Sunday, July 06, 2014

Alexandria Art Market

Your monthly dose of art in the heart of Del Ray.

Held on the 2nd Saturday of the month from May-October in Colasanto Park (2704 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria). 

Shop from local artists (painting, photography, pottery, jewelry, glasswork, woodworking and more) from 10-4pm, rain or shine; enjoy live music from 12-2pm. 

Musical performances by Mike Durham (8/9/2014), Janna Audey (9/13/2014), Snakehead Run (10/11/2014). Details at:

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Artists' Websites: E.E. McCollum

I really like E.E. McCollum's Cocoon Series, but check out all of the work by this DMV area talented photog in his website; he is represented by Alexandria's Multiple Exposures Gallery and has a show coming later this year.

Check out his work here.

Friday, July 04, 2014

Happy 4th!

Today I'm going to thank my parents who had the foresight, strength, and courage to escape the Castro brothers' brutalized island; leave everything behind; leave everything they knew, and raise me as an American.

I am grateful to them.

I am so proud of this nation, and so lucky to be Cuban by ancestry, but American by the grace of God.

Happy birthday USA!

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Fellowship program

The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Fellowship program is a vital source of funding for the visual arts and art history in Virginia.  VMFA is committed to supporting professional artists and art students who demonstrate exceptional creative ability in their chosen discipline and, as such has awarded nearly $5 million to Virginia’s artists since the program’s creation over 70 years ago.
The VMFA Fellowship program was established in 1940 through a generous contribution made by the late John Lee Pratt of Fredericksburg, Virginia.  Offered through VMFA Statewide, Fellowships are still largely funded through the Pratt endowment, and supplemented by annual gifts from the Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation and the J. Warwick McClintic, Jr. Scholarship Fund.  The Fellowship program has a long and established history of supporting Virginia’s artistic talent and has helped to further the careers and studies of many distinguished individuals, including recent recipients Rick Alverson of Richmond, Michelle Erickson of Hampton, and Megan Marlatt of Orange.
VMFA offers $8,000 awards to professional artists, $6,000 awards to graduate students, and $4,000 awards to undergraduate students.  Applicants may apply in the disciplines of Crafts, Drawing, Film/Video, Mixed Media, New/Emerging Media, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, and Art History (graduate students only).  All applicants must be legal residents of Virginia and student applicants must be enrolled full-time in degree-seeking programs. Applicants’ works are reviewed anonymously by distinguished jurors and awards are made based on artistic merit.  The deadline for Fellowship applications is Friday, November 7, 2014. 
We ask that you please encourage interested students and professional artists to apply. Full eligibility criteria, an application, and a printable PDF flyer can be found at

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

An old friend returns

Frida Kahlo in a Picasso Style. Oil on wood, 1980 by F. Lennox Campello
Frida Kahlo in a Picasso Style. Oil on wood, 1980 by F. Lennox Campello
In 1980, as part of a student assignment at the University of Washington School of Art in Seattle, we created multiple artworks "in the style" of masters. As part of my highly documented Fridamania, I painted the above oil of Frida Kahlo in the style of Picasso.

I honestly can't recall when it was eventually sold, but I think it was in my show at Georgetown's Fraser Gallery a decade ago, as that show chronicled what was then 27 years of my obsessive interest in Kahlo (read the Washington City Paper review here)

Anyway, this work just made an appearance, as I was contacted by the new owners, who acquired it at an auction in Florida recently!

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Strathmore Fine Artists in Residence initiative

Deadline: September 8, 2014

There is not enough that I can say to recommend The Strathmore Fine Artists in Residence initiative (Fine AIR) to all emerging artists.... I have been lucky enough to have been a mentor twice, and can therefore testify what a boost to an artist's career this program is... and it deals and teaches so many diverse areas.... there is nothing even close to it in the DMV, maybe even the nation.

It was established to help cultivate local visual arts talent by connecting established professionals in all aspects of the field with up-and-coming artists.  Emerging artists will be in residence in the Mansion at Strathmore from January – August 2015. During this time, each artist will have the opportunity to develop an audience in the DC metropolitan area, perfect their craft, create and implement an outreach, educational, or special event proposal for Strathmore’s consideration, and premiere a new body of artwork, including a collaborative piece with one’s mentor, commissioned by Strathmore in a culminating exhibition.

The exhibition of new work will take place in August of 2015 and will reflect the artistic growth of the artist in residence.  Throughout the residency artists meet with a professional artist mentor for career guidance and artistic critique; attend career development workshops; and have the opportunity to teach, lecture, volunteer, exhibit or otherwise participate in Strathmore visual arts programming. Apply here:

The Strathmore Fine Artist in Residence Program is open to all emerging visual artists.  All media accepted.
Fine AIR Program Timeline
•             September 8, 2014   Deadline for application
•             September 15 – 18, 2014  Select applicants invited to interview
•             September 29, 2014   Notification of acceptance
•             October 2014   Fine AIR contracts finalized
•             November 2014  Incoming Fine AIR class announced to the public
•             January 2015   Official start of the Fine AIR program
•             August 2015   Exhibition of new work

A Residency at Strathmore includes:
•             An exhibition of new work at the Mansion at Strathmore, Summer 2015
•             Strathmore’s consideration of an outreach, educational, or special event proposal
•             A professional artist mentor throughout the residency
•             Career Development workshops and experiences provided by Strathmore
•             A stipend of $1,000 (Studio space and housing are not available with this residency)

Artist responsibilities include:
•             Mandatory attendance at a Fine AIR welcome event, scheduled meetings with artist mentor, and career development workshops provided by Strathmore.
•             Creation of a new body of saleable work, including a collaborative piece created with one’s mentor, to debut at the 2015 Fine AIR Exhibition at the Mansion at Strathmore.
•             Creation of an outreach, educational, or other visual arts event proposal for Strathmore’s consideration for future seasons.
•             Volunteering at “Discover Strathmore” and “Strathmore Arts Festival” events and by providing an artist demonstration, pop- up of artwork for exhibition and/or sale, or related artistic presence.
•             Volunteer to teach, lecture, and/or demo for the visual art department at least once during residency.  Strathmore charges admission for these programs and all proceeds go toward supporting the Fine AIR program.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Jacobson on Sislen

Louis Jacobson over at the WCP has for years and years built a track record as one of the DMV's top art critics.

Louie The J tends to focus on photography, but every once in a while he flexes his writing muscles in other genres, and puts most of the other DMV art scribes to shame...

He's also the master of the "mini-review," a "WCP goes yard" concept that I sold the WaPo into a couple of decades ago... as a means to spread out their anemic visual arts coverage.

Read his most excellent review of Alan Sislen's show at Multiple Exposures Gallery (by now the key photography gallery in the DMV) here.