Friday, November 01, 2013

The art of the fake...

Frida Kahlo, cough, cough.... click here ... then sort through some of the listings and see how many "undiscovered" Frida Kahlos you can find...

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

And the DCCAH grants go to...

This year, the DCCAH received 632 applications requesting over $18 million in funding. All eligible applications are reviewed by Advisory Review Panels, which are convened by DCCAH board members (yours truly was one of the Advisory Panel members). For FY14, the DCCAH held 20 Advisory Review Panels and enlisted the expertise of over 120 Advisory Review Panelists (I was one of them) who read, discussed, and scored each application.

The DCCAH funded a broad spectrum of innovative and exciting artists, programs, and organizations. For example, individual artists in music and visual arts, programs that teach young people, and institutions that serve residents and visitors across the city will be awarded grants this year. These grantees contribute to the District's cultural landscape that provides an economic impact of over $1.1 billion to the city.

Follow this link to see a complete list of FY14 grant recipients. Below are the key Artist Fellowship program awardees (with a lot of the usual suspects)... Congrats to all of them!

In spite of the severe financial austerity environment, DC seems to be somehow still kicking ass and taking names when it comes to sheckels and the arts...

FY14 Grant Awardees - Artist Fellowship Program

FY14 Artist Fellowship Program Awardees
Name Ward Official Amount
Abdul Ali 6 $5,000
Adam Davies 3 $10,000
Alexis Gillespie 4 $10,000
Anna Edholm Davis 4 $7,500
Anne Marchand 2 $10,000
Anu Yadav 4 $10,000
Armando Lopez-Bircann 1 $5,000
Assane Konte 5 $7,500
Ayanna Gregory 4 $10,000
Brian Settles 5 $10,000
Carmen Wong 2 $10,000
Carolyn Joyner 1 $5,000
Cecilia Cackley 6 $10,000
Christylez Bacon 1 $5,000
Dan Steinhilber 6 $10,000
Dana Burgess 3 $5,000
Dana Ellyn 2 $5,000
Daniel Flint 6 $5,000
David Keplinger 2 $10,000
Dean Kessmann 3 $10,000
Elizabeth Acevedo 6 $10,000
Ellie Walton 1 $10,000
Emiliano Ruprah 4 $5,000
Eric Gottesman 1 $5,000
Fawna Xiao 6 $5,000
Fred Joiner 6 $7,500
Gregory Ferrand 4 $10,000
Holly Bass 1 $10,000
James Byers 7 $10,000
Joey Manlapaz 6 $7,500
Jonathan Tucker 6 $10,000
Juan Gaddis 4 $5,000
Julia Bloom 3 $10,000
Karen Baker 5 $5,000
Karen Evans 5 $7,500
Karen Zacarias 1 $10,000
Kate MacDonnell 1 $10,000
Kim Roberts 1 $5,000
Krys Kornmeier 3 $5,000
Linn meyers 4 $7,500
Lisa Farrell 5 $5,000
Liz Maestri 1 $5,000
Maggie Michael 2 $7,500
Marjuan Canady 4 $5,000
Mark Parascandola 1 $10,000
Matt Sesow 1 $7,500
Matthew Mann 6 $7,500
Maureen Andary 4 $7,500
Maurice Saylor 5 $10,000
Michael Janis 5 $10,000
Michael Sirvet 2 $10,000
Michelle Herman 4 $7,500
Mickey Terry 7 $10,000
Miya Hisaka 3 $5,000
Molly Springfield 1 $5,000
Naomi Ayala 1 $10,000
Norman Allen 4 $10,000
Paul Bishow 1 $7,500
Paul Reuther 2 $7,500
Paul Thornley 6 $7,500
Rania Hassan 5 $7,500
Regie Cabico 1 $10,000
Renee Stout 5 $7,500
Rik Freeman 7 $7,500
Ruth Forman 5 $7,500
Sam McCormally 5 $5,000
Sandra Beasley 1 $10,000
Sara Curtin 1 $7,500
Sean Hennessey 5 $7,500
Siobhan Rigg 5 $7,500
Sondra Arkin 2 $10,000
Stanley Squirewell 5 $5,000
Stephon Senegal 4 $7,500
Thomas Colohan 1 $10,000
Tim Tate 2 $7,500
Trevor Young 2 $7,500
Valerie Theberge 3 $10,000
Yi Chen 3 $10,000

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

White House blues...

Redux: It all depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is...

Cough, cough...

Lisa Montag at AU

Korda at Oregon

Chicoms and fake art...

No Chinese painting had ever fetched so much at auction, and, by the end of the year, the sale appeared to have global implications, helping China surpass the United States as the world’s biggest art and auction market.

But two years after the auction, Qi Baishi’s masterpiece is still languishing in a warehouse in Beijing. The winning bidder has refused to pay for the piece since doubts were raised about its authenticity. 
 Read the NYT story here. And chances are that if you think that you own a real Wifredo Lam, you're in the same boat... cough, cough...