5,000 frames
I've been offered a super sweet deal on 5,000 custom made frames in a spectacular diversity of sizes, mouldings, styles and colors. Each one is a custom made frame that was a mistake (too big or too small for the custom job). Over a couple of decades, these huge framing shop has accumulated several thousand mistakes and now I can get them all for around $3,500... or maybe even less (I've already talked them down from $5,000).
Some are huge, some are small, but they are all high quality mouldings.
But I have no room for 2,000 frames much less 5,000. But if I found 3-4 people, or gallerists, or artists, or cooperatives, or schools, willing to go together with me, so that we each get 1,000 frames or so, then I'd be willing to piss off my wife, and use the water tight storage shed and the garage to get this sweet deal.
Email me if you are interested and I'll arrange a viewing and discuss terms.