DC) starting May 16th for one month.

New Arts BLOG

After reading Bailey's essay on Demand's work, Teague Clare was compelled to succumb to making a blog specifically so that he could easily post some things that came to him after reading it!

And a damned good start if I may say so myself!

Welcome to the BLOGsphere! Visit Innerbias often.

Friday, May 27, 2005

The Weekly Reviews

In the City Paper, Louis Jacobson reviews Richard Barrett and Pamela Soldwedel at Parker Gallery.

In the Gazette, Dr. Claudia Rousseau reviews Compelled by Content at Fraser Gallery Bethesda.

In the WaPo on Thursday's "Galleries" day = Zip. But on Friday Michael O'Sullivan reviews "Close Up in Black: African American Film Posters," on view at the International Gallery of the Smithsonian's S. Dillon Ripley Center.

At Solarize This, Alexandra Silverthorne reviews our Gabriela Bulisova show at Fraser Gallery Bethesda.

In DCist, J.T. Kirkland reviewed Teo Gonzalez at Irvine Contemporary and also Kehinde Wiley at Conner Contemporary.

And in here, Bailey reviewed Gopnik on Thomas Demand at MOMA.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Feed your Gehry Jones

In the unlikely event that you are one of those Jonesing for a local Gehry, now that it seems that the Corcoran's Gehry plans have evaporated, then the webcam for the new Ohr-O'Keefe Museum of Art in Biloxi, Mississippi may feed your Jones to see one of the origami buildings being constructed (perilously close to the waters of the Mississippi Sound by the way).