Friday, August 09, 2013

Come to the talk and then stay for the party!

Tomorrow is the last day to see Tim Tate's spectacular video show at the Katzen Museum at American University

There will be a talk tomorrow, Saturday at 4pm led by yours truly discussing the meanings and importance of the installation and of Tate's work. 

I've been working with Tate since his very first solo show and been a close witness to his meteoric rise.

It is followed by a closing party from 5 to 7 - free and open to the public. 

I hope you get a chance to stop by. 

And here read Tony Harvey's review of the show.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Hate enters the picture

In the past, several times I have been at the receiving end of anger resulting from a work of art that I've created (most notably in this case), and sometimes not anger but pruddish questioning ("why are you showing nekkid pictures?")... but never hate.

Until now, and not for one of my pieces, but for Mexican photographer Dulce Pinzon's iconic works from her "Superheroes" series.

Background: Last week the second in the Washington Project for the Arts "Hothouse" exhibition opened at the Capital Skyline Hotel in Washington, DC. I curated this exhibition, which includes work by Jeannette Herrera, Andrew Wodzianski, Simon Monk, Dulce Pinzon and me. The exhibition offers five artists' contemporary interpretation of Superheroes.

BERNABE MENDEZ from the State of Guerrero works as a professional window cleaner in New York. He sends 500 dollars a month by Dulce PinzonDulce Pinzon elegantly and intelligently addresses the theme with a very famous  and widely exhibited series of works in which she depicts immigrant workers doing their routine labor dressed as Superheroes. 

The connection is solidified by the titling of the works, which identify the person, where she originally comes from, and how much money they send back to their former homeland to support their families there. For example, the image to the left is titled BERNABE MENDEZ from the State of Guerrero works as a professional window cleaner in New York. He sends 500 dollars a month.

It is a powerful and well-documented series of works, and one which I have exhibited in many fairs and curated shows around the nation.

Pinzon's works always elicit a reaction from the viewers; often it starts (especially in younger people) as a "funny" reaction as they view Superman on a bike or Spiderman cleaning windows.

Then they read the titles, immediately absorb the impact and meaning of the work, and become serious as
they understand the human angle of the work.

Regardless of how you feel about the immense illegal immigration problem that we have as a nation (and which I feel we will continue to have regardless of any legislation, as long as beautiful and rich countries such as our Southern neighbors continue to be run by corrupt and inept politicians and brutalized by powerful drug gangs, and as long as people view the USA as a place of hope and growth), the one thing that should not be a part of this issue is hate.

And yet I get an email like this:
wetbacks need to go back...just because mexico is f--ked up is no reason to break the law and drain our resources. 25% of our population pays no income or property tax yet uses our schools,roads, hospitals, police and fire services...their driving without insurance drives our rates up. and our property values down... I would give you 10 cents for this piece of crap...just saying....
don't even bother to reply...menso
 Makes my head hurt.

La Llorona

Some of the lyrics to this song will make their way to the wall on the back plane of this ongoing video drawing... the works' embedded plasma screens rotate through images of Kahlo and Rivera paintings.

 The lyrics:

Todos me dicen el negro, Llorona
Negro pero cariñoso.
Todos me dicen el negro, Llorona
Negro pero cariñoso.
Yo soy como el chile verde, Llorona
Picante pero sabroso.
Yo soy como el chile verde, Llorona
Picante pero sabroso.

Ay de mí, Llorona Llorona,
Llorona, llévame al río
Tápame con tu rebozo, Llorona
Porque me muero de frió

Si porque te quiero quieres, Llorona
Quieres que te quieres más
Si ya te he dado la vida, Llorona
¿Qué mas quieres?
¿Quieres más?

Hay! de mi llorona
Llorona de ayer y hoy
Hay! de mi llorona
Llorona de ayer y hoy

Ayer, maravilla fui llorona
Y ahora ni sombra soy
Ayer, maravilla fui llorona
Y ahora ni sombra soy

Salias del templo un dia llorona
Cuando al pasar yo te vi
Salias del templo un dia llorona
Cuando al pasar yo te vi

Hermoso huipill llevabas llorona
Que la virgen te crei
Hermoso huipill levabas llorona
Que la virgen te crei

Y aunque me cueste la vida llorona
No dejare de quererte
Y aunque me cueste la vida llorona
No dejare de quererte 

Hermoso huipil llevabas, llorona
que la virgen te creí
Ay de mi, llorona
llorona de azul celeste
y aunque la vida me cueste,
llorona no dejaré de quererte

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Professional Practices lectures and workshops

Washington Project for the Arts Presents
the 2013 - 2014 season of
Professional Practices lectures and workshops
Washington Project for the Arts has announced its 2013 - 2014 season of Professional Practices programming. Professional Practices, formerly No Artist Left Behind, is WPA's ongoing series of lectures, workshops, and classes that cover a variety professional development topics pertinent to the careers and practices of our artist members and the creative community at large. All workshops are free to WPA members, and $5.00 to non-members.  

