Monday, October 13, 2008

Seen on the drive from Norfolk

As you drive up from Norfolk to the Philly area, you drive through the Coastal Highway up through Virginia's eastern shores and into Maryland's eastern shore. And just before you cross the state border into Maryland, the below sign warns you that:

The South Ends Here
On the other side of the road, as you enter Virginia from Maryland, the same signs tells you that "The South Begins Here."

They should put some signs halfway through all the bridges and tunnels leaving Manhattan saying "The Artworld Ends Here." At least according to Newyorkistas...

Tere Diaz on Hispanic/Latino artists

Read a terrific interview at authentic art visions.

Go to this DC opening on Wednesday!

Gallery 101 over at Georgetown University has a must see show opening tomorrow with an opening reception on October 15 from 5:30-7PM.

It is Introspection, animated portraits by Scott Hutchison.

Hutchison has been working for years now in his animated portraiture, where he combines portrait painting and traditional animation techniques with digital capture and editing tools. Essentially Scott analyzes facial expressions and then paints each moment of the expression frame by frame.

video paintings by Scott HutchisonYep... each frame of his videos is an original painting. Then these hundreds of small individual portraits become the cels for looped animations that truly open up the personality of the sitter.

This is the sort of innovative work that for years now has been building the bridge between traditional painting and video, and which in most other cities would have already come up to the attention of local museum curators.

If you want to see something truly different and new, check out Hutchison over at Georgetown.

Gallery 101 is located in the Walsh building of the University, between N and Prospect Streets in Georgetown. The show runs through December 5, 2008.

Overlap by Scott Hutchison

"Overlap" 100 5"x7" paintings on paper and video by Scott Hutchison

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tim Tate opens in London

At London's Steps Gallery with a public openings 17th October - 26th October 2008. You all know what I have been preaching about Tate for years...

Mellema on Glass and Photos

Kevin Mellema over at the Falls Church News Press reviews the current three person show at Maurine Littleton and also Frank Day at Addison Ripley Fine Art.

Read the reviews here.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tim Tate opens in LA today

My Love Life Thus Far, Blown & Cast Glass,electronics, original video - by Tim TateTim Tate: A Look Into a Video Mind opens at Billy Shire Fine Arts with an opening reception on Saturday, October 11th, from 7-10 pm.

This will be Tate's solo debut in Los Angeles. You can see some of the videos online here.

Lecturing today

As I noted before, last week I juried the current show at the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop in DC, where I looked at about 100 works of art and selected 35 for exhibition and handed out six awards (three honorable mentions).

The opening is today, Saturday, Oct. 11 from 5-7PM.

I'll be there giving out the awards and also doing a talk with tips to artists on how to improve their chances of getting accepted into juried competitions. The opening and my talk is free and open to the public, so come by and say hi.

The Capitol Hill Arts Workshop is located at 545 7th Street, S.E. Washington DC, 20003 (the corner of 7th and G Streets, SE). If you take the Metro, they are two blocks south of the Eastern Market metro plaza, which is on the orange and blue lines. After exiting the metro stop, walk down 7th Street (there’s a CVS on the corner) two blocks, away from Pennsylvania Ave. The Arts Workshop is located at the corners of 7th and G Streets, SE, entrance on 7th Street.

Driving directions here.