Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation’s Artists & Communities Program

DC area artists are now eligible to participate in the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation’s Artists & Communities program and they want to make you aware of a free marketing tool available to community artists and have emailed me some info:

The recently re-launched Mid Atlantic website includes a searchable database feature that includes information on community artists. Potential residency host sites can search for a community artist by discipline, sub-discipline, state, and name.

Returned records include contact information, availability, and artist notes. The online data is kept updated through downloads from the main Foundation database. This process keeps information current and useful. You can check out the database at or the Artists & Communities program at this website.

Currently, no DC-based artists are listed in the database – and they need you to join! If you would like to be included in their online searchable database, please fill out the form on their website and return it to the Foundation at:

Online Database
Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation
201 N. Charles Street
Suite 401, Baltimore, MD 21201.

You can also fax to 410.837.5517 or email to You must opt-in to the via hard copy of the form to be included. This service is open to any artists from the Mid Atlantic area.


Contemporary Art Gallery magazine has published an interview with me in their most current issue.

Read the interview online here.

Jerry Cullum on Kretz's Jollie Painting

Curator and Senior Editor of Art Papers Jerry Cullum adds some insight into the issue of the Kate Kretz painting of Jollie as the Virgin Mary. Read it here.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Deborah McLeod's Top 10 DC Area Show

Deborah McLeod, who used to run (and did an excellent job) the McLean Project for the Arts in Virginia before relocating to Baltimore, where she now reviews art shows for the City Paper says:

I haven't seen most of the D.C. shows that were presented in 2006, but one I did see that I thought deserved mention was the "Sculpture Unbound" juried exhibition at PEPCO's Edison Gallery last Jan-Mar.

It was juried by Glenn Harper, and as you might imagine, he did an acute job of selecting and arguing it. It was a rich, inventive, and satisfying show for the strange object lover.
"Sculpture Unbound" was a joint Washington Sculptors Group and WPA/Corcoran project.


artDC is next April in Washington, DC and I've yet to hear squat about it from anyone. But I am getting emails from both artists and collectors and a few gallerists asking me what I know about it.


Best Salad Bar in PA

I know that this has nothing to do with the visual arts, but the salad bar at Lancer's Diner, 858 Easton Road, Horsham, PA, telephone 215-674-5088, is a work of art!

For an amazingly affordable price, one has a choice of all you can eat supplies of a delicious cold calamari, Greek dolmas, two or three different tomato offerings, garbanzo salad, a couple of bean salads, a couple of potato salads, Greek olives, plus the usual assortment of salady things.

There's also plenty of fresh fruit and a killer bread pudding.

And, if you get a window seat, you can also enjoy the ferocious looking A-10's land and take-off across the street at the Willow Grove Naval Air Station.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Artomatic Events – Bethesda

This January and February, a number of galleries in Bethesda, Maryland will host group exhibitions showcasing works they have selected from artists who responded to a call for entries by uploading their images to the Artomatic virtual gallery at

These Bethesda venues, with leadership from Catriona Fraser of Fraser Gallery, have worked with the Bethesda Urban Partnership's Arts and Entertainment District members and Artomatic to establish and implement this inaugural Artomatic Associated Events project.

Participating venues are: Creative Partners Gallery, Fraser Gallery, Gallery Neptune, Heineman Myers Contemporary Art, Joy of Motion Dance Center, Round House Theatre, Washington School of Photography/Capitol Arts Network, and The Writer’s Center.

In addition to these group exhibitions (which incorporate the work of 30 painters, printmakers, photographers and sculptors), the January and February events will also cover a vibrant range of performance offerings, including open dance rehearsals and free Salsa lessons, artist talks, "assembly line" portrait sittings, poetry readings, and live music sessions, as well as networking opportunities and portfolio workshops for Metro area creative professionals.

Artomatic Associated Events - Bethesda will kick off with an Artswalk and a variety of opening-related events on Friday, January 12th from 6 – 9 pm.

Further details on the roster of events throughout the month will be available at both and More information about the ArtsWalk may be found at this website.