Thursday, March 08, 2012

Woody quotes

I've never been an intellectual but I have this look.
-- Woody Allen

Opportunity for DC area artists

Deadline: April 19, 2012

The Capitol Hill ART League presents its Third Annual Metro DC open juried exhibition: It’s a Wonderful World?

All artists, 18 years of age or older residing in the Washington, DC metropolitan area are eligible to enter.

Deadline for submissions is Thursday April 19, 2012.

The Capitol Hill ART League (CHAL) is a program of the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop. Located in the historic Capitol Hill neighborhood in Washington, DC, CHAL is composed of approximately 100 artists. Each season CHAL mounts a series of seven juried exhibitions and conducts gallery talks at the openings; CHAL hosts lectures on a variety of art related topics, offers workshops, and strives to develop a supportive artistic community. The greater Washington community is encouraged to participate in all of these events.

JUROR: I am honored to return as this year's juror.

ENTRY: Selections for the show will be made by the judge from JPEG images submitted by the artists. All work must be original and signed by the artist. Any work previously shown at a Capitol Hill ART League juried show is ineligible. All work must have been created within the last three years.

ENTRY FEES: Up to 3 entries may be submitted for a non-refundable fee of $15 for current Capitol Hill Art League members or $30 for the community at large (non members). Up to two additional entries may be submitted at $5 each. Artists submitting 3-dimensional work may provide two images of each piece.

AWARDS: Awards will be decided by the judge and will include cash awards for ‘Best in Show’, and ‘Merit’ awards. Two Honorable mentions will be awarded. All awards will be presented at the opening reception with the judge’s talk on Saturday, May 12, 2011 from 5:00-7:00 PM.

SALES: A 30% commission will be deducted from CHAL members’ exhibition sales and 35% commission on all non-member exhibition sales. All work must be for sale and the price submitted on the registration form will be the price presented at the time of the show for accepted work.

Exhibition Calendar:
April 19, 2012 - deadline for entries
April 30, 2012 - Notification sent to accepted Artists
May 4-9, 2012 - Art delivery dates
May 12, 2012 - Artists’ Reception and Awards, Presentation (5:00 - 7:00 pm)
June 1, 2012 - Exhibition closes
June 2-6, 2012 - Pick up artwork

Contact info: Prospectus at:

Wednesday, March 07, 2012


Adam BradleyThere's a really cool group show coming together at Marlboro Gallery at Prince Georges Community College. Each artist was asked to create new work and a statement in two months based on the theme "Monster."

Curated by Adam Bradley, I can see that this is a really great group of artists and I bet there will be some fantastic work in the show.

It opened Monday, there is a reception on Thursday the 8th from 6-8:30PM. Here is a list of artists:

Thomas Berault
Adam Bradley
Scott G. Brooks
Lisa Montag Brotman
Patrick Burke
David D'Orio
Margarida Kendall-Hull
Steven Jones
David Lee Page
Suzanne Pender
Erik Thor Sandberg
Rachel Schmidt
Megan Von Wagner
Sean Watkins
Sarah Wegner
William Whitaker

Tuesday, March 06, 2012


Opening reception March 9th 6-8.30pm

CountDown Temporary Artspace presents its ultimate exhibition.

Of its own volition, CountDown will implode in the very near future, go underground and may or may not reincarnate in another form, at another time, at other places.

To commemorate its short-lived life, CountDown has invited four DMV artists to participate in this event: Jessica van Brakle, Mei Mei Chang, Scottie Fleming and Thomas Drymon.

Each will construct site-specific works that relate to the theme of construction and destruction. Their works will not be cherished but rather demolished with the art space.

They are open until implosion! Opening reception March 9th 6-8.30pm. All other visits by appointment only - please contact for details

Monday, March 05, 2012

Virtually Digital VI at Montogomery College

Contemplation by Russ McIntoshVirtually Digital VI is a biennial exhibition that features the fine art work of regionally, nationally and internationally known artists who incorporate some form of digital method in the creation of their art. Works in this exhibition includes drawings, paintings, photographs, prints, video and mixed media.

The organizer and curator of the Virtually Digital biennials is Professor Mike Cantwell who is the coordinator of the Computer Graphics: Art and Animation program at Montgomery College.

The exhibit will open today, March 5th and runs through April 6th. There will be an artist reception on Wednesday March 21st in the CAT (Communication Arts Technologies) Gallery at Montgomery College Rockville Campus from 6 to 8 PM. The reception is free of charge and open to the general public.

The participating artists are Professor Anne Benolken, Richard Dana, Clay Harris, David Kastner, Agniezka Ligend, Russ McIntosh, John McMahon, Professor Harry St. Ours, and I am honored to have been invited to exhibit in this show as well.

