Monday, March 16, 2009

Art Fraud Alert

This person is going thru and they believe that this person is involved in fraudulent activity such as ID fraud.

First Name: Steve
Last Name: Adams

Hello to you out there. I am so excited that I came across of your work on internet search,I am interested in purchasing some creative artworks from you let me know their various prices.and how much discounts are you going to give? I will be happy to have these selected artworks hanged in our new home in South Africa. As well, I want you to take out the shipping cost.I have been in touch with a shipping firm that will be shipping other house decoratives, We are travelling from our Dallas home to our new apartment as soon as possible.On Paying for the artworks,I will be glad to pay you with a Bank draft or Cashier check in Euro funds that can be easily cashed at your local bank,please let me know on how to proceed, Have a wonderful day. Take Care, Mr Steve Adams....

Two DC galleries to close

As we all know, Zenith Gallery recently closed after 30 years on the DC art scene. I've just learned that two more long established DC art galleries will close soon as well.

More later.

Footloose Trooper

Elise CampelloThat's my baby daughter Elise to the left, and she just had an opening night for Footloose at the Tacoma Musical Playhouse in Tacoma, Washington.

She performed the opening in spite of having brochitis.

A little Campello trooper, no?

And she's also on the traveling "Mercer Girls" show for the 5th Avenue Theatre in Seattle.

Next at Hamiltonian

Click for more details


To Shanye (Ken) Huang, a Chinese-American artist, from Silver Spring, MD. Inspired by his artwork, an interesting music/ballet performance -- the world premier of "Chun Zhi Ge" (Spring Song Festival) will be held at 8pm on March 21 at the LaGuardia Performing Arts Center in New York, with one of his paintings "Tapestry of Dreams" as backdrop.

Details here.

Wanna go to a Morristown, NJ opening today?

I'm in this exhibition, with two pieces on the subject. The show is at the Therese A. Maloney Art Gallery at the College of St. Elizabeth in Morristown, New Jersey. Click on the image for more details. The opening is Monday, March 16, from 4:30-7:00PM.

Cuban Exhibition in New Jersey

See ya there!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

For Art Dealers and Galleries

Art in America magazine has finally gone online and the site is looking pretty decent.

Their annual comprehensive directory, which lists art galleries and dealers across the nation will be published in June. You can add your galleries' info here.