Closing Reception for "Aqui Estamos" today
This afternoon, from 2-4PM H&F Fine Arts will host a closing reception for "Aqui Estamos," contemporary artwork by some of the best known Cuban artists from Cuba and from the Cuban Diaspora.
As I've said before, I called the show "Aqui Estamos" or "Here We Are," as sort of a footprint statement for these important artists making an exclamation point to the Greater DC area.
On the walls are drawings, photographs, paintings and etchings by Magdalena Campos-Pons, Kcho, Sandra Ramos, Cirenaica Moreira, Marta Maria Perez Bravo, Aimee Garcia Marrero and Roberto Acosta Wong.
Last chance to see the show before it travels to Philly!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
La Cubanita bailando reggaeton
My good friend and Cuban uberartist Tania Brugera sent me this video of a young Cuban girl dancing raggaeton, which had the effect to instantly making me proud of my Cuban roots and also feel 150 years old!
Sunday Post Reading
Washington has a vibrant, under-the-radar art party scene that has long been visible only to those in the know. But thanks in part to a growing community of art socialites, bloggers and paparazzi, nearly 3,000 people are suddenly pounding down the doors of a museum on a Friday night, and 700 are lining up in the rain to get into a crumbling skate park to see photography. Party organizers sometimes lament the new notoriety, but the crowds keep coming. This month, we fanned out to four events to capture a slice of the action.Read the WaPo story here.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
New Art Scam
If you get the below email, ignore it. It is a new art scam:
Subject: Artworks..Like I have done in the past with other scammers, I will try to hook "Jane Karloff" into wasting time and effort with me...
From: Janet Karloff (
Sent: Tue 11/25/08 1:58 PM
Hi, Hope this message finds you well. I saw these creatives works on your web site and i will like you to get back with more details if they are still available for purchase. "Iranian Campaign" and "Expeditionary Service Test" I will appreciate an urgent reply. Best Regards,
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hundreds of portraits by Kayti
She never did my portrait, but Kayti Didriksen, who can rightfully claim to have done Dubya's most famous portrait, will have an exhibition of a lot of new portraits.
It all starts on Saturday, November 29th at 7 pm at th Fight Club, located in Blagden Alley between 9th and 10th and M & N Streets, N.W. Washington D.C.
This neighborhood is peppered with a lot of "off the radar" little clubs and "you need to know someone in order to get in" places, and the best way to get on the "in" list is to hang around some of these exhibits for a while and ask...
Go see this show and then tell me (here it comes) how Kayti did.
Opportunity for Artists
Deadline: December 8, 2008
No entry fees!
CRUX is an exhibit sponsored by Trinity Presbyterian Church (TPC)M in Norfolk, VA. The purpose of this show is to support the arts community as it explores the theme “CRUX.” The exhibit will be held at The Mayer Fine Art Gallery (MFA) in Norfolk on January 10-31, 2009.
Eligibility: All are invited to participate. Fine art in two and three dimensions is eligible for entry. Works should relate to the theme. TPC reserves the right to refuse any works with unusual installation requirements or works otherwise judged unsuitable.
Entry application: There are no fees. Artists should complete the entry form and notification form giving all information requested. Send a SASE for notification.
digitatal entries only: Artists may submit one image each for up to three works. Digital images should be sent on a PC-compatible CD-ROM in JPG format or emailed to Each file should include artist’s name and image number to correspond with annotated image list. Maximum image size is 1920 x 1920 pixels at 72 dpi. Do not embed images into PowerPoint or submit moving images or audio files. Each artist should submit an image list including title, medium, dimensions, year and description of piece as it relates to the theme, CRUX.
Sales: There will be absolutely no commission retained on any sale by either TPC or MFA. Work will be sold at the price listed on the entry form. All work not for sale must be marked “NFS” and please, no “PORs.”
Jurors: William Hennessey, the Director of the Chrysler Museum, Solomon Isekeije, Assistant Professor of Arts with the Department of Fine and Performing Arts at Hampton University, and Ken Daley, Professor of Art at Old Dominion University.
12/12/08 Deadline to receive entry forms, and digital submissions, all postmarked by Dec. 8, 2008, and mailed to:
Trinity Presbyterian Church
7th Annual Juried Exhibition
Attn. S. Lucas
1600 Colonial Avenue
Norfolk, VA 23517
Email submissions may be made to
12/17/08 Notification forms mailed
1/8/09 Accepted works must be received at TPC
1/10/09 Exhibition reception from 7:30-10:00PM
1/30/09 Exhibit closes.
1/31/09 All hand-delivered works are to be picked up from TPC.
2/2/09 All works shipped UPS will be returned UPS at artist’s expense.
Contact the TPC office at 757.466.0989 or with questions or for more information or to get a copy of the prospectus.
Hickey on the art boom's Dionysian last gasps
After attending 2007's Frieze Art Fair and Art Basel Miami, Dave Hickey found himself pondering the retrenchment to come:
"So think of the art world as a beach and money as the surf. Waves roll inbut they always suck back out, leaving a few masterpieces, taking some beachwith them. When a really gnarly monster rolls in, the best we can hope isthat it will leave some beach behind and a few treasures in the sand, alongwith the wreckage and the bodies‹because the wave will suck away. And whenit does, as it is doing right now, the whales will either hold or dump. Ifthey hold, art will remain a stable-valued, low-liquid commodity. If thewhales dump at cut-rate prices, the art world will undergo its firstcatastrophic value re-adjustment in 40 years. It won¹t be pretty, but itwill be exciting to watch."Read the article in Vanity Fair here.