Monday, November 02, 2009

Judkis on Wodzianski

Turning his show into a game has brought a great deal of publicity, but it's also had the unsavory effect of distracting people from the exquisite paintings.
Read a really cool piece by Maura Judkis on Andrew Wodzianski here.

Man Falling from the Sky
Man Falling from the Sky by F. Lennox Campello

Man Falling from the Sky
Charcoal on paper, c. 2009
11 x 3 inches
F. Lennox Campello

Wanna go to an opening in Richmond this week?

THINKSMALL5 the fifth biennial International Miniature Invitational Exhibition at art6 and artspace galleries located in Richmond, Virginia.

500 local, national, and international artists who have been invited to consider this challenge by the co-curators, Shann Palmer, Gallery Coordinator, art6 Gallery and Jessica L. Sims, Vice-President, artspace Gallery.

Exhibition Dates: Friday, November 6 through Saturday, December 20, 2009
Preview Reception: Thursday, November 5, 2009, from 7 to 10 pm
Exhibition Opening: Friday, November 6, 2009, from 7 to 10 pm

Some of the Participating Artists include Alan Entin, Anne Savedge, Annette Norman, Beth Beaven, Burton Tysinger, Cary Loving, Catherine Johnson, Chuck Scalin, Debbie and Andrew Campbell, Diego Sanchez, Emma Lou Martin, Foust, Gloria Blades, Hazel Buys, James Miller, Jane Vaught, Jessica Sims, Judy Anderson, Kathleen Westkaemper, Margaret Buchanan, Marian Hollowell, Martin McFadden, LRPS, Matthew Lively, Mim Gulob Scalin, Nancy Smith, Noah Scalin, Page Moran, Paul Kehrer, Rob Tarbell, Robin Ryder, Santa Sergio De Haven, Shelia Gray, Susanne Arnold, Tricia Pearsall, Virginia Tyack, Yvonne Cook and yours truly.


To Potomac-born and raised (and now Austin, TX resident) and my good friend Desiree Ficker, who finished 10th in the NYC marathon over the weekend!

Is that awesome or what? Des also finished second in the Ironman in Hawaii a couple of years ago.

Super athlete.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Such a huge example to others

If you read this blog consistently then you know that over the years I've raved about the generosity of my good friend Carol Trawick, not only the sponsor of the annual Trawick Prize, easily the region's most coveted and prestigious art prize, and also the sponsor of the Bethesda Painting Awards, but also the guardian angels of the arts in the Bethesda area where she resides.

And last week, Bethesda's Imagination Stage accepted a $2.5 million personal donation from Carol Trawick and her deceased husband, Jim. The gift was announced at Imagination Stage’s 30th Anniversary Gala at on Saturday, October 24. First Lady Michelle Obama was Honorary Chair of this event. According to Bradford Pearson in the Gazette:

For Imagination Stage, elation reigns supreme.

"We were all overjoyed," said Brett Ashley Crawford, managing director of the theater. "Just in awe."

Imagination Stage has theater and arts programs for children of all ages and abilities. The donation will be spread over 10 years, Crawford said, and will go toward paying down a $4 million debt, incurred when the group moved into its location in 2003.

The gift is the largest the theater company has ever received, according to founder Bonnie Fogel. Previously, the largest amount was $1 million from The Annette M. and Theodore N. Lerner Family Foundation.

"I felt that if we could relieve a little of the burden of worry about debt, the extra money could be applied to programs for the children," Carol Trawick said. "Just think how much more energy can go towards working with those kids."

In honor of the contribution, Imagination Stage's building on Auburn Avenue will be named after the Trawicks.
Carol Trawick, on behalf of all the artists and actors in the Greater Washington region: thank you!

What to do today

What: Reeb Hall Artists Annual Open Studio Event

Who: Visit the Resident artists and participating artists: Sally Kauffman, Jessica van Brakle, Lee Vaughan, Mark Giaimo, Shahla Arbabi, Anne McGurk, Cynthia Young, Phil Loiterstein, Irene Clouthier, Alice Whealin, and Linn Woloshin.

When: Sunday afternoon, November 1, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Where: Reeb Hall, 4451 First Place South, Arlington, VA 22204

Reeb Hall is located near the southwest corner of the intersection of Route 50, (Arlington Boulevard service road) and South George Mason Drive. It is next to the U.U.C.A.

Parking: Entrance to the building is next to the parking lot. Parking is free for the open house.

More information:

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Want some free tickets?

Flamboyant Italian artist Francesco Vezzoli is known for his lavish projects — creating a movie trailer for a movie that didn't exist — and his obsession with celebrities — casting actresses Michelle Williams and Natalie Portman in a commercial for his perfume Greed, which also didn't exist. Now, he's applying his artist prowess to a project that most certainly does exist, but is no less lavish: the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles's 30th Anniversary Gala on Nov. 14.
Read about it here and I've been given a couple of free tickets to the gala and I can't make it. Drop me an email if you want them; first come, first served!
Update: tickets have been given away.