Monday, September 27, 2010
Artists' Talk Today
The show is at the School of Art & Design at Montgomery College's King Street Gallery, located in the beautiful Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Arts Center at 930 King Street in the Montgomery College, Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus.
And the associated artists' panel is today at noon, for one hour. The artists and curator will be discussing the show and taking questions.
I will be available at the panel and after the panel to discuss and answer any questions that you may have about anything dealing with the visual arts, career, galleries, etc.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Dream songs
I had the lyrics to this song come to me in a dream... and also the music to it, which I have now forgotten. It's sort of an homage to my father.
Pá Guantanamo
Con cuatro pesos vamos a jugar los gallos
Y en caballo nos vamo pá Caimanera
Ya que en Los Caños siempre gana Campello
Ese gallego no pierde desde antaño
En Caimanera juegan mucho lo Americano
Y por eso espero que triunfe mi gallito sano
Y si gana facil mi gallito bueno
Ahi mismito empieza la parrandera
Pá Guantanamo salimo en caballo
Pá Guantanamo a cojer la borrachera
Pá Guantanamo a tomar un palo bueno
Pá Guantanamo a bailar un son montuno
Pá Guantanamo salgo de Caimanera
Pá Guantanamo a bailar con la jeva entera
Pá Guantanamo a buscar los tragos buenos
Pá Guantanamo en fiesta gallito bueno
Yo nunca má juego en Los Caños
Ya que alli siempre gana ese gallego
Ese Ciclón no pierde de hace muchos años
Y a mi gallo y bolsillo le ha hecho much daño
En Caimanera juegan mucho lo Americano
Y por eso espero que triunfe mi gallito sano
Y si gana facil mi gallito bueno
Ahi mismito empieza la parrandera
Pá Guantanamo salimo en caballo
Pá Guantanamo a cojer la borrachera
Pá Guantanamo a tomar un palo bueno
Pá Guantanamo a bailar un son montuno
Pá Guantanamo salgo de Caimanera
Pá Guantanamo a bailar con la jeva entera
Pá Guantanamo a buscar los tragos buenos
Pá Guantanamo en fiesta gallito bueno
Myth & Transformation Opening
Dr. Claudia Rousseau curated an amazing show. More on that later but for now, that's me sans mustache, Little Junes and the photography legend known as Lida Moser at the opening. Pic courtesy of Laura Seldman.
The show is at the School of Art & Design at Montgomery College's King Street Gallery, located in the beautiful Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Arts Center at 930 King Street in the Montgomery College, Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus.
There will also be an artists' panel tomorrow, Monday, Sept. 27, at noon, for one hour. I will be available at the panel and after the panel to discuss and answer any questions that you may have about anything dealing with the visual arts, career, galleries, etc.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Artists' Talk
At the awards ceremony (for the Marlboro Gallery's 2nd National Juried Sculpture Exhibition) on September 17th, juror Molly Donovan, Associate Curator at the National Gallery of Art, presented awards to Millicent Young, winner of the Kari Beims Sculpture Award for Best in Show, Emily Biondo, 2nd place winner, Karen Bondarchuk, 3rd Place winner, Christina Day, Honorable Mention and Adam Bradley (who is in my 100 Washington Artists book), Honorable Mention.
A total of $3400 in prizes was awarded including the $2000 prize that accompanies the Kari Beims Sculpture Award for Best in Show.
The artists will be discussing their work in an open panel discussion on
Thursday, September 30th, from 11am - 12pm in the Marlboro Gallery.
WALA events this coming week
The Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts has a couple of cool events lined up for this coming week: On Monday 9/27, the Writer's Evening will be hosted at the International Arts & Artists, Hillyer Art Space and Thursday 9/30, an Artful Evening will be hosted at Industry Gallery and Conner Contemporary.
Click on the links for details and tickets.
Friday, September 24, 2010
From Univision
Reporting stuff that gets reported in Spanish language newscasts that never makes it to the mainstream media: There are "elections" coming up in Venezuela in a couple of days.
During the last "elections", the opposition to Hugo Chavez skipped them, because of fraud accusations ahead of the elections. This year they are apparently going through the paces, although they are still claiming that Chavez is rigging the "elections" to favor his continued elected dictatorship.
The fucker is not even trying to hide it. According to Univision, of Venezuela's 17 million registered voters, one million of them were born on the exact same day.