Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saxon Warlord Playing Harmonica

Little Saxon Warlord

Friday, March 16, 2012

Lilith Plotting The Sin

If you've been thinking about buying an original Campello, then let me tell you about this great opportunity.

As part of the Habitat for Humanity Washington DC fundraiser auction, my Lilith Plotting The Sin is being offered by artnet auctions at a substantial low starting bid. The piece details the legendary Biblical character of Lilith, covered in forbidden tattoos. To her side a digital element embedded in the drawing plays a looped presentation of apples of all sorts and varieties. The piece is 21.5 in height by 33.5 inches in width and it is framed in a solid black wood frame. This drawing sells normally for $3,000 and the starting bid is $750! All proceeds go to Habitat for Humanity.

Check it out here.

The Lilith Plotting The Sin

Here's a screen shot detail of one of the apples which plays in a loop of multiple images in the small digital screen:

Artomatic has a new location for 2012

Artomatic 2012, which will open on May 18th in Crystal City, has been moved to a different building. Formerly planned for 2511 S. Clark, the new location is 1851 S. Bell Street.

“While we were working to finalize the agreement for Artomatic to use Transwestern’s Presidential Tower on S. Clark Street, Vornado/Charles E. Smith (Vornado) announced plans to replace 1851 S. Bell Street with a signature new building that will be readdressed as 1900 Crystal Drive. Before the building is torn down, Vornado offered to house Artomatic in 1851 S. Bell Street,” said Angela Fox, President/CEO of the Crystal City Business Improvement District (BID).

"This presented an amazing opportunity to showcase the transformation of Crystal City. On behalf of Artomatic and the Crystal City BID, I would like to thank Mitchell Schear, President of Vornado/Charles E. Smith and his entire team. We would also like to extend our gratitude to the team at Transwestern, and are excited to work with them on another project in the near future.”

The new location is about 50,000 square feet larger and just one block from the Crystal City Metro Station, with plenty of parking and great restaurants nearby. Artomatic will transform this space into a vibrant arts community opening on May 18, 2012. The event is free and open to the public.

50,000 square feet of artistic energy creating vortexes all over the DMV - the traditional critics hate it and the rest of the world loves it (and needs it!).

Go Pink!

Opportunity for DC area artists

Deadline: April 19, 2012

The Capitol Hill ART League presents its Third Annual Metro DC open juried exhibition: It’s a Wonderful World?

All artists, 18 years of age or older residing in the Washington, DC metropolitan area are eligible to enter.

Deadline for submissions is Thursday April 19, 2012.

The Capitol Hill ART League (CHAL) is a program of the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop. Located in the historic Capitol Hill neighborhood in Washington, DC, CHAL is composed of approximately 100 artists. Each season CHAL mounts a series of seven juried exhibitions and conducts gallery talks at the openings; CHAL hosts lectures on a variety of art related topics, offers workshops, and strives to develop a supportive artistic community. The greater Washington community is encouraged to participate in all of these events.

JUROR: I am honored to return as this year's juror.

ENTRY: Selections for the show will be made by the judge from JPEG images submitted by the artists. All work must be original and signed by the artist. Any work previously shown at a Capitol Hill ART League juried show is ineligible. All work must have been created within the last three years.

ENTRY FEES: Up to 3 entries may be submitted for a non-refundable fee of $15 for current Capitol Hill Art League members or $30 for the community at large (non members). Up to two additional entries may be submitted at $5 each. Artists submitting 3-dimensional work may provide two images of each piece.

AWARDS: Awards will be decided by the judge and will include cash awards for ‘Best in Show’, and ‘Merit’ awards. Two Honorable mentions will be awarded. All awards will be presented at the opening reception with the judge’s talk on Saturday, May 12, 2011 from 5:00-7:00 PM.

SALES: A 30% commission will be deducted from CHAL members’ exhibition sales and 35% commission on all non-member exhibition sales. All work must be for sale and the price submitted on the registration form will be the price presented at the time of the show for accepted work.

Exhibition Calendar:
April 19, 2012 - deadline for entries
April 30, 2012 - Notification sent to accepted Artists
May 4-9, 2012 - Art delivery dates
May 12, 2012 - Artists’ Reception and Awards, Presentation (5:00 - 7:00 pm)
June 1, 2012 - Exhibition closes
June 2-6, 2012 - Pick up artwork

Contact info: Prospectus at:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Start bidding!

Habitat for Humanity Charity Auction at artnet: Start bidding online here


On Thursday, February 9, the Friends of the Torpedo Factory Art Center named my good friend Susan Makara, their 2012 Artist of the Year. Laurie Fields was named runner-up.

Susan MakaraIn selecting Ms. Makara, Juror William Schran, Assistant Dean of Fine Arts at Northern Virginia Community College, said, “Susan demonstrates a command of the medium with powerful imagery that speaks to the viewer, yet presents a sense of mystery. There is a haunting dream-like quality with the figures, all hidden behind masks. Behind the mask, who is looking at whom?”

Ms. Makara’s entry is entitled “Masks.” The series includes 15 works, ten paintings and five sketches. In Ms. Makara’s words, “Masks showcases my strongest and most fantastical work to date. The ideas for the series come from my imagination, visible only in my minds’ eye until I paint them. We all wear masks. Our true feelings and thoughts are not always revealed for others to see. Sometimes we hide the person within.

Susan Makara holds a BFA from Virginia Commonwealth University. She served as assistant art director at a Model Secondary School for the Deaf in Washington, DC and as art director for the PBS series “Powerhouse.” Her work can be found in the School of Art Museum in Buenos Aires, at the U.S. State Department, in the homes of James Brady and Barbara Bush, and at the Garden Court in Jordan’s Royal Palace.

Ms. Makara’s winning works will be exhibited in the Target Gallery from July 1 to July 29, 2012. A reception will be held in her honor on July 12 in the Target Gallery, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. The event will be open to the public.