Monday, April 05, 2010

Dawson on Miner

The WaPo's Jessica Dawson has a really cool review of A.B. Miner's show at G Fine Art:

Artist A.B. Miner, 32, bade farewell to his breasts forever in January 2007, electing for a double mastectomy with reconstruction, as that element of female-to-male gender reassignment surgery is called. By then he had been on hormone therapy for two years. He had changed his name. Now it was time for the next step in realizing a dream he'd had since he was a teenage girl: to be a man.

The procedure's effects must have fascinated Miner, because he photographed himself at regular intervals post-surgery. Working from those photographs, he painted a 12-panel work about the contortions of his flesh. "From There to Here" is the centerpiece of Miner's modestly sized solo show inaugurating G Fine Art's new location.
Read it here.

Ford bucks

"As part of an effort to increase the impact of its giving, the Ford Foundation is to announce a plan on Monday to dedicate $100 million to the development of arts spaces nationwide over the next decade. The plan is by far the largest commitment the foundation has ever made to the construction, maintenance and enhancement of arts facilities."
Read the NYT story here.

Tomorrow is Out of Order Hanging

Out of Order is the Maryland Art Place's Annual free-hung Benefit Exhibition, Silent Auction and Party!

Hanging Dates and Times: Beginning 9am, Tuesday, April 6th, ending 9am, Wednesday, April 7th That’s right—24 hours nonstop!

Silent Auction and Gala: 8pm, Friday, April 9, 2010. Join them for a fantastic evening of great art, music, food, and an open beer & wine bar.

Participation: There is a $10 participation fee to hang artwork in Out of Order. As a participating artist, you will be given one complimentary ticket to the gala on April 9th. ($40 value!). Proceeds will be split 50/50 between the artist and MAP.

Tickets: Tickets are free for event volunteers and current MAP members. If you wish to attend the event, simply join or renew your MAP membership and receive two complimentary tickets ($80 value), in addition to a host of incredible incentives throughout the year! Or, to buy tickets online, visit:

For More Details: access their website: or call 410-962-8565.

Details for artists here.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Saint Ernesto

Just in time for Easter and Passover, my first drawing of 2010 (I know, I know, but I've been busy).

Che Guevara as San Ernesto by F. Lennox Campello, 2010

San Ernesto Guevara de la Serna Lynch, known to most of the world as 'Ché' and to many Cubans as 'El Chacal de La Cabaña'
F. Lennox Campello. Charcoal and Conte on paper. 15 x 10 inches.

In this piece I return to my iconic series on that psychopath murderer of Cubans known as Ché, the Holy Saint of the Ignorant Masses who have actually never read his hate-filled racist diaries, speeches or interviews, nor explored his abject failures as a guerrilla in Africa and South America.

If you want to buy it, contact one of the galleries that represent me.

Need studio space?

The Gateway CDC has a 418 sf Visual Art Studio for rent at the new Gateway Arts Center, located in the Gateway Arts District, 3901 Rhode Island Ave, Brentwood ,MD 20722. (1/4 mile from the DC Line on Rhode Island Ave.)

Please contact John Paradiso for an appointment to see the space and hear about all the exciting Arts activities in the Gateway Arts District!

For more info on the Gateway Arts Center, click here.

For tomorrow at noon

There's a collaborative performance at the University of Maryland Art Gallery (in the Art Building) involving a chamber group (Ligeti music), Richard Klank painting, and the very talented Sebastian Rousseau dancing (Forsythe technique), on Monday, April 5th, at 12:30 PM.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

O'Sullivan on a pop up project

The Washington Post's Michael O'Sullivan reviews a pop up project's inaugural show.

Read the review here.