Sunday, June 08, 2014

Want a free sculpture?

My good friend and über talented DMV area artist Joe Barbaccia is offering the below sculpture at no cost to whoever claims it first. Drop him a note...

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Pan de Guineo y Chocolate con Cascaras de Naranja

Today I needed to come up with a quick new dessert and I decided to invent something new. Yesterday I had planned to make a Cuban dessert called Dulce de Naranja en Almibar (Candied Orange Rinds) but I only had two oranges and needed the dessert to cover more servings.

So I decided to incorporate it into something new and different... I think. In Spanish, the word for banana is banana, but in Cuban dialect, especially in Eastern Cuba, it is called by the Native American word for banana: Guineo.

So I made Banana bread with chocolate and candied orange rinds... Or "Pan de Guineo con Chocolate y Cascaras de Naranja."

You need oranges with a thick rind, as that makes it easier. Then you peel the yellow, acrid outer skin... That makes a great cleaner by the way. Peel it thinly, but make sure to get rid of all of it. Then cut the orange in half and remove the insides, so all that you have left is the orange rind shell.

Put them in water in the fridge overnight, and let it soak.

The next morning, throw away the water, put the rinds in a pot and boil in water for 10-15 minutes and then throw away the water again and repeat this 3-4 times. The rinds will become somewhat transparent.

Once they are somewhat transparent, throw the water away and let them cool off. Then press them between paper towels and remove as much water as you can.

Now to make the "almibar" or syrup.

Boil 4 cups of water and 4 cups of white sugar and 2 cups of brown sugar, a few lemon rind shavings and cinnamon to taste; And yeah, you gonna have to stir constantly.

Once it has boiled for 5 minutes, add the oranges. Keep on a very low fire until the syrup really thickens and sticks to your fingers or the spoon... It will be about two hours.

At the same time make banana bread with chocolate chips... There are a million recipes out there for banana bread... It is the substrate for the candied oranges, so feel free to add any kind of sweetened bread.

Once the rinds are done, let them cool off. Pour some of the syrup over sliced banana bread and then dress it with slides of candied oranges.

Bananas, chocolate and oranges... Yummy!

Nature's Arcade

Friday, June 06, 2014

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this mutant trying to rip off artists:
From:     Roosevelt Nunn (
Sent:    Fri 6/06/14 6:52 AM
Good Day,

How is everything with you? I picked interest in your artwork and
deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I will like to know if
you have shipped internationally before and if you have a merchant
that enables you to accept Visa Card or Master Card for payment?.
Could you please respond with your recently updated website so we can
proceed from there
Best Regards
Mrs Roosevelt Nunn

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Cuban Gothic

These are my paternal grandparents: Manuel Campello Comba and Rita Alonso Marcos.

They were both immigrants to Cuba from Galicia, the ancient Celtic kingdom in Northern Spain; he was from some village up in the mountains and she was from Lugo. He was a stowaway on a Spanish ship, and arrived in Cuba with his brother (both penniless) in the 1920s. They both started out as ditch diggers, saved money, bought a cow, sold milk, bought more cows, saved more money.

They started a milk farm and lost everything in the market crash of the 1930s and then started again from scratch... by 1959 he was one of the largest milk producers in the country, and then he lost everything again, this time to the Communists of Fidel Castro's Workers Paradise... within a few years, there was no milk available to anyone in the area. 

He had 11 children with my grandmother!

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

The Catcher in the Rye

Below is "The Catcher in the Rye," a brand new charcoal and conte drawing from my "Written on The Body" series.
The Catcher in the Rye - an Homage to JD Salinger - Charcoal on Paper, 2014 by F. Lennox Campello
The Catcher in the Rye
Charcoal and Conte on Paper.
Framed to 28x24 inches. 2014 by F. Lennox Campello
In a private collection in Virginia Beach, VA

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Lumen Prize

The Lumen Prize Exhibition, the global award and tour for digitally created art, opens its call for entries 1 April 2014 and closes 30 June 2014.

There are seven prizes to be won:

The Lumen Prize Winner - £3000
The Lumen Prize Silver - £1000
The Lumen Prize Bronze - £750
The Founder's Prize - £250
People's Choice Award - £250
The Lumen Animate Award - £250 (special award for animation, in Partnership with Animate Projects)
The Creative Coding Award - £250 (special award for Creative Coding & Programming, in partnership with Artists & Algorists)

The 25 exhibition works, including the 7 prize winners, will be part of a global exhibition tour that will visit Athens, Cardiff, Amsterdam, NYC and London.

Photo-montage, photo-manipulation, iPad art, iPhoneography, creative coding, interactive installation, glitch art, HTML/CSS art, web based art, animation, moving image, digital collage, app art, digital sculpture, 3D rendering… show us what you've got.

1 entry fee costs US$40 and allows the submission of 2 works. A percentage of each entry fee goes to our partner charity Peace Direct
Go to to register.