Tuesday, July 03, 2012

La Cerca

Fence damage from Derechogeddon 2012
In Spanish, fence is cerca, which oddly enough is the same word for "near."

A big chunk of our back fence was wiped out by a large tree branch which fell during Derechogeddon 2012 and darn nearly took out the entire section of the fence.


Monday, July 02, 2012


Hole on the roof of Campello house from Derechogeddon 2012
You are looking at the hole on our roof caused by the fact that Derechogeddon 2012 broke off the top of our neighbor's tree, which then fell on our roof, poked this hole, then rolled off, taking out the gutter in the process, and now lays in our backyard awaiting the insurance man to come over and see what happens next.

Still no power in the house or neighborhood.

The Spanish word for hole is hoyo (pronounced o-yo).


Sunday, July 01, 2012

Derechogeddon 2012

Derechoggedon 2012
Derechogeddon 2012 devastated our backyard, from what pics the neighbors have sent us... no power and no water and no Campellos... a visiting friend staying at the house is now holding up the fort.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Born today...

Peter Paul Rubens, Flemish painter is 435 years old today... and King Henry VIII of England was also born on this day.

But neither one of them can stand up to the genius of Mel Brooks, who was born on this day in 1926.

Mazl-tov! It's good to be the King!

Sister Mary Malbec

Sister Mary Malbec, a drawing of a nun by F. Lennox Campello 2012
Sister Mary Malbec, 10x4.5 inches, charcoal and conte on paper