The Gallery is located in room 106 Technical Center (TC) on the Rockville campus, Montgomery College and is open Monday through Wednesday 10 AM until 6 PM, Thursdays 10 Am until 8 PM, Fridays 10 AM until 1 PM, and Saturdays by appointment.

For more information call 240-567-7535, 240-567-7520 or e-mail

See ya there!

Sunday, March 04, 2012

T-Shirt God

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello

Here's the initial step, a the charcoal drawing of the psychopath Che Guevara, one of my recurring themes. The drawing is on watercolor paper, which gives it that rough texture.

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello
Ready to acquire a halo

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello
Che Guevara with his halo

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello
He begins to turn into an icon (is if)... the Latinized inscription reads T-Subula Deus or "T-Shirt God". Notice that I've cut a window in the forehead.

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello
And here's the small LCD screen which will be embedded behind the drawing.

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello
And here's the final set up, with the LCD screen playing about 75 images of Che's ubiquitous appearances on billions of T-shirts.

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello
And here and below are some close-ups of some of the images which rotate through the embedded LCD screen.

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello

Che Guevara, T-Subula Deus by F. Lennox Campello

Fellow Potomackers: Fresh Flowers and Furry Friends tonight!

I would have picked somewhat of a better title for the show, but watercolors by Barbara Bell, collages by Merry Lymn, digital work based on photographs of flowers by the very talented Bert GF Shankman, fused glass portraits of dogs by Shirley Hendel and ceramics featuring cats by Leigh Partington all make up the next show at Potomac's Gallery Har Shalom (located at Congregation Har Shalom, 11510 Falls Road, Potomac, MD) and because we're neighbors, I really want to make sure that this gallery gets some attention! And when was the last time that a gallery held an opening reception that started at 11AM?

Opening Reception: Sunday, March 4, 2012, 11am - 1 pm
Exhibit dates: Friday, March 2 - Monday, April 30, 2012
Call for hours and directions: 301-299-7087

Barbara F. Bell uses her own photographs as a major resource for her watercolor paintings. She focuses in this exhibit on regeneration and renewal in the natural world, her palette reflecting the early light and gentle colors of May along the riverbanks, and in the forests and fields of England and America. Barbara began her formal training in art while on academic leave from university teaching. She worked in studio arts at Montgomery College (Rockville) in the 1980s. Retirement from teaching in Montgomery County Public Schools twenty years later afforded her the time to resume her artwork. See for more information.

Merry Lymn began taking formal collage classes in October 2008. In 2009, she was juried into her first art show, and since then she has been juried into several others. She divides her work into five subject areas--landscape, still life, people, Judaica, and wildcard. For this show, the pieces are exclusively flowers for which she created special Jewish flowers including a Shin Flower, a Vase with Shin Flowers, a Shofar Flower, and a Lily from the Song of Songs. See for more images.

Bert GF Shankman presents his Flemish Series of flowers in this show. He first saw this technique of painting when he minored in Art History for his AB at Case Western Reserve University. He practiced this style, called Chiaroscuro, when he studied at the Corcoran College of Art and Design. These pictures use light and dark to model the shapes and forms of the flowers and vases. They are done digitally starting out with photographs of flowers which he grows in his garden. Though decidedly different, they give a feeling of 16th century Flemish art. Visit for more details.

Shirley Hendel was an award-winning decorative painter for many years. Several years ago she was introduced to fused glass and became fascinated with the possibilities for expression that glass materials and techniques offer. She now works exclusively in that medium while trying to maintain the perspective that decorative painting provides. She specializes in pet portraits, especially dogs, but also other creatures both real and whimsical. Her fused glass portraits (you could almost call them caricatures) are not based on actual dogs and cats as much as they are reminiscent of the lovable mutts and house cats that we grew up with or may still be in our lives. Just like these mixed-breed pets, these portraits come in assorted shapes and colors; no two exactly the same.

Leigh Partington has been doing ceramic art for over 30 years. Her work has evolved to include a combination of whimsical wheel-thrown and hand-built pieces that emphasize her love of and appreciation for animals, birds and nature in general. As a feline fancier – cats have always been a part of her life, she portrays them as functional pieces and decorative objects. She combines different clays for a marbled effect in some of her pieces. All pieces are bisque-fired. Then she adds detailed illustrations painted on with Speedball underglazes and dips the pieces in a transparent glaze. She uses a combination of overglazes sponged on the exterior for mottled color effects. The pieces, including ceramic pitchers, garlic keepers, egg separators, ocarinas, and platters, are then oxidation fired in an electric kiln.