Friday, September 28, 2012

For PG County Artists

Call for Entries
Under The Influence:
The 24th Annual Prince George's County Juried Exhibition
Arts/Harmony Hall Regional Center
10701 Livingston Rd.
Fort Washington, MD 20744
Under The Influence
is a juried exhibition of works that show all kinds of influences, including, but not limited, historic, aesthetic and cultural. The exhibition is sponsored by The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), Department of Parks and Recreation, Prince George's County, Arts and Cultural Heritage Division. The exhibition will be on display from November 5 through December 28, 2012.

Mr. F. Lennox Campello is an internationally accomplished artist, author, published art critic, teacher and one of the internet's leading art bloggers. His local, national and international knowledge of and experience with the pulse of the art scene is an invaluable contribution to this year's juried exhibition.
Exhibition Dates:
November 5 - December 28, 2012
Public Reception:
Saturday, November 17, 3-5pm
Artist Talk and Refreshments:
Saturday, November 24, 12noon-2pm 
Eligibility & Submission Criteria
This call for entries is open to all artists 18 years and older who live, work, attend school or have studios in Prince George's County, MD. Artists may submit a maximum of 3 artworks for consideration. All works must be original (no reproductions). Proposals for installations or performance works should include sample images, video or audio of the type of work being proposed as well as a brief description of the proposed art work.  

What to Send
  • A CD/DVD containing images and/or segments of audio/video, each no longer than five minutes in duration.
  • A bio, artist statement with contact info and a list of the works submitted with titles, media, and dimensions in MS Word.
  • If you would like your materials returned, please include a SASE.
Where to Send It
Materials can be submitted by mail or delivered in person to the arts office at Arts/Harmony Hall Regional Center, 10701 Livingston Rd., Fort Washington, MD 20744 or emailed to:
Submission Deadline:
Monday, October 1, 2012
All submissions, in the form of digital images, must be received by 5pm on Monday, October 1.
Notification of selected works:
Friday, October 12, 2012
All selected artists will be notified via email
Delivery of artwork to AHHRC:
Friday, October 26, 9am-5pm
All artists are responsible for the delivery of their artwork to AHHRC
Exhibition closes:
Friday, December 28
Artwork pick-up:
Wednesday, January 2, 9am-5pm
Guidelines for Digital Files
Efforts will be made to review all submissions, regardless of format. However, please be aware that incompatible files may cause submissions to be rejected. Applicants are encouraged to format files as described below.
  • Name each file according to the following format: "last name" underscore "document". Example: jones_statement.pdf.
  • Please number each image file corresponding to the work sample list. Example: 01_jones_untitled.jpg
  • Image files should not be larger than 1MB, and should be formatted as jpeg, tiff or png.
  • Video and audio submissions may be submitted as a DVD or on a CD and formatted as Quicktime, Windows Media, .wave or .mpeg.

Purchase Awards
On the recommendation of the juror, the Arts and Cultural Heritage Division will purchase select works of art for the inclusion in the Parks and Recreation art collection.

Delivery & Installation
Artists are responsible for transporting work to and from the gallery. Art work must be delivered ready to hang and appropriately presented. For works that require projection, sound or other electronic equipment, those materials must be provided by the artist. Art works that differ significantly from the images submitted for judging, or are not ready for gallery installation, may be rejected. If you need to ship the work, please call us to let us know what arrangements you have made. The exhibition will be installed and dismantled by M-NCPPC staff unless the nature of the work requires special assistance. All work accepted for exhibition will remain for the duration of the exhibition.

Sales & Insurance
The M-NCPPC will retain a 25% commission on all art works sold during the exhibition. The M-NCPPC will insure all consigned artwork in the custody of Arts/Harmony Hall for 75% of it's sale value, from the time they are received by delivery, until the pick up date only.

Additional Information
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact: Stuart Diekmeyer, Assistant Director, Arts/Harmony Hall Regional Center, 10701 Livingston Rd., Fort Washington, MD 20744 or email Participation implies agreement with all aforementioned conditions.

Ai Weiwei heading to jail

Ai Weiwei, who has a show opening at the Hirshhorn Museum next week, has been arrested (again) in the People's Workers' Paradise of China and this time it seems like the ChiComms are learning a trick or two from our own IRS.

Read about it here.

WPA Artists' Registry

FINAL DEADLINE: October 12, 2012, 5:00pm

Published bi-annually, this four-color, 8½ x 5½ inch directory is the definitive listing of established and emerging contemporary artists throughout the Washington region. It is widely used by galleries, curators, art consultants, and art patrons. Copies are distributed to selected art critics and other members of the press, and to museums both within and outside of the region. The 2013 - 2014 Artist Directory will be published in the spring of 2013, and will be available for sale on the WPA website and at select area retail locations at the price of $9.95.

Each participating artist will be featured on a full page (8½ x ½ inches). The page will include the artist's name, a color digital image of their work, their studio address and phone number, email address, web address, categories to describe their work and studio practice, and their gallery affiliation.

All current WPA members are eligible for publication in the Artist Directory. There is an additional participation fee that includes a copy of the Artist Directory.  The registration fee increases to $75. The final registration deadline is October 12, 2012. No submissions will be accepted after this date. 

Registration for the 2013 - 2014 Artist Directory will be handled exclusively through WPA's website.

Each participating artist can upload one image to be featured on their page. Images must be submitted as .eps or .tif files in CMYK format. They must be 300dpi and as close as possible to, but no smaller than 6 inches on the longest side. If you have any questions regarding the 2013 - 2014 Artist Directory or any issues with registration, please contact Christopher Cunetto, Membership Manager, at or 202-234-7103 x 2.

Little Dude likes to measure things

Anderson Lennox Campello (a.k.a. Little Junes, a.k.a. Anderdingus) measuring something in my studio

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Art Scam Alert

The asshole using the name Laura, and who uses the email is an art scammer; stay away from this mutant who tries to steal artwork from artists.

Last Resort

Being an old Navy guy, I watched ABC's new Navy-focused series Last Resort...

The problem in watching TV or movies with me is that whenever I am watching a show or movie with Navy characters, as a good Virgo, I am looking for something that TV or Hollywood can never achieve: true depiction of their naval subject.

Last Resort was an ass-kicking action show from the beginning and in spite of its rather unlikely plot, it moved well and kept my attention and I am looking forward to the next show.

There were (as usual) loads of HUGE naval errors that will have old and current Navy guys shaking our heads and saying "Why won't these fuckers hire a Naval advisor?" - I won't go all pedantic on you and start listing them, but someone should discuss with the producers of this show about the capabilities of the Tomahawk missile to start...

But of all the services, the Navy is the most traditional and a lot of Navy routines revolve around tradition and this show (like all Navy-centric TV shows that I've ever seen) display such a spectacular lack of awareness of simple Navy traditions and things that Virgos like me end with a bloody lip (from biting it) at the end of the show.

Having said that (I hate that "having said that" saying), I think that this is a damned good show and I am looking forward to seeing it and finding more technical Navy shit wrong with the show.


Check out this very young and talented High School artist passion and joy at being selected (by yours truly) for a very competitive national level fine arts competition at the New Wilmington Art Association in Delaware.

We can all learn from her; or better said, remember and rekindle what it was all about.