To join WPA, click here. Reservations will begin three weeks in advance of each workshop and may be made by contacting WPA Membership Manager Christopher Cunetto at or by calling 202.234.7103 x 2. 

Intro to Self-Publishing
Date: September 10, 2013, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Location: WPA @ The Capitol Skyline Hotel, 10 I (eye) Street SW, Washington, DC 20024
Learn how to publish a variety of artist materials including professional quality zines and artist books. This talk will feature an overview of what is required from image preparation, through design, and on to printing and distribution.

Working the Room 
Date: September 19, 2013, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Location: Hickok Cole Architects, 1023 31st Street NW, Washington, DC 20007 
Discover how to manage conversations with potential clients and be a better advocate for your own work. Join Marketing and PR professional Marilynn Mendell, President of WinSpin CIC Inc., as she presents this lecture on how to network effectively and sell your art.

Intro to 3D Modeling
November 7, 2013,6:30 - 8:00pm
Location: WPA @ The Capitol Skyline Hotel, 10 I (eye) Street SW, Washington, DC 20024
Join us for this workshop covering the basics of 3D modeling programs, featuring free and open-source program SketchUp. Emphasis will be on 3D modeling program use, model creation, and preparing work files for 3D printing applications.

Event and Exhibition Management: Crash Course
January 23, 2014, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Location: WPA @ The Capitol Skyline Hotel, 10 I (eye) Street SW, Washington, DC 20024
This workshop presents a "crash course" in arts event and exhibition management best practices. From planning for the event to organizing and cataloging artwork, preparing labels and guest lists, to sending invitations and PR, this workshop covers the basics on how to successfully launch an arts event.

The "Real World": Life as an Artist After Graduation
February 13, 2014, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Location: WPA @ The Capitol Skyline Hotel, 10 I (eye) Street SW, Washington, DC 20024
In this panel discussion, geared specifically toward students, participants will discuss the myriad issues associated with life after graduating with a BFA. Issues such as beginning a career, work/life balance, and making steps forward as an emerging artist will be explored.

Creating for the Future: Part Two
April 10, 2014, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Location: WPA @ The Capitol Skyline Hotel, 10 I (eye) Street SW, Washington, DC 20024
A follow up to WPA's Estate Planning and Cataloging introductory workshop, WPA presents a more detailed lecture from Artist Estate Consultant Robin Moore, including more nitty-gritty details on the practices of estate preparation, artwork inventory, and drafting a will.

Staying Productive
May 8, 2014, 6:30 - 8:00pm
Location: WPA @ The Capitol Skyline Hotel, 10 I (eye) Street SW, Washington, DC 20024
This participatory panel discussion features several artists at different stages of their careers exploring the diverse ways in which artists meet the many challenges of life while maintaining an active studio practice.


Washington Project for the Arts (WPA) is an independent, nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization whose mission is to serve as a catalyst for contemporary art.  WPA supports artists at all stages of their careers and promotes contemporary art by presenting exhibitions, issues, and ideas that stimulate public dialogue on art and

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Bezos buys the WaPo

Jeff Bezos, whose father Miguel Bezos immigrated from Cuba at age 15 (cough, cough),  will soon be the new owner of the WaPo.

The Washington Post Co. agreed Monday to sell its flagship newspaper to founder and chief executive Jeffrey P. Bezos, ending the Graham family’s stewardship of one of America’s leading news organizations after four generations.
I wonder if, considering what we somewhat know about the nerdy genius, this means that the paper will now steer a more centrist attitude and shift a little more to the middle, and also if Bezos has any interest in improving the WaPo's dismal and embarrassing arts coverage.

Talk and party at the Katzen this Saturday

This is the last week to see Tim Tate's spectacular video show at the Katzen Museum at American University

There will be a talk this Saturday at 4pm led by yours truly discussing the meanings and importance of the installation and of Tate's work. 

It is followed by a closing party from 5 to 7 - free and open to the public. 

I hope you get a chance to stop by. 

And here read Tony Harvey's review of the show.