Saturday, December 22, 2012

Campello men

Anderson, Florencio and Lenny Campello, Hialeah, FL 2012
That's three generations of Campello men... Left to right: one blue-eyed, one very light grey-eyed, and one brown-eyed - how's that for throwing genetics to the wind?

Friday, December 21, 2012

World will not end without a fight!

Conan - by the amazing Frank Frazetta
Just in case you were wondering... I'm in the middle of a gigantic struggle fighting the dark side in an epic fight to save the world today!

Battle is still going on, but so far nothing is looking shimmery, like Marty McFly does every time that he's about to be eliminated from the future when he's in the past.

Struggle on!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Score one for the Mayans

Since tomorrow is the end of the world, I'm gonna be saving big bucks, because the day after tomorrow is my wife's birthday, and since tomorrow is the end of the world... do you see my logic?

Of course, no one wants the world to end, except maybe those mutant Ayatollahs in Iran, but there's that whole "present-buying" angle to work...

Hirst leaving his dealer...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

When modern art baffles

"If you've ever stared at a piece of modern art and felt you just didn't "get it," you're probably among the majority.

The Smithsonian is trying to change that. The American Art Museum has begun hosting discussions aimed at helping museum-goers grasp the meaning behind some of the museum's more enigmatic works."
Read the whole story by WTOP's Madeline Tallman here.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wake effect continues

Remember me harping about the "wake effect" of art fairs?

Review: The "wake effect" is akin to the wake that a ship leaves behind as it sails through the water. In artfairese, it is what happens (sales, contacts, articles, etc.) after an art fair is over.

Since Aqua ended, we've closed a deal for four 30x40 photographs by the amazing Dulce Pinzon - all to be sent to a major private collection in NYC which although "private" is open to the public.

And ballsy Cuban photog Cirenaica Moreira will be the focus of a profile article in VOGUE magazine.

And yours truly has been offered his first museum solo!


Blake Gopnik Laid Off at Newsweek

Former WaPo art critic Blake Gopnik, who escaped the sinking ship known as the WaPo's Style Section for Tina Brown's nearly submerged Newsweek, has been fired ; according to NY Magazine:
Also leaving Newsweek/The Daily Beast amid substantial layoffs is art and design critic Blake Gopnik, he confirmed to Daily Intel. Gopnik joined Tina Brown's magazine from the Washington Post in 2010, along with Robin Givhan, the first and only fashion writer to win a Pulitzer Prize. Givhan was let go in the downsizing as the company kills its print edition. "It's been a wild ride, and a strange one," Gopnik said.
Before he left, the Blakester had this great article on the coming explosion of the art market bubble... I sorta agree with him. Read that here.