Friday, January 29, 2010

Dawson on local shows

Jessica Dawson has some good mini-reviews of some top DC area shows here.

Pencil in the date

February 12, 2010

The place to be tomorrow is...

Washington Project for the Arts (WPA)'s opening of its newest exhibition, Cream, January 30 - March 6, 2010, at the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center.

This annual exhibition features works by more than 110 local and national artists selected by an esteemed group of eight top curators including scholars, museum directors, practitioners and collectors. All works are on view until the WPA Annual Art Auction Gala, which will take place March 6, 2010, during which the exhibited works are available to the highest bidders.

(Update: AU MFA students will be having open studios on Saturday as well. The studios are located on the second floor of the Katzen Center.)

An opening reception will be held on Saturday, January 30, 2010 from 6-9pm, along with a talk by the curators on Thursday, February 25, 2010, 6:30-9:30pm, both at the Katzen Arts Center, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW, WDC.

The 29th iteration of this exhibition highlights some of the region's most talented artists, presenting a broad range of media and styles of both new and emerging artists as well as more established career artists. As an annual WPA presentation, the auction exhibition has gained new stature and recognition, evolving from a brief 'showing' of artists' works as a preview for the WPA's auction event, to one of the most prestigious and recognizable art showcases of its kind, with a high caliber of notable curators selecting the works. Cream is a notable survey of contemporary art in the region and beyond, with selected works representing the cream of the crop and the talent of the artists included that rose above thousands of others viewed during the curatorial process.

"We are tremendously pleased with the participating curators and their art selections - the work is fresh and exciting, and there are artists with long-standing ties to WPA as well as new names that the curators are introducing to the public," said Lisa Gold, WPA's Executive Director. "It was particularly rewarding to have a window into the curatorial process this year," she added, referring to 36 Studios- Part I, a 36-hour tour with collector Mera Rubell, during which she visited with 36 artists to inform her exhibition artwork selections.

Curator View and Presentation of Alice Denney Award
Thursday, February 25, 2010, 6:30-9pm

Curator and former WPA Executive Director Jock Reynolds will present the Alice Denney Award for Support of Contemporary Art to James F. Fitzpatrick, followed by a slide show and short talk by Cream curators about their exhibition selections and a preview of the exhibition.

Admission to the exhibition and curator talk is free and open to the public. Seating for the curator talk is limited; attendees are encouraged to RSVP by February 19 to

Cream exhibition curators and their selected artists include:

KEN ASHTON, Visual Artist and Museum Technician for Works on Paper, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
Margaret Adams, Chan Chao, Natalie W. Cheung, Billy Colbert, Frank Hallam Day, Matthew Girard, Avi Gupta, James Huckenpahler, Michael Dax Iacovone, Hatnim Lee, Marissa Long, Kate MacDonnell, Beatrice Valdes Paz, Ding Ren, E. Brady Robinson

KRISTEN HILEMAN, Curator of Contemporary Art, The Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD
Ken Ashton, Clarke Bedford, iona brown, Renee Butler, David Carlson, Zoë Charlton, Mary Coble, Jennifer Dorsey, Susan Eder & Craig Dennis, Bernhard Hildebrandt, Ryan Hill, Brece Honeycutt, Dean Kessmann, Cara Ober, Erik Sandberg, Joe White

CAROL K. HUH, Assistant Curator of Contemporary Asian Art, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
Jon Bobby Benjamin, Howard Carr, Neil Greentree, Max Hirshfeld, Tim Hyde, Franz Jantzen, Courtney Jordan, Martin J. Kotler, Jeffrey Smith, Stanley Staniski, Oliver Vernon

JOANNA MARSH, The James Dicke Curator of Contemporary Art, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC
Mark Dion, Michelle Elzay, Kota Ezawa, Devon Johnson, Mark Newport, James Prosek, Jean Shin, Joseph Smolinski, Alison Elizabeth Taylor, René Treviño

JOCK REYNOLDS, The Henry J. Heinz II Director and Visual Artist, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT
William Christenberry, Tom Green, Jacob Kainen, Betsy Packard, Lisa Scheer, Jeff Spaulding, Alan Stone, William Willis, Yuriko Yamaguchi

