Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Opportunity for PG County Artists

Deadline: July 22, 2011

The Brentwood Arts Exchange is pleased to announce The Sky's the Limit, the 2011 Prince George's County Juried Exhibition. Download the prospectus here.

Photographic imagery is ubiquitous in nearly every aspect of our lives, from billboards, to cell phone videos, to keepsake albums, to Facebook profiles. It's no coincidence that it is just as pervasive throughout contemporary art - even in media that are often thought of in stark contrast to traditional photography. The Sky's the Limit presents a glimpse of the ways photography employs itself throughout the visual arts, here and now. Juried by Michael Platt, the exhibition presents the best photo-inclusive art by artists who live, work, or study in Prince George's County. Hosted in the Gateway Arts District for the second time, this Prince George's County Juried Exhibition is our chance to show off the important contributions that artists in our county make to contemporary art throughout the region.
All submissions must be received by 5:00pm


The Sky's the Limit will feature two purchase awards totaling over $2,000. One award will be presented by the Prince George's Arts Council, and one will be presented by the Prince George's County Department of Parks and Recreation, M-NCPPC.


Deadline for receipt of entries: July 22, 5pm
Notification of selected works: August 1
*All notifications will be sent by email.
Artwork drop-off period: August 15-19
Exhibition Opens: September 5
Opening Reception: Saturday, September 10, 5-8pm
Exhibition closes: October 31 Artwork pick-up period: November 3-5

Monday, June 20, 2011

Why Do I Need A Lawyer?

The Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum (ACM) will be holding a two-part forum with the Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts (WALA), called “Why Do I Need A Lawyer?”.

The First Forum : Common Legal Issues for Writers and Visual Artists, will be held on Tuesday, June 21 at 7pm

The Second Forum : Common Legal Issues for Emerging and Existing Creative Businesses, will be held on Tuesday, September 13th at 7pm.

These valuable panel discussions with Q&A sessions include a brief presentation on common issues and pitfalls attorneys regularly see with their creative business clients. Targeting both emerging and existing entrepreneurs, this event can help you protect your creative endeavor and watch it grow. Bring you pads, pens and plenty of questions for our legal experts. Co-sponsored by the Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts.

The ACM is located at 1901 Fort Place, SE Washington, DC 20002. Parking and admission is free!

Another one closing?

I hear that another Bethesda gallery is closing... let me confirm it from them.

Sandra Ramos at the NGA

Please join the NGA's Michelle Bird on Tuesday, June 21, for the next program in the “Works in Progress” series “More Than 90 Miles Away” where her guest will be Sandra Ramos. The program will take place at 12:10 and 1:10 in the East Building of the National Gallery of Art Small Auditorium.

Like all the artists in the series, Sandra Ramos lives and works in Havana. Primarily a printmaker, she uses a variety of media to explore issues related to the recovery of both an individual and collective memory. Blending memorabilia from past events, real and imagined, personal and historical, the artist creates a phantasmagorical new world from the "ruins of a utopia." In this world, forbidden topics such as migration, marginalization, and the political manipulation of history become the quotidian subjects of her art. The main protagonist, a character that fuses her own self-image with that of a print of a 19th–century Dutch princess, navigates her way through the complexities of life on the island like a postmodern Alice in Wonderland. Floating somewhere between the foreground and background, the figure is not fully integrated into her surroundings, but exists in the intervening space of her environment and circumstance. As a result, Ramos' art is not solely autobiographical, but bears the weight and vulnerability of the island and its people.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers' Day

Florencio Campello Alonso at Guantanamo Naval Base, Cuba, 1950s
See that big, hulking, smiling, blond man sitting in the driver's seat in the Jeep? That's my dad at the Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba, sometimes in 1946.

Feliz Dia de los Padres
, Dad!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Must go to opening this week?

For PLANNING PROCESS at the Arlington Art Center, juror Helen Allen — formerly of PULSE art fairs; currently planning D.C.’s first-ever (e)merge art fair, opening this September — selected 12 artists from across the mid-Atlantic region who were willing to reveal the ways they think and problem-solve in the studio (or in my case, in a hotel room).

These artists will exhibit preparatory drawings, computer models, and even notes scribbled in the margins of newspapers next to the finished artworks those starting steps inspired—including traditional paintings, sculpture, installation, earthworks, and even neon.

“PLANNING PROCESS” as well as the concurrent exhibition “Damsels & Daemons” are on view June 22 – Sept 25, 2011. The opening reception for both shows is this next Thursday, June 23, 7 – 9 pm.

Gallery hours: Wed – Fri, 7 – 9 pm; Sat + Sun, Noon – 5 pm

Arlington Art Center
3550 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22201

Friday, June 17, 2011