Monday, September 24, 2007

At Howard

"Origin and the Landscape" - Prints and Drawings by Lou Stovall opens next Sunday, September 30, 3:00 - 6:00POM at Howard University Gallery of Art.

Related Programs:

"Conversation with Students." Friday, October 5th, 2007 12:10 pm - 2:00 pm.

"The Art of Silkscreen Printmaking: A Technical Discussion of the Process and Demonstration", Tuesday October 16th, 2007 6:30 pm - 8:30pm.

"Gallery Talk and Tour with the Artist." Sunday November 18th, 2007. (changed from Nov. 4th) 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm.

All programs held at Howard U. Gallery of Art, Main Campus, in Lulu Vere Childers Hall, 2455 6th Street NW, Washington DC 20059. For more information call (202)806-7070. Exhibition dates are September 30th to December 14th, 2007.

Stovall is one of the nation's true master printmakers and easily one of the District's top artists.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Star Wars on Earth

You knew it was coming... only question is why did it take so long? I've been hearing good things about this show in DC.

(Deep, asthmatic Darth Vader breating)

"Landscapes / Star Wars on Earth" is a solo exhibition featuring two bodies of work by French photographer Cédric Delsaux. According to the gallery press release:

Delsaux's digital photographs combine myth and reality. The work is subtle and serene in his Landscapes series, and overtly humorous in his Star Wars on Earth Series, in which Delsaux photographs toy figurines and then digitally places them in Parisian suburbs. His training in commercial photography is evident with his play on branding in the Star Wars on Earth series. Conversely, in Landscapes, traces of human existence are either remote or totally absent. In both series, the expansive and dream-like scenes combined with colors that contrast the washy with the bold is what captivates.
The exhibition is at Project 4 in DC through October 20, 2007.

Grand Opening of new art space

Next Sunday, September 30, 2007 from Noon to 5pm, VisArts at Rockville, formerly known as the Rockville Arts Center (or RAP) and an arts venue with over twenty years of celebrating the visual arts, will be having its grand opening dedication for its huge new space in Rockville.

Now open in the Rockville Town Center, VisArts Center is located at 155 Gibbs Street, Rockville, MD 20850. The center serves the community with gallery exhibitions, arts education, outreach to schools and communities, and showcasing resident artists.

For more information, visit or call 301-315-8200.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

"Big Al" Carter

By Shauna Lee Lange

The Alexandria Black History Museum is currently hosting a photographic exhibition of Allen D. "Big Al" Carter's work. All photographs were taken in the 1970s in Leesburg, Virginia.

Titled "God Has Made A Way in Leesburg," the exhibition runs through January 20, 2008. In this second exhibition at the museum, Carter explores his family connections in one moment of time - working, relaxing, and surviving more than thirty years ago.

Then space was open, homes were modest, life was simpler. And although Carter's male relatives have sadly left us, Carter looks back on their influence and inspiration, and he sees valuable messages: Make the best of what you have; Enjoy the gifts you're given.

Carter, a Virginia native, loves Virginia history and is proud of the advancements made by African Americans. In May of 2006, the Washington Post called his talent "inexhaustible creativity." Sometimes known as Big Al, Al, or Big, Carter while teaching in Arlington, calls himself a "burnt umber man."

He is a poet, a painter, an educator, a sculptor, a music lover, and at times an insomniac. Two of his works can be found in the Corcoran's permanent collection and more should be acquired by other Virginia museums and institutions.

Wanna go to a closing in Delaware today?

Heather Levy is one of those super hardworking artists who instead of moaning around about how hard it is to be an artist (it is), tackles the issue and gets exhibited.

This DC-based artist is having a closing reception for her solo exhibition "Flights of Fancy," at 205 Lavinia Gallery in Milton, DE which is right near Rehoboth today Saturday Sept. 22nd, from 3-5pm. Music provided by Basso Moderno Duo.

Also coming up in October (Oct. 12 - Nov. 16) she's having a solo exhibition of her "rocket science series" at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford.

This will be the first exhibition of this series, which has some really large paintings... some are 10 feet or longer.

Although one of those paintings was displayed on a billboard on 34th and 7th in Manhattan and a few others were featured in a show at the now defunct CBGB's gallery this will be the first time they are shown as a series. The opening reception is on Friday, Oct. 12th, 2007 at 12:00 p.m with an artist's talk.

All dates and times and other important info about those exhibits and a lot more where Heather is showing can be found here.

Check out the DC City Hall art collection

At 12 p.m. on Wednesday September 26, the public is invited to the Wilson Building for a guided tour through the City Hall public collection of art on permanent display on floors 1-5 of the Wilson building. The tour will be lead by local artist Sondra N. Arkin, curator to the collection of over 170 pieces.

This is a unique chance to meet with local artists featured in the collection and have a discussion on being an artist in the Nation’s Capital and to see a rich cross section of local artists (both established and emerging). This will be a bi-monthly occurrence.

The tour is free, however advanced registration for the series is preferred. Please RSVP to with the number in your party. Meet at the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance — the building is located at 1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW. ID is required to enter the building.


Yesterday I was 248 emails in the hole, and I tried really hard to catch up, and now I am only 170 behind, but life moves on.

So if you feel ignored...