Sunday, June 01, 2014

Pike Place Market Drawings

I was a full scholarship student at the University of Washington School of Art in Seattle between 1977-1981. While I was there, I used to sell all my art school assignments (once they were graded) at the Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle.

These sketches are a few out of dozens and dozens from my art journal and simply by age, have now become somewhat historical pieces about Seattle's wonderful market. I also used to draw these sort of drawings on the columns of the market (usually out of boredom).

I left Seattle in 1981, and while I was gone the Pike Place Market was refurbished and cleaned up. When I returned for a visit in 1992, I went to the market for a stroll. To my surprise, my drawings on the columns had been preserved and they had "painted" around them when the columns got their refurbishing coat of paint. I don't know if they are still there, but the ones below I did in my journal.

"Wino and Girl, Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979.
"Wino and Girl, Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979.
"Jewelry Craftsman, Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979
"Jewelry Craftsman, Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979.
"Market People, Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979
"Market People, Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979.
"Market People, Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979
"Market People," Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979.
"Market People, Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979
"Market People, Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979.
"Market People, Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979
"Market People, Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979.
"Market Items, Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979.
"Market Items, Pike Place Market, Seattle." 8.5 x 11 inches. Pen and Ink. 1979.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Scam Alert!

Beware of this scammer trying to rip off artists:
From: James Adam
I am making enquiry if you sell and ship internationally, 
specifically to our location here in the Bahamas.
In addition, I will appreciate if you can get back to me with your price list.
I had a look on your website already and you have a very 
good collection on there.
Looking forward to your quick response.
James Adam.

Stone Lithos from Art School

These were all done in a printmaking class at the University of Washington School of Art in 1980. The assignment was portraiture; they are all stone lithographs.

"Bogey." Stone Litho. 1980. 5x5 inches. Edition of Five.

"Marylin Monroe." Stone Litho. 1980. Edition of 5

"Ernesto Guevara de La Serna Lynch." Stone Litho. 1980. Edition of 5
"Marylin Monroe." Stone Litho. 1980. Edition of 5

Friday, May 30, 2014

Cross MacKenzie Moves

Georgetown's Cross MacKenzie Gallery has moved to1675 Wisconsin Avenue NW and they're having a Grand Opening of their new space on June 6th from 6-8pm.
"We look forward to presenting our monthly exhibitions of exceptional emerging and established, local and nationally known artists, in this new space where the architecture creates a new context for the art we present. Architect William Teass designed a working space with every amenity from moving walls to an outdoor sculpture garden. Cross MacKenzie Gallery invites the community to join us for the inaugural exhibition."
 Their program for the 2014- 2015 Season:

July - August        Mary Armstrong & Angie To - Paintings
September -          Lyn Horton Drawings & Maren Kloppman clay sculpture
October -               Carole Bolsey Paintings, Sheryl Zacharia & StacySnyder ceramics
November -           GAS "Generic Art Solutions", photography interpreting art history
December -           Contemporary French Artists, with the Embassy of France
January   -             Hyun Kyung Yoon - Ceramics after Ai Wei Wei
March -                  Patrick Bermingham, "Bridges", Engineered and non-functional
June -                    Walter McConnell and Ferrin Contemporary's Jingdezhen potters

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Small is Beautiful

Andy Warhol

I remember this litho - it was done when I was a student at the University of Washington School of Art as part of printmaking class as a portrait assignment.

Andy Warhol - Lithograph by F. Lennox Campello. Edition of 5. 4x5 inches, circa 1980
"Andy Warhol." Lithograph. Edition of 5. 4x5 inches, circa 1980

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dear Ebay: I told you so!

“Sir,” said the Ebay Support person on the phone, “We’re Ebay, and we’re pretty sure that no one can hack into our system.”

A few months ago, she was responding to my alarmed phone call, as I was pretty sure that someone was hacking into Ebay’s software and system to manipulate the online auction giant and further “hide” already hidden fake auctions designed as a smart phishing effort via Ebay’s apparent ironclad software.

As you may have read recently, a few days ago Ebay requested that all of its users change their passwords. This was as a result of a data breach in which “hackers figured out eBay employee credentials, which helped them gain access to the eBay database.”

Ebays admits now that “email addresses, phone numbers and other details were hacked.” 

But I have evidence from the recent past that hackers also potentially may have manipulated the Ebay auction software to use the auction site as a phishing vehicle.

