Saturday, July 05, 2008

The Art of Failure

" a feature documentary about the life of Chuck Connelly, a brilliant yet enigmatic painter who had great success as a young artist in the art boom of the 1980’s but who has perpetuated a long downward spiral in his career due to ego, drugs, women, and alcohol. He now is increasingly fearful of his fate. Driven by desperation, Connelly comes up with several crazy schemes to sell his work to galleries and stage a comeback in the art world."
The film will air on HBO this Monday July 7th at 9pm EST. More broadcast dates here and the film's website is here and Connelly's website is here.

Connelly is represented in the Philadelphia area by The Knapp Gallery which currently has "The New Philadelphia School" exhibition (through August 24). It includes work by Tom Brady, Chuck Connelly, Giappo DiFederico, Jon Eckel, Adam Lee Farrell, and R. Michael Walsh.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Another Campello gets reviewed

My daughter Elise gets reviewed - read it here.

Happy 4th!

American flag by Jasper Johns

Super proud to be an American!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Campello in 08?

See it and don't believe it. It's actually a new form of art: "Viral Videos."

Go here.

Latin American Wealth

Latin America's wealthy also are among the most avid buyers of fine art. While only 11 percent of North America's wealthy spend their money on fine art, 21 percent of Latin America's wealthy do so. That is also more than what their counterparts in Asia and the Middle East spend and only lags slightly behind Europe.
Read the article here and let's all wonder what the other 89% of North America's wealthy spend their dollars on?

Voter Apathy

If the spectacular turnout for my poll is a prognosticator of the shape of things to come in November, then we're in trouble. As of this morning only two votes had been registered - and one of them was mine!

To recap: on the issue of the National Latino Museum, I've set up a poll here to see what people think. It takes 30 seconds to take this poll... just pick one of the two choices.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


I know nothing!

I haven't received a single bit of news or anything even remotely reading like a press release about FotoWeek DC; in fact I'm only hearing about FotoWeek from photographers asking me about it.

DCist has all the details here - I know nothing about it other than it has a really good website and it is a splendid idea!