Thursday, January 02, 2014


Transformations exhibition with Megan Peritore, Mary Freedman, Jackie Hoysted and 
Lisa Rosenstein in the Galleries at Takoma Park Community Center.  
Where:  Galleries at Takoma Park Community Center
7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park MD
When:  Thursday, January 9, 7-9 pm

Brutal drive

The drive home tonight was brutal in the snow with DMV drivers!

I was coming from the north, and 95 South was looking pretty grim and WMAL was hollering about how bad the beltway was, so I took 32 West to 29 South and then onto the new and super-expensive Intercounty (or whatever it is called) Connector (MD 200), which as usual, was deserted, which tonight was a good thing.

Because there was no one on it, the snow was piling up a little more and that was rather interesting, but I got off at Rockville Pike and then headed down 355 South, which was also pretty empty heading South and miserable going North... "it's all good," I'm thinking, but nonetheless fearing what may happen once I get into my own hood; after all, the Soviet Socialist Republic of Montgomery never clears, or salts my street, and some of my neighbors seem to want to drive around our hilly neighborhood whenever it starts snowing.

Not to disappoint me, the last few blocks were the most dangerous... the snow had accumulated, and there was at least one neighbor trying to make an U-turn on a snowy downhill road... Feh!

A few skids later, a few cuss words later, the old Vanster and I got home OK and safe.

I little Southern Comfort and water later, I was able to finally breathe...

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Will 2014 be the end of the Castro dictatorship?

A while back the brutal and racist Castro Brothers' regime released an unbelievable (for people who live in free societies that is) video, where it depicts the leader of The Ladies in White, Berta Soler, who is Afro-Cuban, as some sort of "ignorant gorilla" character.

The Ladies in White are a peaceful democracy movement composed of the wives, daughters, mothers and relatives of Cuban political prisoners. Many of the members of this valiant group are Afro-Cuban women.

Why is a dictatorship so afraid of a group of mostly elderly women?

Because these courageous Cuban mothers and grandmothers refuse to back down in spite of being beaten, jailed and smeared. They know that they are perhaps the seed to the end of the world's longest existing dictatorship.

This video (below)  is part of the Castro regime's heavy-handed efforts to smear and destroy courageous pro-democracy women leaders such as Berta Soler and Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez.

This racist video should be not only condemned internationally, but also adds more evidence to the disturbing racist heavy boot of the Cuban dictatorship. I call for President Obama and the Congressional Black Caucus to make the treatment of Afro-Cubans and all Cubans one of their top International Human Rights policy priorities for 2014!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hours away...

#Cuba We are hours away of commemorate a live corpse, the so called Cuban #Revolution , a zombie that was fed with ourselves
                                                      — Yoani Sanchez (@yoanifromcuba) December 31, 2013

Happy New Year's to all of youse!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Dulce Pinzon at Art Wynwood

MARIA LUISA ROMERO from the State of Puebla works in a Laundromat in Brooklyn, New York. She sends 150 dollars a week. By Dulce Pinzon - Represented by Alida Anderson Art Projects, LLC
MARIA LUISA ROMERO from the State of Puebla works in a Laundromat in Brooklyn, New York. She sends 150 dollars a week.
This and all other photos from Dulce Pinzon's historic Superheroes series will be at the Art Wynwood Art Fair in Miami this coming February.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


PBS Newshour has a very cool interview that features Sebastian Stant, the very young New York-based entrepreneur who is also the owner of Mayer Fine Arts (which represents my artwork); check it out online here.