Saturday, January 08, 2011

Art image of the day again (after tonight's shocker)...

seattle seahawks
And perhaps the biggest playoff upset in football history?

Friday, January 07, 2011

The Power of the Web

Remember when I complained here that I couldn't find Naranja Agria anywhere in the DMV?

Well, today when I got home I received the pleasant surprise of having a gallon of the stuff delivered to my front door from and a gift from one of you who has been thanked separately.

Do I have the nicest friends on the planet or what?

I see more yummy recipes coming in the future.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

In Unison: 20 Washington, DC Artists

Next week the Kreeger Museum will open In Unison: 20 Washington, DC Artists, an exhibition derived from a monoprint project initiated by DC artist Sam Gilliam.

Gilliam "invited 19 established and respected painters, sculptors, printmakers, digital media and installation artists working in different styles, to join him in creating several print portfolios. Each made a set of five monoprints, one of which was chosen for the show by Sam Gilliam, Judy A. Greenberg, Director of The Kreeger Museum, Marsha Mateyka of the Marsha Mateyka Gallery and Claudia Rousseau, art critic and art historian."

As stated by Rousseau, “Creating a group portfolio and exhibiting together express the ideas of unity and identity that are underlying motives of the project, and which are vital to sustaining a thriving artistic community.”

The exhibition will be on view at The Kreeger Museum from January 15 – February 26, 2011. The invited artists are:

▪ bk.iamART.Adams
▪ Akili Ron Anderson
▪ Sondra N. Arkin
▪ Paula Crawford
▪ Sheila Crider
▪ Edgar Endress
▪ Helen Frederick
▪ Claudia Aziza Gibson-Hunter
▪ Sam Gilliam
▪ Susan Goldman
▪ Tom Green
▪ Martha Jackson-Jarvis
▪ Walter Kravitz
▪ Gina Marie Lewis
▪ EJ Montgomery
▪ Michael Platt
▪ Carol A. Beane
▪ Al Smith
▪ RenĂ©e Stout
▪ Joyce Wellman
▪ Yuriko Yamaguchi

Millennium Arts Salon is the exclusive sponsor of this major exhibition at the Kreeger. Several well-known names in the list, plus quite a few that are new to me; I'm really looking forward to seeing this exhibition.

Wanna go to a DC opening tomorrow?

"Celebrate Gay Marriage" is the January show at the Foundry Gallery (located at 1314 18th St, NW) and it opens tomorrow.

The show includes juried works selected on their ability to visually represent the theme of gay marriage. Show runs Jan 5 through Jan 30. Hours: M-F, 1 to 7pm; Sat & Sun, 12 to 6pm. Opening reception Fri. Jan 7, 6 to 8pm.

Professor/Dr. Jonathan Katz, co-curator of now notorious National Portrait Gallery's "Hide/Seek" exhibition, will deliver a lecture on Sat. Jan 15 at 4:00 pm. Questions, please call 202-463-0203.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Blake Gopnik Replacement Application

(Via WCP)


To all the FY11 grant recipients from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.

The grantees in the Artists Fellowship Program are:

Adam Davies
Alexandra Silverthorne
Alexis E. Gillespie
Anna U. Edholm Davis
Asmara Beraki
Avish Khebrehzadeh
Barbara Josephs Liotta
Brandon W. Bloch
Colin Winterbottom
Cory Oberndorfer
Eleanor Walton
Erik Sandberg
Gediyon Kifle
Janis Goodman
John James Anderson
Joshua Cogan
Judy A. Southerland
Kenneth George
Khanh H. Le
Marta Perez Garcia
Mary J. Early
Mia Feuer
Michael Dax Iacovone
Michelle Herman
Molly Springfield
Rik Freeman
Ruth Stenstrom
Scott G. Brooks
Tim Tate
Virginia N. Durrin

There are some new names (new to me anyway) on the list, but I'm happy to see that 10 of the 30 "must-live-in-DC" grantees are in my 100 Artists of Washington, DC book. That's a pretty good batting score. There are also several names on this list which will be invited for volume two.

You can pre-order the book on Amazon here.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Art image of the day (after yesterday's shocker)...

seattle seahawks

Makes me wonder: is there another professional (or any other athletic team for that matter) that actually has a "real" piece of art as a logo, such as the Seattle Seahawks have in the above Pacific Northwest art piece?