Saturday, July 28, 2007

Artcade Magazine

Artcade Magazine New, super cool DC-based online art magazine... visit them here.

Two million

The most visited blog by a Cuban-American is...

Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton's celebrity juice and gossip blog in LA! With over two million hits a day!

But we're hot on your tail Perez!

Friday, July 27, 2007

New Curator at AAC

Jeffry Cudlin tells us that he's the new curator at the Arlington Arts Center.

This is nothing but good news for the AAC and for Arlington.

Cool Art Thing of the Moment

I don't know where DC artist Guy Mondo finds these things, but he is certain to find the oddest things in the world of fine arts.

Artwork by Hubert Duprat c. Cabinet Magazine

"The images above illustrate the results of an unusual artistic collaboration between the French artist Hubert Duprat and a group of caddis fly larvae... Duprat, who was born in 1957, began working with caddis fly larvae in the early 1980s...

After collecting the larvae from their normal environments, he relocates them to his studio where he gently removes their own natural cases and then places them in aquaria that he fills with alternative materials from which they can begin to recreate their protective sheaths. He began with only gold spangles but has since also added the kinds of semi-precious and precious stones (including turquoise, opals, lapis lazuli and coral, as well as pearls, rubies, sapphires, and diamonds) seen here.

The insects do not always incorporate all the available materials into their case designs, and certain larvae, Duprat notes, seem to have better facility with some materials than with others. Additionally, cases built by one insect and then discarded when it evolves into its fly state are sometimes recovered by other larvae, who may repurpose it by adding to or altering its size and form."
Read the whole article here.

Call for Artists

Deadline: Saturday August 18, 2007

Somerville, Mass' Nave Gallery's Young Turks returns for a second year with an exhibition featuring art and artists "taking a walk on the wild side." The show aims to highlight all that is not part of the status quo. They seek work that questions, confronts, and, yes, attacks ideas, images, and ideology that others take for granted.

No submission fee!

Anger, disassociation, a rejection of the societal norm are some of the
emotions they expect artwork in this show to explore. Commentary on larger societal issues such as world poverty, the Middle East crisis, global warming or of issues closer to home such as the Big Dig mess, gas prices, gang violence, or drugs, left wing and right wing rhetoric, are just some examples of possible themes. Or it can be strictly personal, an illustration of the artist using the creative process to express a specific state of being or growth.

Artists are invited to submit work that addresses their connection with this theme as described above. Work of all mediums is encouraged. Both established and emerging artists are welcome to apply.

Applications should include:
- Artist resume, email contact info, image list (medium, dimensions, year
- Artist statement 150 words about artwork and relationship to the call
- Supporting images may be either slides or digital. Label slides or
CD-ROM with their full name, and the name of their piece.
- Include a self-addressed envelope with adequate postage for return of
- postmark deadline of Saturday August 18, 2007
- email submissions accepted:

The Nave Gallery
155 Powderhouse Blvd.
Somerville, MA 02144

And the answer is...

Zoe's answer to my question below is: "it's a close second to the biennial. It's in a "suite" area so it's not open to everyone who comes to a game. If it was in a public area, it might tie the biennial."

Thursday, July 26, 2007


To Philly's wonderphotog Zoe Strauss, who tells us that The Philadelphia Eagles will be purchasing a vinyl print of her photo "Mattress Flip" for display in the "Red Zone" at Lincoln Financial Field.

So what's cooler, being selected for the last Whitney Biennial or being selected by an NFL powerhouse?

Time for the 'skins to step up and ante up some artwork for their stadium.