This is how it all started, and here submitted for your consideration:

On January 27, 2014, I was sitting in Glen Echo while my son was in his music class. I was bored and surfing the net and logged onto Ebay. To my surprise I noticed almost a dozen messages in my Ebay inbox. I write “to my surprise,” because whenever I get an Ebay-generated message (either from Ebay or from an Ebay user sending the email from their Ebay account) I have a rule that automatically forwards it to my personal email account.

That’s exhibit (a) – There were multiple messages from Ebay users to my account, all dealing with the same 3-4 Ebay auctions and messages that were never forwarded to me. If I hadn’t logged onto my Ebay account, I would not have seen them... until it was too late! By the way, all auctions were about to end - they were seven day auctions and all were in day 5 or 6.

All the messages referred to the same assorted “auctions” that had been posted as if coming from my account. I have the word "auctions" in quotes because none of the auctions were mine, and also because all of them were cleverly designed to phish people out of their money. I quickly responded to all the emails warning the users that the auctions were a scam and had nothing to do with me.

The fake auctions had been created without my knowledge and had also somehow circumvented the Ebay notification system that sent an email to my account each time that a real auction lot is created under my account.

That’s exhibit (b) – Someone was able to create an Ebay listing under my account and at the same time prevented the Ebay software from notifying me that a new lot had been created.

The fake listings offered tech goods at ridiculous prices, such as Apple MacBook Pro Retina 15.4" GeForce, or a new Samsung 65" 3D Smart TV.

The hacker had cleverly inserted his email address ( into the image of the item being offered, highlighted it in yellow, and requested that interested bidders contact him directly prior to bidding. The incoming emails that were in my Ebay inbox (but not being forwarded to my regular email) were from interested bidders wanting to know why they needed to contact the person offering the lots. From reading the threads it was easy to see why…

The phishing scam artist was asking interested parties to wire him money directly, instead of bidding through the Ebay system. When users balked at this, and instead bid the “normal” way via the Ebay lot, he was then able to generate a fake Ebay email from to every single bidder, announcing to the victim that they had won the auction and requesting payment. He also offered next day UPS shipping at no additional cost.

Pretty cool uh? Dude is able to ship a 65" flat screen TV via next day UPS at no additional cost!

I immediately reported the fake auctions to Ebay, and they immediately cancelled them. Subsequently, throughout all this process, I was reporting all of these issues to Ebay via email, and receiving canned email responses from them. I then tried several times to report the issue via telephone, but each time I was assured by the Ebay telephone operator that there was no way that what I was describing could actually have taken place. They told me to change my password (Nevermind that I use really hard passwords: 16-20 mixed characters, and change them several times a year), but refused the logic of the events, or could not explain the technical reasons why these lots had all been posted without generating emails to me, or how the emails to my Ebay account had not been forwarded to me, and even more important --- and the key evidence of hacking into Ebay’s software: why these listings were not visible as my listings in MyEbay!

Exhibit (c) – The hacker was able to create listings using my account and yet they were not listed in MyEbay as my listings.

Working with some of the Ebay users who were nearly scammed, I was also able to piece together the identity of the scammer.

Name: Victor Stan Cornel
Address : Al Solidarnisci Nr. 118/2 00-140 Warsaw Poland.
Bank Name : Millenium Bank
Bank Address : ul.Stanislawa Zaryna 2A 02-593 Warszawa Poland.
IBAN : PL 16 1160 2201 0000 0002 4729 3383

I passed all this information to Ebay, who ignored it… at least as far as I know, since I never received a response from them. I also contacted Millenium Bank in Poland and advised them of the issue. They promptly replied to me and passed that they were sending my email to the “right unit of our bank” and advised me to “report it to law enforcement bodies.” And thus I reported the whole event to Interpol, since this phishing mutant apparently lives (or at least has a bank account in Poland). I also tried a dozen ways to report to Google that a phishing scheme was being run from a Gmail account; not sure if I was successful.

Every single thing that I’ve written here has been exhaustively reported to Ebay. When the first telephone operator dismissed me, I called back, got a different operator and reported it all over again from scratch. When that also failed, I did it a third time.

After that I gave up.

And then a few days ago I read about the Ebay system breach. It apparently happened a while back, but Ebay just confirmed it.

Do you think these that two issues are related?