Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fake Painting

Viktor Vekselberg, one of the world’s richest men, paid £1.7 million for Odalisque, a nude said to be the work of Russian artist Boris Kustodiev.

The price was 10 times the pre-sale estimate and represented the “pure absurdity” of the art market, the court heard.

Soon after the purchase in 2005, experts working for Mr Vekselberg’s arts fund, Aurora, began to cast doubt on the picture’s authenticity. They claimed that Kustodiev’s signature, dated 1919, was done in an aluminium-based pigment not available until after the artist’s death in 1927.
Read the whole story here.

Callanish Stone Circle

Callanish Stone Circle by F. Lennox Campello, c. 1998
Callanish Stone Circle (Clachan Chalanais), Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland
My favorite stone circle on the planet - even more spectacular than Stonehenge and a lot harder to get to... I took a million photos from all angles and have done about 100 drawings as well, like the one below... sort of.

"Cross Stitch" or Claire Beauchamp at the stone circle
"Cross Stitch" or "Claire Beauchamp at the stone circle"
 c. 1991, charcoal and conte on paper 

The above 1991 drawing was done after I read a book titled "Cross Stitch" by Diana Gabaldon,  which is about time travel and stone circles.  At the time those were (and still are) two of my fave subjects! The circle is made up of a couple if real stone circles in Scotland,  heavily influenced by Callanish.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Olympic Update: The Koreas battle!

You'll never see this sort of Olympic coverage in the mainstream media:

Good news for the weirdo who runs the starving Communist Workers' Paradise of North Korea: You guys have won 4 medals as of today - including 3 golds! Those winners have it "made for life now" (or DPRK's life expectancy of 68 years)...

Bad News: The Democratic economic powerhouse to your South has won six! And their life expectancy is 80 years! And they don't threaten their athletes if they don't win... Go ROK!

Oh No!

Heads will roll!

PS - Japan has 11 the hard way... China doesn't count because we all know they cheat with junk they inject into their athletes' bodies (like East Germany and the old USSR did for decades) but we won't figure out how they do it for another two decades...

Art Scam Ripoff Alert

This email address and this email is a rip off seeking to part artists from their artwork:
From: Vincent Kube <vincentkube@yahoo.dk>
Date: Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 7:03 PM
Subject: Art purchase inquiry
Good Afternoon,
           I hope you having a wonderful day?,i was able to see your work of art from your website and i must say that your work is fascinating and vivacious,it shows that you took your time to perfect its creation. I am a resident of Copenhagen, Denmark and am interested in owning some of your work to decorate my living room and office to elevate my lifestyle, unfortunately ilost the link to your website. I will be pleased if you can  send me the link to your website so that i can select the one's had like to purchasefrom you. i await your response.

More Scottish watercolors

You can probably tell that I've got a new gizmo that scans slides (remember slides) as digital files at the push of a button. Subsequently, I've begun the process to scan the thousands of slides that I have accumulated over the years.

The story so far: I lived in Scotland from 1989-1992 and while I was there, I was seduced by that ancient land and produced a lot of artwork focused on all the Scottish visual offerings around me.

Below are some watercolors (and one charcoal drawing) of some the birds which seemed to be constantly flying in formation all year round (especially the Canada geese). Most of these watercolors were rather large (30 x 40 inches) and all of them are in Scottish or American private collections, and a few have even shown up in British auction houses since they were done over 20 years ago.

Canada Geese, Brechin Skies, Scotland - Watercolor by F. Lennox Campello, c. 1989
Canada Geese, Brechin Skies, Angus, Scotland
Birds in Flight Formation, Edzell Skies, Scotland - Watercolor by F. Lennox Campello, c. 1990
Flight Formation, Edzell Skies, Angus, Scotland
Birds in Flight Formation, Fettercairn Skies, Scotland - Watercolor by F. Lennox Campello, c. 1991
Flight Formation, Fettercairn Skies, Angus, Scotland
Seagulls Following the Plow, Edzell Skies, Scotland - Watercolor by F. Lennox Campello, c. 1989
When the farmers plowed the field, 100s of seagulls would fly from the North Sea and hover over the fields looking for insects to eat; as soon as the farmer was out of the way, they would land and start the buffet
Canada Geese, Montrose, Scotland - Charcoal by F. Lennox Campello, c. 1989
Canada Geese, Montrose, Scotland, Charcoal and Conte, c. 1991

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Elvis and Buster

Elvis Presley and Buster Keaton Dressed as Nuns, by F. Lennox Campello
"Elvis Presley and Buster Keaton Dressed as Nuns" Charcoal and Conte on Paper, c. 1995 by F. Lennox Campello

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Edzell Arch

Queen Victoria, on her way to the Highlands, used to travel through the tiny Scottish village of Edzell, in the Angus region of Scotland. Thus, the locals built an arch to honor their English queen.

From 1989-1992, I lived a few minutes from the village of Edzell, and the arch was a much visited subject of my drawings back then. Below are some examples of those works from those years. These are all in multiple collections in Scotland and the US.

Edzell Arch, Edzell, Angus, Scotland - Charcoal by F. Lennox Campello, 1989
Edzell Arch, Edzell, Angus, Scotland - as seen from the village - c. 1989
Edzell Arch, Edzell, Angus, Scotland - Charcoal by F. Lennox Campello, 1990
Edzell Arch, Edzell, Angus, Scotland - as seen from the village - c. 1990
Edzell Arch, Edzell, Angus, Scotland - Charcoal by F. Lennox Campello, 1991
Edzell Arch, Edzell, Angus, Scotland - as seen from the Edzell to Fettercairn Road - c. 1991