CHARLES RITCHIE, Visual Artist and Associate Curator of Modern Prints and Drawings, National Gallery of Art
Jay Bolotin, Astrid Bowlby, Georgia Deal, Douglas Florian, Cassandra Kabler, Mark E. Karnes, Karey Ellen Kessler, Sangram Majumdar, Rob Matthews, Beverly Ress, James Stroud, Lynn Sures, Bill Thompson, Alice Whealin, John Wilson, Janine Wong

MERA RUBELL, Co-founder, Rubell Family Collection, Miami, FL
m. gert barkovic, Holly Bass, Judy Byron, F. Lennox Campello, Rafael Cañizares-Yunez, Adam de Boer, Mary Early, Victoria F. Gaitán, Carol Brown Goldberg, Pat Goslee, Jason Horowitz, Barbara Liotta, Patrick McDonough, Brandon Morse, Dan Steinhilber, Lisa Marie Thalhammer

N. ELIZABETH SCHLATTER, Deputy Director and Curator of Exhibitions, University of Richmond Museums, Richmond, VA
Hsin-Hsi Chen, Irene Clouthier, Joelle Meredith Francht, Ron Johnson, Sue Johnson, Kirsten Kindler, Martin McFadden, Susan Noyes, Erling Sjovold, Jessica Van Brakle, Barbara Weissberger, Andrew Wodzianski, Amy Glengary Yang, Shannon Young
Additional works on view in the exhibition this year include a new series of glass sculptures created by Joe Corcoran, David D'Orio, Steve Jones, and Megan Van Wagoner, members of DC GlassWorks, a public access glass blowing and sculpture facility located in Hyattsville, MD. These pieces will be featured in the museum exhibition and on the dining tables during the auction event, also available for bid.

The Cream exhibition is open for viewing, Tuesday - Sunday, 11am - 4pm at the Katzen Arts Center, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. Admission is Free. More information on the exhibition is available at Preview the works at

About the Art Auction Gala
Now in its 29th year, the WPA Art Auction Gala will be held at the Katzen Arts Center on the campus of American University and is the organization's most important fund raising event. Guests include more than 400 artists, collectors, and business leaders vying to bid on the works included in the Cream exhibition, as included above. The event supports WPA mission's to promote emerging and established artists in the greater DC metropolitan region. The gala dinner is sold out but information on purchasing party tickets will be available at
Best deal in the auction block (in my clearly biased opinion)? This gorgeous piece.

Wanna go to an artist's talk tomorrow?

Alan Feltus and Lani Irwin will be discussing their work and exhibition at AU's Katzen Museum at American University tomorrow Saturday, Jan. 30, 5 p.m. Free and open to the public.

Alan Feltus

Alan Feltus. 2004 Summer.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Campello Sisters Coming to Town

Some shameless promotion of my two daughters, Vanessa and Elise, both of whom are coming to town in March to meet Little Junes.

Both have extensive modeling experience, so if anyone is looking for a Cuban-American model for anything in late March, drop me an email.

Vanessa Anne Campello

Vanessa Anne Campello de Kraus

Elise Lena Campello

Elise Lena Campello y Strasser

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Jason Horowitz's new Drag portfolio is kicking off the decade in style with three shows opening in the next month (two this weekend!). That's what you call a hard working artist.

Jason Horowitz
Transhuman Conditions
Arlington Arts Center
3550 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA 22201
Exhibition dates: January 29 to April 3, 2010
Opening reception: Friday January 29, 2010, 6 to 9 pm
Opening this Friday Transhuman Conditions is curated by Jeffry Cudlin; the show will include two of the Drag images super-sized to ten feet wide.

Cream, WPA 29th Annual Auction Exhibition
American University Museuem at the Katzen Center
4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW DC 20016
Exhibition Dates: January 30 to March 6, 2010
Opening reception: January 30, 2010, 6 to 9 pm
Curators' talk: Thursday, February 25, 2010, 6:30 to 9 pm
Auction gala: March 6, 2010 (tickets required)
Two of Jason's pieces were selected for this exhibition by collector Mera Rubell, founder of the Rubell Family Collection in Miami, during her whirlwind tour of DC area artist studios last month.

Curator's Office
1515 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005
Exhibition dates: February 20, 2010 to March 27, 2010
Opening reception: February 20, 2010, 6 to 8 pm
This will be Jason's second one-person exhibition at Curator's Office.

Walk through MIA 2010

A quick walk through the Miami International Art Fair (MIA) held this last January at the Miami Beach Convention Center.