Opportunity for Artists and Curators
Deadline: April 3, 2009
Boston's Center for Latino Arts (CLA) Gallery is now accepting portfolio submissions for solo and group exhibitions of contemporary art for its 2010-2011 season.
Participating artists will be selected by the CLA Curator, and one of four 6-8 week shows will be awarded to qualified and relevant artists whose proposed works are closely aligned with their mission and goals (see below). Artists working in any number of mediums are eligible and encouraged to apply; suggested mediums include painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, digital media, video, new media and installation. Exhibitions will be scheduled between September 2010 and August 2011.
The CLA Gallery presents contemporary works that are unique and innovative in concept and presentation. The CLA Gallery will provide promotional flier design, printing and distribution for each exhibition in addition to extensive listings and press releases. Each artist is responsible for providing finished works for awarded exhibitions, to include framing and/or other gallery presentation materials (for new media and video, this includes monitors, projectors and other devices inherent to the presentation of the work).
To Enter, Please Submit, an Exhibition Proposal to include:
- Call to Artists Application (available here)
- Exhibition Statement (Please make clear if proposal is for existing or new works to be created. If submitting for a group show, please explain how each artists’ work is related to, inspired by or compliments the other, with a maximum of 3 artists per group show)
- Artist Statement(s) and CV(s)
- 10 to 15 proposed images/works per artist on CD/DVD. Printed images or links to websites will not be accepted. Each submission should contain 3 copies of a printed list that corresponds to the images on CD (and numbered accordingly) including the title, year, dimension and medium(s). Images should be provided at, or near, 300 dpi as a JPEG, TIFF, PDF, BMP, or GIF file
- 250-500 word Statement of Purpose explaining why you would like to exhibit at the CLA Gallery and how your work furthers their mission.
Mail to:
CLA Gallery Artist Call
Attn: Evan J. Garza
405 Shawmut Avenue
Boston, MA 02118