Tuesday, June 12, 2012

57th Annual Boardwalk Art Show

http://www.zapplication.org/fair_logos/1755.jpegIn 1952, a small group of artists presented an outdoor art show at the Virginia Beach boardwalk, with the proceeds benefiting a fellow artist who had fallen ill. Those artists later formed an organization which is today the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA). In 1956, the first official Boardwalk Art Show was held. Top prize was $25 and 104 artists participated. Today, Best in show wins $10,000 and the Boardwalk show is ranked as on of the top 100 outdoor art shows in the country.

57th Annual Boardwalk Art Show presented by SunTrust.

Date: June 14-17, 2012

Location on Virginia Beach Boardwalk: 20th Street to 32nd Street
Show Hours: 10-6pm, Sunday 10-5pm
2012 Artist Listing - Click here

See ya there! I'll be in the booth around 31st Street.

Monday, June 11, 2012

When They Were Kids

Elyse Harrison has 37 great interviews of AOM artists; she writes:
With Artomatic 2012 fast approaching, I decided to do a special edition of “When They Were Kids: Artists Talk About Their Childhoods”.  Those of us familiar with Artomatic know that wandering through the endless maze of art installations can easily numb you, but in a weirdly amusing way. This time with camera and voice recorder in hand I was ready to plunge into the swarm and see who I could find to answer this question:
Think back to your childhood, somewhere between the ages of around 5-10 years old. Is there a memory you would describe as a moment that informed you of your own creativity?
Check them out here.

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: August 31, 2012 by 6PM

Hillyer Art Space is currently looking for local DC Metro area artists and international artists to submit work for solo shows for the 2013-2014 exhibiition year.
Proposals must include the following materials:
  • Minimum of 5 images with a Maximum of 10 submitted on a disc or by email as a high resolution JPEG* (please save each of the images with their corresponding title—minimum resolution accepted is 1920x1080 pixels)
  • A complete checklist of works containing the title, year, medium, and dimension of each work
  • Resume including address, email, phone number, education, and any previous exhibitions (with clear indications whether it was solo or group)
  • Artist statement or exhibition narrative not to exceed one page
  • *Minimum accepted resolution on images is 1920x 1080 pixels.
Submissions Due August 31, 2012 by 6:00pm
  • DC Metro area artists cannot have had a solo show within the past three years
  • International artists have no restrictions on exhbition history but must be currently living abroad
Artists may deliver proposal materials via mail or email. If mailed, please provide a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like your materials returned.
Mail Submissions to:
Hillyer Art Space
attn: Samantha May
9 Hillyer Court NW
Washington DC 2008
Or Email them to:

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Heard on Univision

Univision's Al Punto program just ended, and newscaster Jorge Ramos is pissed at the Obama campaign as they have apparently used his image in a recent commercial aimed at Hispanics. Ramos made it clear that this was done without his permission and that as "an objective newscaster" he wasn't endorsing either candidate.

Update: Apparently Ramos has been repeating this issue since he first became aware of it - first time was on Thursday: His statement:  “I want to be clear that I reject the use of my image and that of Univision in any electoral campaign. We want to make a public statement about our disagreement [with the use of the images].”

Saturday, June 09, 2012

"Down With Assad, Down With Castro"

Amazing video of Syrian demonstrators with signs reading "Down with Assad, Down with Castro" and showing their solidarity with Cuba's pro-democracy movement.

Friday, June 08, 2012

Opportunities for Artists

Call for Entries

WPA logo
AMA | Art Musem of the Americas   

Curated by Raquel de Anda
Organized by Washington Project for the Arts in partnership with AMA | Art Museum of the Americas

Exhibition Location: Art Museum of the Americas, 201 18th St., NW, Washington, DC
Exhibition Dates: October 25, 2012 - February 24, 2013
Submission Deadline: Monday, June 25, 5pm
Submit Online 
Washington Project for the Arts and Art Museum of the Americas seek submissions from artists based in the DC region (DC, MD, VA) for The Ripple Effect, a multidisciplinary exhibition that will offer a sampling of social practice and collaborative works produced within the United States and Latin America. The exhibition positions artists as architects of change building creative entry points into conversations on broad social issues while providing both poetic and concrete solutions. Through various forms, The Ripple Effect will critique, explore, and create a space for conversations on new possibilities of place and society.

