Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Accidental Owner of a Banksy

“Are you going to be rich?” That is the first question people ask me upon finding out that in the wee morning hours of October 17, the famed street artist Banksy painted a mural on the side of a building my family owns in East Williamsburg.

The truth is — at the end of an exhausting day filled with phone calls talking to lawyers, security companies, art experts, and reporters — I have no idea what it means. There is no rule book when one of the most famous artists in the world decides to drop his work into your life.

Details here.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Washington Redskin Potatoes

lame PETA suggested Washington logo
Not only has PETA allegedly stolen my wife's October 9th idea about renaming the Redskins... cough, cough, but they have also come up with a lame new logo... that moon rock thing doesn't even look like a redskin potato!

Some other folks have jumped in the bandwagon and designed some even lamer helmet designs... Wait till you guys see the new logo that the Kid has been working on...

And PETA, please stick to throwing red paint on models wearing furs... cough, cough.

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this mutant:
From:Karl Neil (
Sent:Fri 10/18/13 9:43 AM

How are you doing today? I am interested in purchasing some of your products, 
I would like to know if you can ship directly to Reykjavik (Iceland). 
I also want you to know my mode of payment for this order is via Credit Card. 
Do get back to me if you can ship to that destination and if you accept the 
payment type I indicated. Kindly return this email with theprice list of your products.

Friends in Motion – an exhibit by Marsha Stein

November 7 – 30:
Friends in Motion – an exhibit by Marsha Stein
Studio 21 Gallery Opening and reception on November 7 at 6pm.

You hear the music…the laughter…the shouts. You inhale the wild aromas of the food booths and flowers and feel the vibrations in the bright hot air.

For 22 years, Marsha Stein lived and painted in St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. She was widely known there for her carnival scenes—stilt walkers, in particular. The island and its people demand a looseness of form and composition that is fitting of the uninhibited joy of the street festival.

Marsha majored in art at American University after a childhood filled with artistic expression. In St. Thomas, she was drawn to realism as a way of making the sights around her come to life in a new way. Her emotion-fueled expressionism easily morphed into the carnival scenes. To add to those disciplines of reality, she turned to classical drawing, studying in Florence for six months to discover the techniques of the Italian masters.

Back in Washington, Marsha has expanded her themes and techniques. She looks to combine the disciplines of classical drawing with the looseness of the Caribbean works in her portraits and landscapes.

Gallery Hours: Thurs-Fri 5:30pm-8:00pm; Sat 12pm-4pm

Studio 21 is located on the Arts Walk at Monroe Street Market – just steps from the Brookland/CUA Metro (Red Line).

Friday, October 18, 2013

(e)merge art fair wake effect... Part II

Another nice review! 

This time from Berlin Art Link

Read it here.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The (e)merge wake effect

Kayleigh Bryant in The Examiner discusses the (e)merge art fair and has some very positive things to say about my artwork.

Read the article here.

Enormous Charm

Enormous Charm
Oil and Alkyds on Wood - 60x50 cm. 2013 by Simon Monk