In line with the focus of the exhibition, the call seeks projects and artworks that engage viewers as direct participants, address pressing social issues, and blur the boundary between artistic practice and social engagement. The works in this exhibition will exemplify how socially engaged art can be ambitious, innovative, humorous, and self-reflexive. The Ripple Effect thus seeks to explore new and fresh cultural landscapes through social experimentations that alter the environment, if only momentarily, as the viewer moves into the position of an engaged and active participant.  
Submissions may be for existing work or proposals for new projects to take place before or during the exhibition. Selected artists will receive a $400 honorarium. Artists should complete the online submission form. Please contact Blair Murphy, WPA Program Director, at bmurphy@wpadc.org with any questions regarding the submissions process or exhibition.

Requested submission materials include:
  • CV (no more than 2 pages, required)
  • Statement describing the proposed project/ piece (no more than 300 words). Statement should describe the project or piece and, for projects that take place in locations outside the museum, explain how the project or work would be represented in the gallery space, note the proposed location, and discuss if a permit would be required.
  • Up to ten images, sketches, or videos representing proposed work.
  • OPTIONAl: Brief description of a past project or work created in the public realm. (no more than 100 words)
Images should be submitted as .jpg files, 72dpi and no larger than 7" on the longest side. Video clips should be submitted as links to video on a video-sharing website (Vimeo, YouTube, Soundcloud etc.) or personal website. Videos should not exceed 3 minutes in length. Videos should not be submitted as files that must be downloaded in order to be played. CV and statement should be submitted as .doc or .pdf files. 

Submission Deadline:
Monday, June 25, 2012, 5pm
Notification of selected artists: Mid-July, 2012
Installation: October 16 - 19, 2012
Exhibition Opening: Thursday, October 25, 2012
Final Date of Exhibition: Sunday, February 24, 2013

Raquel de Anda is an independent curator and cultural producer based in New York City whose curatorial approach is influenced by both social and public practice. Formerly Associate Curator at GalerĂ­a de la Raza, a contemporary Latino arts organization in San Francisco, de Anda creatively incorporates the strengths of diverse groups into the discourse of various artistic and pedagogic arenas. From exhibitions to public art interventions, online forums and panel discussions, de Anda creates collaboration-based programming that cross-pollinates ideas and connects contemporary art to local community. Originally from Laredo, TX, Raquel received her BFA from Middlebury College.

Recent events and exhibitions include Roots and Re-visions, a project of the Prospect.1 Biennial Education Department, New Orleans, LA; Strategies for the Shift, a series of panel discussions and films examining the political shift in Latin America via the critical lens of alternative artist led projects, San Francisco, CA; ChicaChic, an exhibition of contemporary Chicana artists, San Francisco, CA; The Persistence of 'Home', an oral history based, public art project for Roots Fest 2011, Baltimore, MD; Question Bridge: Black Males, a collaborative, trans-media program; and ReMuseum, Floating Lab Collective's project for DCCAH's 5 x 5 public art program. Raquel has also juried several panels for organizations including The San Francisco Arts Commission and The National Performance Network.


AMA | Art Museum of the Americas of the Organization of American States (OAS) believes that the arts are transformative for people and their com­munities. The Museum strives to provide a forum for expression, dialogue and learning, promoting local and hemispheric cultural ex­change on issues related to development, human rights, justice and freedom of expression, all of which are core values of the OAS. This way, AMA is becoming a meeting place for living, cross-disciplinary partnerships that promote creativ­ity and the exchange of ideas. The museum's cutting edge exhibit programming showcases talented artists that skillfully balance art with social and political issues while at the same time reflecting the rich diversity and trends of artistic expression found in the Americas. For more information, http://museum.oas.org  

Washington Project for the Arts (WPA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide the essential resources to support the creative spirit and success of regional artists. WPA presents contemporary art through imaginative and provocative programs, and connects artists with the community in both traditional and unexpected ways. Since its founding in 1975 by Alice Denney, WPA has showcased the works of thousands of artists and has reached hundreds of thousands of visitors and viewers with its programs and projects. Today WPA stands as the oldest and largest 501(c)(3) artist membership organization in the region and the premier source for excellence in contemporary art. For more information about WPA and its programming, visit www.wpadc.org.

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: August 31, 2012

Howard County Arts Council/Howard County Center for the Arts is currently seeking proposals from artists for Art Maryland 2012, a biennial multi-media juried exhibit. The juror for Art Maryland 2012 is Philippa Hughes, Founder and Chief Contrarian of The Pink Line Project. A minimum of $1,000 will be awarded by the juror.

Entry is open to all artists 18 years or older, residing in Maryland or within a 100-mile radius of Ellicott City, MD. Deadline for entry is August 31. For complete details, http://hocoarts.org/exhibits.php